SMIROnLine Memento
- Read this memento before first use!
1General Information
1.1Web sites
1.2User Accounts & Privileges
3Bilateral Coordination
3.1What is it?
3.3Step 1: Creation by Role A & Transfer to Role B
3.4Step 2: Processing by Role B
3.5Step 3: Multilateral Coordination
3.6Step 4: Local Submit & Local Approve by Role A
3.7Flow chart
1General Information
1.1Web sites
The SMIROnLine and SpectrumOps applications are coupled and accessible on both Internet and NSWAN, at the URLs shown below.
The reference SMIR database for NATO HQ is on the NSWAN. It contains all datasets created by users and approved by NATO HQ (SC3IB staff). The SMIR database on Internet is an extract of the reference database containing all Unclassified datasets. Data submissions for classified (NR, NC, NS) information must be done only on NSWAN. Data submissions for NU information may be done on NSWAN or Internet, and will be copied by the SC3IB on the other network.
- This synchronization does not apply to locally coordinated/approved datasets as explained in section 3).
On-line tutorials for SMIROnLine (basic, advanced and Administrator) are at your disposal on the SpectrumOps website.Note that these tutorials were prepared for SMIROnLine 1.0.0. They are currently being updated to reflect the latest changes in SMIROnLine 1.0.2 (mostly the newly introduced folders as explained in paragraph 2.3 below).
1.2User Accounts & Privileges
Both applications use the same user database on each network, so the username / password are the same to access both applications on one network. However there is no synchronization of user accounts between networks, therefore a distinct request for account must be made on each network, and the passwords are independent on each network.
SC3IB already grantedaccess to SMIROnLine to recognized NARFA personnel having a SpectrumOps account. So before requesting a new SMIROnLine account, please try if your SpectrumOps account is working. Don’t hesitate to contact SC3IB in case of doubt or problem.
SMIROnLine also defines four types of account (Reader / Editor / Local Administrator / Administrator). On the NATO HQ server, SC3IB is the only Administrator. Datasets which are “submitted” are sent to the Administrator for approval / frequency assignment. All NARFA user accounts have been granted “Local Administrator” status, so that NARFAs can “local approve” datasets for national or bilateral coordination without the intervention of SC3IB.
Roles are a new feature introduced in SMADEF 3 (did not exist in ARCADE). A Role is basically an office, and several user accounts can share the same Role. All datasets / notifications are sent within SMIROnLine from Role to Role, which therefore act as “office mailboxes”, allowing all staff within an office (NARFA, SC3IB, etc) to receive the same notifications and share the datasets in process. By default, SC3IB created one Role per nation, with serials following the model CCC::JA:SMO where CCC is the country code as in SMADEF 3 format (STANAG 1059). An overview of your national Roles and User Accounts can be requested to SC3IB in case of doubt or to fine tune the accesses.
SMIROnLine offers the possibility to create datasets using wizards, where most parameters are already defined (defaults are shown in paragraph 2.2. below). A wizard can also be used to quickly start a dataset, as the user can always switch at the last step of the wizard to the full editor mode. The full editor allows entering more information and changing the default parametersproposed in the wizards.
- The wizards should only be used for urgent requirements when the real parameters are not known. They should not be used for long-term requirements where more accurate information is preferable.
The wizards currently implemented are:
LocationPoint, Polygon
EquipmentTransmitter, Receiver, Antenna
AMS (HF, VHF 138-144, UHF),
Net Number (HQ, SATURN),
TACAN (Air/Air, Land Mobile),
Land (HF, VHF CNR (also for low-level AMS))
The table below summarizes the allotments which are to be used when requesting an assignment to SC3IB in a centrally managed pool. The associated equipment and antenna are the defaults applied in the wizards, and can be used also in full editor when the specific equipment are not known.
Wizard / Allotment / Equipment / AntennaAMS HF / NATO:HQ:AL:HF-AMS / NATO:HQ:TX:HF-AMS (2K80 J3E 200W)
Have Quick / NATO:HQ:AL:HQ2-FMT1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Each Role can define a set of folders where the datasets in-process can be temporarily stored. By default, each Role has a “Datasets” top folder; the users can create sub-folders (for example a sub-folder can be created for an exercise). Once the dataset has been approved, the master copy of the dataset is in the SMIR database and the local copy can be deleted from the folder.
- The folders are not cleaned automatically: It is the responsibility of the users to clean up their folders once the datasets have been processed. Deleting folders / datasets does not delete the master approved record.
3Bilateral Coordination
3.1What is it?
The SMIROnLine applicationallows coordinating datasets (e.g. assignments, equipment and spectrum supportability) directly between nations, without involving NATO HQ (SC3IB), by using the Transfer and Local Submit / Local Approve functions. Thisoption isuseable on both Internet and NSWAN.
- Datasets locally coordinated will not be synchronized between Internet and NSWAN by SC3IB.
The following paragraphs describe in detail the various steps of the coordination process between two nations, where the originator will be designated by Role A and the other nation with whom coordination is required will be designated by Role B. The whole process is then summarized in a flowchart in section 3.7.
The bilateral coordination of assignments is exclusively allowed for coordination of frequencies which are not managed by SC3IB and must therefore be handled by national authorities.
Note that most of the assignment wizards proposed on the NATO HQ server contain predefined references to one Allotment which reflects the NATO managed pools (HF Land, UHF AMS, etc), so they should not be used directly for bilateral coordination without removing the reference to the pool.
- In case the dataset has been created from a Wizard, open it in the full editor in order to delete the reference to the NATO Allotment under “Assignment – Serial Related Ref …”, before transfer.
3.3Step 1: Creation by Role A & Transfer to Role B
The originator (Role A) starts to create a dataset from the editor (or from a wizard, but remember the warning in section 3.2).
The originator must decide if the dataset will be visible in SMIR for everybody or only for involved nations (limited releasability). If the dataset releasability should be limited, use the releasability metadata in the top cell of the Editor to restrict it. No releasability means visible to everybody. Releasability can also use groups of nations (e.g. NATO, CCEB).
- In case of a dataset releasable only to Nations A and B, don’t forget to include your own Nation A, otherwise you will not be able to see the dataset once it is saved!
When the dataset is validated, the originator may either store it as a Draft then Transfer it from the Dataset Manager, or Transfer it directly from the Editor by using the Transfer Button.
Dataset Manager View / Editor ViewA dialog will open automatically to which Role the dataset should be transferred to.
The system will automatically send a notification to the originator (Role A) and to the recipient(Role B) that a dataset has been transferred. The status of dataset will become Waiting and the Edit Authority will be given to Role B.
3.4Step 2: Processing by Role B
The recipient (Role B) can open the transferred dataset by using the Edit button in Dataset Manager.
Enter all required information(e.g. assigned frequency) and additional information (e.g. Remarks, POC Information or national Case Numbers). After the modification, validate the dataset and save it as Draft by using the Validate and Save buttons.
- It is a good practice to insert a POC with type “Supplier” so that you can retrieve later on in the database which datasets you have coordinated.
Once the dataset is saved, go back to the Dataset Manager, select the dataset and send it back to the originator by using the “Reject or Send Back (Coordination)” button.
An automatic notification that a dataset is sent back will be send to Role A and Role B. The Status of dataset becomes “Sent back” and the Edit Authority is given back to Role A.
3.5Step 3: Multilateral Coordination
If more than one Role is involved in this process of Coordination the originatormust Edit / Save the dataset again, in order to further work on the dataset (a “Sent Back” dataset cannot be re-transferred immediately). At this occasion, the originator may enter additional Information or Remarks. After the dataset has been saved as Draft it can be transferred by using the Transfer button from the Dataset Manager to start another Bilateral Coordination with Role C (as in step 1 above).
3.6Step 4: Local Submit & Local Approve by Role A
When the coordination is finished and the Edit Authority is given back to originator, the originator must publish the dataset in the SMIR Database so that it can be seen as approved by all Roles involved.
Use the “Local Submit” button to send the dataset for approval to the Local Administrator of your Nation (the NARFA office). As soon as the dataset is approved by the Local Administrator, it is visible in the SMIR either for everybody or limited to the nations included in Releasability.
3.7Flow chart
1)Without a releasability restriction the dataset will be visible to all
2)It is necessary to open the dataset in Editor and Save it, in order to change Status from “Sent back” to “Draft”.
3)The Local Approval Process can only initiated by the originator.
4)Without recording in SMIR the dataset cannot be exported.
5)The Editor does not have the “Send Back” button.