Contents/Index to the reports submitted to the Hon’ble Supreme Court by the Amicus Curiae on behalf of the Environment Pollution (Control and Prevention) Authority for NCR in M C Mehta vs Union of India in writ petition (civil) no 13029 of 1985
January 20, 2016
S. No / Page no1. / Report on sources of pollution in Delhi; status of action taken and further directions sought / 1-6
2. / Report on status of air pollution during winter of 2015-16 and the impact of odd-even car rationing scheme on air quality / 7-17
3. / List of previous EPCA reports filed on toxicity of diesel emissions and responses by industry and government / 18
4. / Response to the affidavits submitted by automobile companies to the EPCA report on dieselization of cars submitted to the Hon’ble Supreme Court on January 5, 2016 / 19-40
5. / Auto-fuel policy road: the urgency to advance BS IV standards and the feasibility to leapfrog to BS VI standards / 41-49
6. / Power sectors contribution to Delhi’s air pollution: the need for urgent action / 50-51
7. / Annexures
7.1 / April 1999: EPCA note providing further information for consideration of the proposed ban on registration of diesel cars in the light of the Supreme Court order of April 16, 1999 / 52-60
7.2 / July 2001: EPCA report on clean fuels, filed in response to the Hon’ble Supreme Court order dated March 26, 2001 and April 27, 2001 / 61-84
7.3 / February 2007: EPCA report no 33, Controlling pollution from the growing number of diesel cars in Delhi / 85-104
7.4 / November 2012: Note on dieselization of cars and action plan – brief summary of Supreme Court directives on toxicity of diesel and growing scientific evidence on health impacts of this fuel / 105-111
7.5 / IA No 345 of 2012: Application for direction by the Amicus Curiae / 112-118
7.6 / February 2014, EPCA Report on priority measures to reduce air pollution and protect public health / 119-140
7.7 / November 2014: EPCA Report: Advance emission standard for urgent action on air pollution in Delhi and other cities / 141-143
7.8 / December 2014: Affidavit on behalf of MoEF&CC with annexures / 144-164
7.9 / January 2015: Additional affidavit on behalf of ministry of road transport and highways / 165-168
7.10 / January 2015: Response on behalf of SIAM to the note entitled advance emission standards for urgent action on air pollution in Delhi and other cities filed in court on 28.11.2014 / 169-182
7.11 / January 2015: Additional affidavit on behalf of MoEF&CC / 183-186
7.12 / January 2015: EPCA response to the affidavit of the Ministry of Environment and Forests and Climate Change submitted on behalf of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises, Ministry of Urban Development, Ministry of Renewable Energy and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare / 187-198
8 / Reference documents (related to response on diesel emissions)
8.1 / June 12, 2012 IARC press release: Diesel engine exhaust carcinogenic / 199-202
8.2 / January 2015, Health Effects Institute, New Studies Highlight Differences Between New and Older Technology Diesel Engines / 203-204
8.3 / December 2015, Health Effects Institute, Report on the advanced collaborative emission study (ACES) / 205-227
8.4 / May 2015, Pallavi Pant, University of Massachusetts Amherst, AnuradhaShukla Central Road Research Institute, Krystal GodriPollitt, University of Massachusetts Amherst and Roy M Harrison, University of Birmingham, The PM10 fraction of road dust in the UK and India: Characterisation, source profile and oxidative potential published in The Science of the Total Environment / 228-236
8.5 / December 2, 2015, George D Thurston et al, Ischemic Heart Disease Mortality and Long Term Exposure to Source Related Components of US Fine Particle Air Pollution, published in Environment Health Perspectives / 237-276
8.6 / August 2013, Bosch press release, Overview of diesel markets from China to the US; sales boosted by the monsoon in India, banned in the Brazilian passenger segment and progressing in US / 277-280
8.7 / September 2015, Brazil is not ready for diesel cars, ICCT blogs / 281-283
8.8 / June 11, 2014, Bosch in South America: 60 years of success in Brazil / 284-287
8.9 / December 2015, Open letter to the European public and policy makers / 288-290
8.10 / September 2014, Tata Daewoo commercial vehicle co ltd and FPT industrial sign an agreement for the supply of EURO VI engines / 291
8.11 / Mahindra Ssang Yong Tivoli launched with new diesel vehicle / 292-293
8.12 / VEPT rolls out Euro VI engines / 294
8.13 / German Court orders cities to consider diesel ban / 295