701 W. 34th Street
Wilmington, DE 19802
(302) 762-7146
(302) 762-7196 fax
Student Handbook
Policies and Procedures for Success
2013 – 2014
Welcome all students to P. S. duPont Middle School!
This handbook is a guide to the policies and procedures that govern the basic operation of our building. Administrators, counselors, and teachers are available to help answer questions about this booklet and/or the topics that it addresses.
The major goal of the P.S.duPont community is academic excellence. To achieve this goal we need the commitment and involvement of our community as well as our students, staff, and parents.
The academic knowledge and cultural experience you gain at P.S. duPont will serve you well in your high school years. Make the most of your education while you are here.
The P.S. duPont Staff
Building Procedures
School Office/Attendance
Any notes for early dismissals or excused absences should be given to the attendance secretary. The attendance secretary can be contacted by email () or by phone (762-7146).
Students having an early dismissal will be given a yellow pass, from the main office that they will use in order to be excused from class.
Students must attend at least a half-day of classes to be allowed to participate in any after school activities including team sports. Students must sign in by 10:45 to be given credit for the day.
Guidance Counseling
It is necessary to schedule an appointment to visit the guidance counselor. Forms to request an appointment are available from your homeroom teacher. Parents may contact the guidance counselor by calling the main office or directly using the following numbers.
6th grade: Mary Crowley
7th grade: Tammy McDermott8th grade: Michele Alivernini
For Students:
If you become ill in school, you should get a pass from your teacher to go to the nurse who will decide what should be done. Students may not leave the building or call their parents because of illness unless given permission by the nurse or office personnel. If the nurse is not in, you should report to the office.
Nurse’s office hours: 7:30 a.m. – beginning of last class
The Nurse eats “D Lunch”.
The nurse is always open for medical emergencies and gym injuries
For Parents:
The spread of germs can cause others to get sick. If your child is sick, please keep him/her at home until he/she is no longer contagious.
Medication Policy: The school nurse may administer medication during school hours upon written request from a parent/guardian. All medication sent to school must be in its original container; this is the law. Medication must be labeled with the student’s name, medication name, dosage, date of prescription, and doctor’s name. Both prescription and nonprescription medication must be kept in the nurse’s office. Students may not carry any medication on their person. This includes Tylenol, Aspirin, inhalers, etc. If it is necessary for a child to receive prescription medication in school and you do not want to send the medication back and forth daily, ask your pharmacist to label a second container so that one may be kept at school. Most pharmacies are very understanding and cooperative.
Accidents: Every accident in the school building, on the school grounds, at practice sessions or at any athletic event sponsored by the school must be reported immediately to the person in charge and to the school nurse.
Emergency Cards: The nurse must have a signed emergency card on file to treat a student for any reason. In the event of an emergency, your child can only be released to those adults listed on the emergency card.
At the start of the lunch period, students should report to their classroom (NOT THE CAFETERIA) except for A lunch. Each teacher will escort his/her class to the cafeteria at the assigned lunch time. A duty teacher or administrator will direct each class to the appropriate location. Once all students are seated, individual tables will be directed to the serving lines.
The following expectations must be met while in the cafeteria.
1. All cafeteria staff members must be treated with respect.
2. All food items must be consumed in the cafeteria.
3. Students are to remain seated unless they raise their hand for permission to get up.
4. Passes are available from a duty teacher or administrator to leave the cafeteria.
5. Students are responsible for cleaning up after themselves. Make sure the table and floor around you are left
clean. An administrator will dismiss you when your area is clean.
Breakfast and lunch are served daily in the cafeteria.
There is a free/reduced lunch program for families who meet eligibility requirements.
Emergency Drills
Emergency drills are held monthly at unspecified times. In order to prepare for an actual emergency, students are expected to conduct themselves in a quiet, orderly manner and follow all directives. If this should occur between classes, students should continue to the class to which they were headed. It is important that students learn the correct procedure to follow in each of their classes.
After School Procedures
Only students who are working with a staff member, are participating in an activity, or are participating in a sport are permitted to stay after school. All other students are expected to leave school property promptly at dismissal and be off of the property by 3:00. Students are not allowed to leave school grounds and return to take the 4:30 bus. Bus passes from a staff member are necessary to ride the 4:30 activity bus.
The Brandywine School District Code of Conduct applies on school buses. It is important to remember that the bus drivers are in complete charge of the students on their buses and their instructions must be followed at all times. Students who get written up for misbehavior on the bus will be dealt with according to the code of conduct.
Hallway Courtesy and Hall Passes
Students are asked to follow these guidelines when passing through the halls at P.S. duPont:
Keep halls open to traffic by walking on the right.
