In an effort to set expectations of members of the FBISTLCAAA Board of Directors responsibilities and attributes that best match the challenges facing the FBISTLCAAA as we move forward are set forth below:
Desired attributes:
• Previous Board experience (Corporate, Academic or non-profit)
• Leadership experience
• Management experience
• Government relationships
• Corporate relationships
• Negotiation experience
• Superior organizational skills and advanced computer literacy & skills
• Excellent time management/efficiency
• Media/Public relations experience
• Effective public speaking skills
• Writing and editing skills
• Media training
• Trusted nationwide reputation
1. Communicating with FBISTLCAAA members
2. Communicating with the FBINCAAA through its Regional Vice-President of the Midwest Region
3. Working directly with government and private sector leaders
4. Negotiating benefits for FBISTLCAAA members and overall organization
5. Strategic planning
6. Strategic implementation
7. Organizational management
8. Representation of FBISTLCAAA nationally to membership, government, press
9. Project management and execution
In addition to the foregoing general responsibilities, each Board Member is expected to commit to the following Annual Performance Targets by accepting a seat on the Board of Directors
1. Upon election or appointment to fill an unexpired term, Board Member must be a Lifetime Member, or become a Lifetime Member within one (1) year of election/appointment.
2. Regularly attend and participate in not less than five (5) regular Board Meetings without excused absences.
3. Volunteer your time to Chair and/or serve on a standing committee or participate in three (3) special program activities; programs such as the Continuing Education Presentations, Range Day, or other public/community events, which the organization is supporting.
4. Identify and recommend a potential candidate for each St. Louis FBI Citizens Academy and encourage their active participation and membership in the Citizens Academy Alumni Association. Criteria for recommendation: What future contributions could/will the candidate make to the organization and support the organization’s support of the FBI’s mission.
5. Contribute personal time (25 hours per year) as a volunteer toward any sanctioned FBISTLCAAA or FBINCAAAA event.
6. Contribute, or accept personal responsibility for raising, an amount equal to or exceeding $300.00 via these or other means:
a. Secure one new corporate partner to sponsor toward the Graduation or Citizens Academy meal;
b. Make a personal or business contribution toward the organization’s annual operating needs;
c. Secure in-kind services or materials equal in approximate value to benefit the organization (e.g. donation of items for silent auction, printing services, accounting services).
With the foregoing expectations contemplated, the Nominating Committee requests that each Board member who desires to be re-elected complete a Self-Evaluation Questionnaire, which gives a global look at your previous Board performance.
In order to ensure that all participants understand the expectations and commitment level required in being part of the FBISTLCAAA Board of Directors, a commitment letter has been provided for each candidate. The Candidate and his/her employer should sign this letter, or if self-employed (or self-directed), you can sign the letter. A signed letter is a requirement for being accepted as a Candidate.
Lastly, a Board of Directors Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement is included for signature. This document provides assurances that no potential conflicts exist for this Candidate to hold a position on the FBISTLCAAA Board of Directors.
Materials must be sent to the FBISTLCAAA Nomination Committee Chair, Norm Appelman, by email: . Candidates’ responses to the questions should also be emailed (in Text or Microsoft Word document format) to the Committee Chair with a subject line of “FBISTLCAAA Board Nomination”.
All submissions will be reviewed to determine that each Candidate is eligible (including FBI recertification if necessary) and the submissions are complete. The list of candidates and their responses to the six questions will be distributed to the membership by September 4, 2017.
Candidates may be contacted to be interviewed by phone by the Nomination Committee if further information is deemed necessary.
Please forward any questions about this process to Norm Appelman, Nomination Committee Chair, at .
Board of Directors
Application for Re-election to the Board of Directors
Name: ______
Phone: ______
Home Address: ______
Mailing Address: ______
Prior Board Service Dates (i.e. Month, Year to Month, Year, etc.):
______to ______
______to ______
______to ______
Note: The information provided above will be provided to FBI Public Affairs Specialist, Rebecca Wu, in order to confirm your current certification for FBI Security Purposes. Your certification must be current in order to serve as a Director for the FBISTLCAAA.
SUBMISSION: This form should be completed emailed to Norm Appelman at by 5:00 pm CST on Friday, September 1, 2017. Please include “FBISTLCAAA Board Election” in the subject line of the email.
To be completed by the Candidate’s FBI COS:
I confirm that this candidate currently meets all the certification criteria for FBI security purposes.
The next date of recertification is: ______.
Signature of FBISTLCAAA COS: ______
Printed Name FBISTLCAAA COS: ______
COS Instructions: Upon confirmation of the candidate’s certification status, this form should be emailed to by 5:00 pm CST on Friday September 1, 2017. Please include “FBISTLCAAA Board Election” in the subject line of the email.
Director’s Name: ______
Please list the following for the previous two years:
1.) Are you currently a Lifetime Member?
2.) How many regular Board Meetings did you attend?
3.)Committees upon which you serve and/or chair:
4.) Significant Committee Activities in which you participated:
5.) Significant Non-Committee Activities:
6.) Approximately how many hours of personal time did you volunteer toward any FBISTLCAAA or FBINCAAAA events, projects, or initiatives during this period?
7.) How much did you personally contribute or accept personal responsibility for raising this year, including:
a. Secure one new corporate partner to sponsor toward the Graduation or Citizens Academy meal;
b. Make a personal or business contribution toward the organization’s annual operating needs;
c. Secure in-kind services or materials equal in approximate value to benefit the organization (e.g. donation of items for silent auction, printing services, accounting services).
8.) Offices Held:
9.) Committees you volunteered to serve upon, but not yet appointed:
10.) How would you rank your overall contribution to FBISTLCAAA?
5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1Outstanding /
/ Average / Less than Average / None11.) Rate your attendance record (Board & Committee Meetings, FBISTLCAAA Events)
5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1Outstanding /
/ Average / Less than Average / Poor------
SUBMISSION: A candidate’s responses to these questions should be emailed to by 5:00 pm CST on Friday, September 1, 2017. Please include “FBISTLCAAA Board Election” in the subject line of the email.
Board Service Questionnaire
(To be completed by Re-election candidates as well as new candidates.)
Candidate Name: ______
Please limit your aggregate response to a total of 1,000 words. Responses which exceed 1,000 words will be truncated. Do not embed images or HTML links as responses will be reformatted in ASCII text for distribution.
1. Why are you making yourself available to serve on the FBISTLCAAA Board of Directors?
2. What specific skills or professional capabilities will you bring to the FBISTLCAAA and to the its Board of Directors?
3. What particular opportunity do you see as most important to the success of the FBISTLCAAA and what impact can you have on that opportunity?
4. What is the most important challenge facing the FBISTLCAAA? Facing the FBISTLCAAA Board of Directors? How would you address these challenges?
SUBMISSION: This form must be submitted with the Application for Re-election form. A candidate’s responses to these questions should be emailed to in plain text or as a Microsoft Word document by 5:00 pm CST on Friday, September 1, 2017. Please include “FBISTLCAAA Board Election” in the subject line of the email.
Candidate Name: ______
Title: ______
Company: ______
Phone: ______
E-mail: ______
For those employed by a company:
To be completed by the Nominee’s Immediate Supervisor:
I understand that being a member of the FBISTLCAAA Board of Directors is a commitment of time and potential infrequent travel.
I understand that is running for a two (2) year term as a Member of the Board of Directors pursuant to the FBISTLCAAA Bylaws.
I fully support as a member of the FBISTLCAAA Board of Directors and can provide the scheduling flexibility required for meeting attendance, occasional 30-60 minute phone conference calls and other FBISTLCAAA business that may need to be conducted during regular business hours, provided that the FBISTLCAAA business does not significantly hinder the productivity of the employee.
I further understand that FBISTLCAAA is a not-for-profit corporation that is associated with, but not part of the FBI and that ______cannot use the FBISTLCAAA, affiliation with FBISTLCAAA, or a potential position on the FBISTLCAAA Board of Directors for corporate gains or advertising.
My signature hereunder indicates only that I acknowledge receipt of this document and at the time of signing believe that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. My signature does NOT constitute nor imply any further agreement to which I or my Company is a party.
Signature of Immediate Supervisor: ______
Printed Name of Immediate Supervisor: ______
Signature of Nominee: ______
Note: This form must be updated and resubmitted to the Secretary of the Board if a member of the FBISTLCAAA Board of Directors changes employment during their term.
SUBMISSION: This form must be submitted with the Self-Evaluation Form & Board Questionnaire. Please include “FBISTLCAAA Board Election” in the subject line of the email. This completed form should be emailed to by 5 pm EDT on Friday, September 1, 2017. Please include “FBISTLCAAA Board Election” in the subject line of the email.
Candidate Name: ______
Title: ______
Company: ______
Phone: ______
E-mail: ______
For those self-employed or not subject to an immediate supervisor:
I understand that being a member of the FBISTLCAAA Board of Directors is a commitment of time and potential infrequent travel.
I understand that I am running for a two (2) year term as a Member of the Board of Directors pursuant to the FBISTLCAAA Bylaws.
As a member of the FBISTLCAAA Board of Directors I can provide the scheduling flexibility required for meeting attendance, occasional 30-60 minute phone conference calls and other FBISTLCAAA business that may need to be conducted during regular business hours, provided that the FBISTLCAAA business does not directly interfere with significant and necessary commitments pertaining to my business or company’s business.
I further understand that FBISTLCAAA is a not-for-profit corporation that is associated with, but not part of the FBI and that I cannot use the FBISTLCAAA, affiliation with FBISTLCAAA, or a potential position on the FBISTLCAAA Board of Directors for corporate gains or advertising.
My signature hereunder indicates only that I acknowledge receipt of this document and at the time of signing believe that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. My signature does NOT constitute nor imply any further agreement to which I or my Company is a party.
Signature of Candidate: ______
Printed Name of Candidate: ______
Note: This form must be updated and resubmitted to the Secretary of the Board if a member of the FBISTLCAAA Board of Directors changes employment during their term.
SUBMISSION: This form must be submitted with the Self-Evaluation Form & Board Questionnaire. Please include “FBISTLCAAA Board Election” in the subject line of the email. This completed form should be emailed to by 5 pm EDT on Friday, September 1, 2017. Please include “FBISTLCAAA Board Election” in the subject line of the email.
Conflict of Interest Policy
Annual Statement of Affirmation
Pursuant to the requirements the FBISTLCAAA Conflict of Interest Policy, each director, principal officer and member of a committee with governing board delegated powers shall annually sign a statement, which affirms such person:
a. Has received a copy of the conflicts of interest policy,
b. Has read and understands the policy,
c. Has agreed to comply with the policy, and
d. Understands the Organization is charitable and, to maintain its federal tax exemption, must engage primarily in activities that accomplish one or more of its tax-exempt purposes.
Accordingly, please answer the following questions:
1. Are you out of compliance with the FBISTLCAAA Conflict of Interest Policy? Y/N
2. Do you presently have a professional relationship[1] with any member of any FBISTLCAAA? Y/N
3. Do you presently have a professional relationship with any member of the FBISTLCAAA Board? Y/N
4. Do you presently have a professional relationship with any employee of the FBI? Y/N
5. Do you presently have a professional relationship with any employee of any government partner of the FBISTLCAAA? Y/N
6. Are you presently employed by an entity that does significant business[2] with any FBISTLCAAA? Y/N
7. Are you presently employed by an entity that does any business with the FBISTLCAAA? Y/N
8. Are you presently employed by an entity that does significant business with the FBI? Y/N
9. Are you presently employed by an entity that does significant business with any government partners of the FBISTLCAAA? Y/N
10. Are you presently employed by, or have any economic interest in, an entity that might compete with the goals and objectives of the FBISTLCAAA or its government partners? Y/N
11. Do you have any further conflicts to disclose in order to meet your obligation stated in the Bylaws or the Conflict of Interest Policy that were not already covered by one of the previous questions? Y/N
Explain and clarify any “Y” (yes) answers to the above questions. If needed, attach additional sheet(s).