Department of State Growth


##This section cross-references Sections 160 and 175.

If any of the above sections are relevant, they should be included in the specification.

If any of the above sections are not included in the specification, all references to those sections should be struck out, ensuring that the remaining text is still coherent:

630.01 GENERAL

This section specifies requirements for the fabrication of steelwork, including materials, fabrication, welding, handling and transport to site of girders, columns and other structural members. The steelwork materials may include either steel plates, hot-rolled open steel sections, welded steel sections and structural steel hollow sections.

The section is limited to the use of steel parent material with a specified minimum yield strength not exceeding 500MPa, and applies to all work on the steel after manufacture to final size at the originating steel mill.


Australian Standards (AS), Australian/New Zealand Standards (AS/NZS), International Standards (ISO) and other documents referred to in this section are listed in Section175.


The Contractor shall nominate in the quality plan the responsibilities, names and qualifications of all personnel associated in the planning, production and inspection of all welds in the work, including welding supervisor(s), welding inspectors and non-destructive testing technicians.

The Contractor shall conduct surveillance of the fabrication and welding of structural steelwork in accordance with VicRoads Technical Bulletin TB46. This surveillance shall be carried out by a person (the Surveillance Officer) accredited for surveillance of structural steelwork to VicRoads Technical Bulletin TB46 by an organisation certified to AS/NZSISO/IEC17020.

All welding procedures shall be authorised by and welding supervised by a qualified Welding Supervisor, who is qualified in accordance with Clause4.11.1(a) of AS/NZS1554 Part1.

All welding shall be inspected by a qualified Welding Inspector who is qualified in accordance with Clause7.2 of AS/NZS1554 Part1.

All non-destructive inspections shall be performed by certified technicians who are qualified in accordance with Clause7.4 of AS/NZS1554 Part1.

Testing shall conform to the requirements of the relevant Australian Standards.


Welding shall be carried out in accordance with the safety requirements of AS/NZS1554 Part1.

Precautions shall be taken to protect all persons working or present near welding operations, including visitors and the public. Precautions include the control of exposure to arc radiation, hot metal and welding fumes as well as the prevention of electric shock and fire.

Suitable opaque welding screens shall also be provided to protect workers and other people in the vicinity of welding, against stray radiation.

Where nondestructive tests employing industrial xray plant or radioactive isotopes are used, special precautions shall be observed to ensure that people in the vicinity are not subjected to direct or scattered radiation. The relevant regulations governing the use of radioactive sources and xray plant and equipment shall be complied with.


The Contractor shall be responsible for the preparation and verification of shop drawings. Welding symbols used on drawings shall comply with AS1101.3.

Further to the requirements of Section160, the Contractor shall submit to the Superintendent two copies of ‘asconstructed’ drawings for steelwork.


The dimension of structural members shall be within the tolerances specified on the drawings. Where tolerances are not specified, tolerances shall be in accordance with the requirements of AS4100 Clause14.4 or AS5100.6 AppendixG4.


All materials shall comply with the standards and specifications shown on the drawings. All structural steel, associated components and welding consumables shall be manufactured by companies that hold quality systems certification to AS/NZSISO9001.

The Contractor shall submit to the Superintendent the steel manufacturer’s Certificate of Product Compliance and related test certificates. The test certificates shall be related to the steel by trade marks and heat number.

All steel incorporated into the steelwork shall be identified in accordance with the marking requirements as specified in AS1163, AS/NZS1594, AS/NZS3678 or AS/NZS3679. The steel shall be traced from the point of manufacture to its final location in the structure.

Steelwork shall be deemed to be non-conforming where defects or imperfections due to the manufacture of the steel become evident at any stage of fabrication. Any defects or imperfections in the steel shall be assessed against the Freedom from Defects clause in AS1163, AS/NZS1594, AS/NZS3678 or AS/NZS3679.