Do not block traffic by stopping and standing in groups.
Pass through the corridors quietly and walk at all times.
Students are required to have a pass to be in the hallway during the class period. Passes will be administered through the use of the student agenda book, a written pass from the teacher, or an object serving as the teacher’s hall pass. When students are in the hallway they must have their pass visible at all times and should show it to all building staff that they pass.
It is P.S. duPont policy that only one student is permitted to leave class at a time. Students are required to sign out and sign in. Upon entering the building, students are expected to go immediately to their lockers. When students are finished at their lockers, they are to report to their assigned classroom.
School Information
Inclement Weather
If P.S. duPont must be closed or opened later than usual because of inclement weather or some other cause, it will be announced on the Brandywine School District website( as well as through our Alert-Now system. This information will also be reported on the following radio stations. DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL.
WSTW 93.7 FM
WDEL 1150 AM
Textbooks/School Property
The use of school facilities, books, supplies, and equipment is made available to each student. It is expected that students use reasonable care and return any school property in good condition. Students will be required to pay any costs resulting from the defacing of, damage to, loss of, or failure to return school property. If these requirements are not met, the school has the right to withhold transcripts, recommendations, report cards, and any other school report documents. Not returning school property could affect the continued participation in school related activities, clubs, or sports.
P.S. duPont dances begin at 7:00 p.m. and students must be picked up promptly at 9:00 p.m. All rides home from the dance must be arranged ahead of time. Students who are not picked up on time will not be permitted to attend the next dance.
P.S. duPont dances are only for P.S. duPont students. Students from other schools are not permitted to attend.
Students must remain at the dance until the end unless a student is called for by a parent or guardian.
Dance tickets will only be sold in advance. They will not be available at the door.
If a student is suspended in the 30 days prior to a dance, the student will not be permitted to attend the dance.
P.S. duPont Middle School is a PBS (Positive Behavior Support) school. We encourage and reward the behaviors we want to see students exhibit. The foundation of our PBS program at P.S. duPont is PRIDE. Students are expected to show:
Perseverance, Respect, Integrity andDemonstrate Excellencein Academics.
Students are rewarded with PRIDEtickets for displaying these appropriate behaviors in all settings at P.S. duPont. Students can exchange their PRIDE tickets for a variety of rewards. It is our goal to encourage students to practice these appropriate behaviors and incorporate them into their life beyond P.S. duPont Middle School.
Personal Property
Locks and Lockers
Students will be assigned a locker in homeroom. The locker should be used to store books, coats, and other school-related materials. It is expected that all students obtain a lock and that lockers are locked at all times. Each student must give the combination or spare key to his/her homeroom teacher. Student lockers are the property of the school and may be subjected to a search at any time.
Book bags
Once students enter the building, their book bags/back packs/string bags must be stored in their locker. The only bags that will be permitted are bags that contain ONLY clothes for Physical Education that the student needs for class that day.
Electronic Devices/Cell Phones
The school needs to be free of behavior that interferes with the general educational process. The use of cellular phones, cameras, or electronic devices such as MP3 players or IPODs is prohibited during the school day. Before entering the building, these items are to be turned off and ear buds must be removed and put away. If they are visible, they may be confiscated. If a staff member sees an electronic device out during the school day, it will be confiscated and may be picked up at the end of the school day from the main office. If the student is caught a second time, he/she may be suspended and lose the privilege of carrying electronic devices to school. P. S. duPont Middle School is not responsible for lost or stolen electronic devices including cell phones.
The use of skateboards and rollerblades on school property is strictly forbidden. Students who ride bicycles to school are required by law to wear a safety helmet if the student is 16 years old or younger.
Dress Code Policy
P.S. duPont Middle School Dress Code for 2013-2014 School Year
The Middle Schools of the Brandywine School District have established common, core components and expectations of student dress on which each individual school’s Dress Code is based. We at P.S. duPont Middle School believe that the established guidelines allow students a wide variety of clothing styles and options, while also promoting a standard of dress complementing a positive, safe, academic and effective learning environment. Student clothing should not be a distraction to the learning process and should be worn as designed. Students must adhere to the following guidelines in school and at school-sponsored events (regardless of the time of day and/or day of the year).
The P.S. duPont Dress Code Expectations for 2013/14
The following are permitted in the P.S. Dress Code:
Any color shirt with long or short sleeves, collared or collarless. Please note that low cut, sleeveless shirts, or plunging neck lines, will not be permitted.
