Caseworker’s Name:______

MiTEAM Specialist’s Name:______

Month/Year of Feedback:______

Purpose:The Caseworker Self-Assessment Tool is used by MiTEAM Specialist (or other designee) and child welfare caseworkers to assess the caseworker’s perception of their comfortlevel with performing activities associated with the MiTEAM practice model.

Directions:The caseworker will complete a self-assessment on theKey Caseworker Activities under Teaming, Engagement, Assessment, and Mentoring.The caseworker will rank order their perceived performance on the target skills and make any necessary comments.

Rank order as follows:

1 = Not comfortable 2 = Somewhat comfortable 3 = Comfortable

Treats individual(s) with respect; demonstrated by 2 or more of the following:
  • Greets individual(s) by name.
  • Demonstrates appropriate body language (including eye contact).
  • Uses appropriate verbal tone.
  • Discusses worker and individual(s) roles and responsibilities.
  • Defines purpose of the interaction with individual(s).
  • Plans sufficient time to meet with individual(s), with awareness of individual(s)’s other commitments.
/ 1 2 3
Treats individual(s) with empathy; demonstrated by 2 or more of the following:
  • Asks about and communicates understanding of individual(s)’s concerns.
  • Uses clear common language.
  • Asks about and communicates understanding of individual(s)’s experience, feelings and/or nonverbal communication.
/ 1 2 3
Uses verbal responses that are consistent with body language. / 1 2 3
Acknowledges his/her authority and the disproportionate amount of power in the relationship; demonstrated by 2 or more of the following:
  • Positions in a non-confrontational posture.
  • Empowers individual(s) to share own story.
  • Uses statements that lessen power differential.
  • Conducts meeting in an environment chose by individual(s).
/ 1 2 3
Helps the individual(s) identify people who are supportive, which may include, but is not limited to:
  • Child
  • Mother or female caregiver
  • Father or male caregiver
  • Step-parent
  • Current caregiver
  • Maternal relatives
  • Paternal relatives
  • Fictive kin (persons in the community identified as important supports to family and/or child)
  • Service providers to the parents
  • Child’s teacher (if relevant)
  • Lawyer guardians ad Litem

/ 1 2 3
Addresses reasons for reluctance to including specific team members. / 1 2 3
Asks the individual(s) to identify strengths. / 1 2 3
Asks the individual(s) to identify primary needs. / 1 2 3
Asks the individual(s) about events that have been experienced that are potentially traumatic. / 1 2 3
Requests individual(s) input regarding the effectiveness of services. / 1 2 3
Asks the individual(s)how s/he can be of assistance to the family. / 1 2 3
Inquires about the individual(s)’s perspective on the child’s safety (both physical and psychological). / 1 2 3
Inquires about the individual(s)’s perspective on the child’s well-being (both physical and psychological). / 1 2 3
When developing or adjusting the plan, asks for team member’s input. / 1 2 3
Asks individual(s) their perspective on the parent’s ability to keep the child(ren)/youth safe. / 1 2 3
If child(ren)/youth is not residing with custodial parent: Asks individual(s) their perspective on the caregiver’s ability to keep the child(ren)/youth safe. / 1 2 3
If child(ren)/youth is not residing with custodial parent: Inquires about the caregiver’s perspective on the impact of traumatic events on the child. / 1 2 3
Requests individual(s) input regarding living arrangement options for the child(ren)/youth. / 1 2 3
Inquires about individual(s) perspective regarding how the living arrangement options impact child(ren)/youth connections. / 1 2 3
Assists the family navigating agency systems/processes; demonstrated by 2 or more of the following:
  • Clearly explains expectations regarding service referrals
  • Clearly explains next steps
  • Describes agency processes
  • Explains desired outcomes of case disposition
/ 1 2 3
Discusses with the family the success of the child(ren)/youth beyond case closure. / 1 2 3
Provides trauma education to the individual(s). / 1 2 3
Provides feedback to the individual(s). / 1 2 3
Asks for feedback from the individual(s). / 1 2 3

CWTI Training CASEWORKER SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOL Office of Workforce Development and Training 1|Page R.10.07.15