The Contractor shall submit details of any proposal to use weld repaired steel, including the proposed location in the structure and post-weld inspection requirements, at least five working days prior. Weld repaired steel shall include lengths of plates or sections containing welds to make up member lengths with welds not otherwise shown on the drawings. These welds shall be inspected in accordance with Table630.171. All grinding of surface imperfections and weld repairs shall produce a surface roughness similar to and blend in with the surface finish of surrounding areas. Grinding marks shall be parallel to the direction of principal stress and shall be produced using a grinding disc of grain size number 40 or finer.

HP The use of any weld repaired steel, including welding to make up member length, shall not commence until approval to proceed is given by the Superintendent.

Unidentified steel shall not be used.


All steel, whether fabricated or not, shall be stored above the ground and adequately protected against corrosion and damage.


The method of handling, transporting and erection of the steelwork shall be such that the members are not stressed or deformed beyond the design limit and that there is no damage to the protective coating during these operations.

630.10 CUTTING

Cutting of steel shall be carried out by methods that will not be detrimental to the finished product. Cutting shall be by sawing, shearing, plasma cutting, or flame cutting using machines which are mechanically guided and move at uniform speed, unless otherwise specified below. The Contractor shall perform cutting of members in accordance with work instructions for cutting. Hand-held or hand-guided cutting shall not be permitted.

Shearing or cropping shall not be used for main plates, reinforcing plates, main gussets, splice plates, rolled sections and shapes or any steel thicker than 16mm. Distortions caused by shearing shall be removed.

Plasma or flame cutting procedures for tension members shall not produce heat affected zone hardness exceeding 350HV (Vickers Hardness Number) along the cut edges, as evidenced by the Vickers hardness testing of a cutting procedure test specimen.

Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, all plates shall be finished square, straight and in plane without burrs or imperfections.

Any cut surface not incorporated in a weld shall have a surface roughness not greater than the appropriate value given in Table630.101. A cut surface to be incorporated in a weld shall comply with AS/NZS1554 Part1.

Table 630.101 Maximum Cut Surface Roughness

Application / Maximum Roughness, CLA (μm)
Normal applications, i.e. where the face and edges remain as-cut or with minor dressing / 25
(Roughness Class 3 specified in WTIA Technical Note5)
Fatigue application (detail categories as specified in AS 5100.6)
AS 5100.6 Detail Category ≥ 80 MPa / 12
(Roughness Class 2 specified in WTIA Technical Note5)
AS 5100.6 Detail Category < 80 MPa / 25
(Roughness Class 3 specified in WTIA Technical Note5)
Notes: 1 Guidance on flame cutting of steels can be obtained in WTIA Technical Note5.
2 Roughness values may be estimated by comparison with surface replicas, such as the WTIA Flame Cut Surface Replicas.
3 CLA = Centre Line Average Method
4 Flame cut surfaces may require some surface grinding to make the surfaces suitable for the application of protective coating treatments.

Cut surfaces with roughness exceeding the values in Table630.101 shall be repaired by grinding to give a value less than the specified roughness. Grinding marks shall be parallel to the direction of the cut.

Any cut steel surface having notches, gouges or other imperfections with a depth of 2mm or greater shall be repaired by welding in accordance with AS/NZS1554 Part1. Notches, gouges or other imperfections with a depth of less than 2mm shall be removed by machining or grinding, and the depression shall be tapered out smoothly for a distance of at least 75mm on both sides of the defect. Notches, gouges or other imperfections with a depth of less than 1mm on an otherwise satisfactory surface are acceptable provided that they are not closer than 20times the thickness of the component. The finished product shall be within the specified tolerances.

Where steelwork is to be given protective coating, all edges shall be ground or machined to a smooth even surface finish with a minimum radius of 2mm. Rolled edges need not be ground provided that the corners are rounded and that the edges are square and straight.

All reentrant corners shall have a radius of not less than20mm and shall be shaped to be smooth and without notches.


Cambering of members, and measurement of camber, and straightening or forming shall be performed in accordance with a work instruction, prepared and issued by the Contractor in accordance with the quality system.

HP The work instruction for cambering, straightening or forming, as appropriate shall be submitted to the Superintendent for review at least seven working days prior to commencement of these activities.

In the measurement of camber, where the member spans between supports, allowance shall be made for the deflection due to self weight. This allowance shall be calculated by an experienced structural engineer who is eligible for Corporate Membership of Engineers Australia.

The methods used to camber or straighten materials shall not reduce the properties of those materials below the minimum property values as specified in the relevant Australian Standards.

Cold forming of materials (i.e.forming at temperatures below 250°C) shall be carried out within the deformation range recommended by the steel manufacturer.

Distortion resulting from welding and fabrication may be corrected by either or a combination of, mechanical or thermal means, provided that the process used does not damage the components or restrict the intended use. The temperature of the steel shall not exceed 600°C. Forced cooling by water or other fluids shall not be used until the temperature of the steel is below 200°C.

630.12 HOLING

Round holes may be either:

(a) drilled full size; or

(b) reamed to full size after subdrilling or subpunching at least 3mm undersize; or

(c) machine flame or plasma cut to full size, and shall be pierced within the removed material.

Slotted holes may be either:

(a) machine flame or plasma cut; or

(b) formed by drilling two adjacent holes and completed by machine flame or plasma cutting.

Hand flame cutting of holes shall not be permitted.

Punching of holes to full size will not be permitted for any grade of steel. Subpunching will only be permitted in grade250 steel and only in material less than 20mm in thickness. Subpunching will not be permitted for Grade250L15 or for any higher grade of steel.

All holes shall be cylindrical and perpendicular to the face of the member. The nominal diameter of a completed hole other than a hole in a base plate shall be 2mm larger than the nominal bolt diameter for a bolt not exceeding 24mm in diameter, and not more than 3mm larger for a bolt of greater diameter.

All holes shall be located so that after the holes have been reamed or drilled, 85% of the holes in any group shall show no offset greater than 1mm between adjacent thicknesses of metal. Connecting parts shall be assembled and held securely while being drilled or reamed and shall be match-marked before separating the parts. All burrs shall be removed, including if necessary taking apart assembled parts for the removal of burrs caused by drilling and reaming.

Drifting to enlarge holes shall not be permitted.

An oversize or slotted hole shall be permitted, provided that the requirements of and limitations on use given in AS5100.6, AppendixG3.5.2 are satisfied.

630.13 WELDING

All welding shall be in accordance with AS/NZS1554 Part1. All welding of studs shall comply with AS/NZS1554 Part2.

Weld category SP of AS/NZS1554 Part1 shall apply when Part1 is applicable, unless otherwise specified on the drawings or within this specification.


Welders shall be suitably qualified to carry out the welding procedures on which they will be employed. Qualified welders shall either:

(a) have welded the test plate manufactured as part of the weld procedure qualification process; or

(b) satisfy the requirements of Clause4.11.2 of AS/NZS1554 Part1 and can produce documented evidence of having successfully and consistently produced welds in compliance with CategorySP requirements during the previous twelve months; or

(c) demonstrate compliance with CategorySP requirements by means of a weld macro test, or ultrasonic or radiographic test, for the welding procedures similar to and representative of those procedures to be used in the contract steelwork, and including any special or restrictive influences.


For the purpose of qualification, welding procedures include procedures for the welds detailed on the drawings, welds joining sub-lengths of material, field or site welding, stud shear connector welding and tack welding.

All welding procedures shall be qualified as follows:

(a) all Category SP welds, including, but not limited to, flange butt welds, T-butt welds, partial penetration welds, corner welds, field splice welds, web to flange welds and all tack welds for these joints method(d) of Clause4.2 of AS1554 Part1;

(b) all stud welding - AS/NZS1554 Part2 Section4;

(c) other welds (Category GP) Clause4.2 of AS/NZS1554 Part1.

The welding of all test pieces shall be done under the direct supervision of the Welding Supervisor, and witnessed by the Surveillance Officer.