Sweaters and sweatshirts (V-neck sweaters must have an approved shirt underneath)
Turtleneck sweaters/turtleneck shirts with sleeves
Any colored pants (patterns/stripes are permitted)
Any colored shorts, capris, skirts and dresses (The length of shorts, skirts, etc…must fall at or below the mid-thigh and maintain that length while walking)
Open-toed shoes and sandals (must have a back or strap around heel or ankle)
Blazers, denim, and other lightweight jackets
Headbands (definition provided below)
Yoga Pants, Leggings, and Tube or Tight fitting skirts must be worn under any “approved” clothing (shirts/tops) that fall at or below the top of the thigh.
Jeans of any color.
The following areNOT permitted in the P.S. Dress Code:
Pants of any kind worn or falling below the waist
Clothing with rips, holes, or tears (Even if tights or leggings are worn underneath)
Clothing with hand written texts, symbols or images drawn using magic markers
White underwear t-shirts, muscle shirts, sleeveless shirts, pajamas, and/or hoodies during school day
Any garment promoting alcohol, drugs, violent or offensive language, slogans, or graphics
Clothing items with spaghetti straps (Unless worn underneath “approved” clothing (shirt/tops) that inhibit the visibility of spaghetti straps)
Slides, flip-flops, bedroom slippers, shoes with heels higher than 2 inches
Head coverings of any kind including hats, bandanas, scarves, hairnets and sweatbands (See below)
Words printed on the backside of pants, shorts, skirts or sweatpants/yoga pants
Exposure of midriff, lower back, and/or cleavage
Undergarments or buttocks (Whether standing or sitting)
Outdoor coats and jackets (including leather jackets) are not permitted to be worn during the school day
In addition, please note the following:
Pants falling below the waistline and exposing under garments will be “cinched” (if a belt is not available) to remain at proper level.
Head coverings & electronic devices must be removed upon entering thebuilding (exception = religious beliefs).
A headbandisa clothing accessorywornin the hair,usually to hold hair away from the face or eyes. Headbands generally consist of a loop of elastic material or a horse-shoe shaped piece of flexible plastic or metal and come in assorted shapes and sizes.
Students wearing any type of clothing that is deemed by school administration to be inappropriate or offensive, will go to the U-turn Room and change into code-appropriate, school-supplied clothing (until/unless the student’s parents bring an appropriate change of clothing to school for the student).
Consequence for Dress Code Violations:
- Removable items of clothing (items that can be removed in the presence of others): Students will be asked to place the item in their locker. Repeated offenses will be reported to the school administration and handled in accordance to the Code of Student Conduct.
- Non-removable items of clothing (items that cannot be removed in the presence of others): Student will be asked to report to the U-turn roomand change into code-appropriate, school-supplied clothing (until/unless the student’s parents bring an appropriate change of clothing to school for the student). Any refusal to report or change clothing will be considered Defiance of School Authority and will be handled in accordance to the Code of Student Conduct.
The purpose and intent of the Dress Code is to assist in creating and maintaining a learning environment that is free of distraction and conducive to learning. The P.S. Dress Code is moderately relaxed and does not dictate a single color, style, or uniform, but creates boundaries and guidelines to set the tone with students that they are in school for a serious reason and purpose – to learn. It is our hope that you will actively monitor your child’s choice of attire each and every day, as a means of assisting and supporting our mission of providing the best educational opportunity for our students to learn, grow, and excel academically, socially and emotionally during the Middle School years.
Thank you in advance for your assistance in this area.
TheAdministration and Staffof P.S. duPont Middle
Sports teams will follow the dress code during the school day.
Students in violation of the dress code policy will be required to change. If the student does not have a change of clothing, a parent/guardian will be contacted to bring one to school. Students will not be permitted to attend class while in violation of the dress code.
P.S. duPont Discipline Procedures
U-Turn Room
A student may be sent to U-Turn when the student’s language, action, or behavior disrupts the learning environment, limits the effective functioning of the teacher, or poses a safety issue to others. When a student is directed to report to the U-Turn room, the student must go directly to the room and give the proctor his/her pass.
Consequences:Per marking period
1st class removal= Parent contact by Interventionist/Removal for remainder of class period
2nd visit = Parent contact by Interventionist/Assigned detention
3rd visit = Parent contact by Interventionist and administrator/detention/referral to guidance counselor
4thvisit = Parent contact by Interventionist and administrator/Saturday detention\
5th visit = Parent contact by Interventionist and administrator/parent conference/FBA/ISS
6th visit = Parent contact by Interventionist and administrator/ATS
7th visit = Parent contact by Interventionist and administrator/OSS
8th visit = Alternative Placement may be recommended
*Should a student fail to either leave the classroom or show up in the U turn room, he/she will be dealt with as “defiance of school authority.”
The expectations forvisitors in the U-TurnRoom are as follows: