Minutes to the July 13, Th 2011 St. Leo’s Parish Council Meeting Unapproved at this time
St. Leo’s Parish Council met on Wednesday July 13th, 2011 for a special Council meeting at the Father Cronin Center to meet with new Pastor Father Joe Forcelle. Members present were John Cihak Greg Schneider, Ron Zimmerman, Gary LaCompte, Scott Schuurmans, Ed Mitzel, Nick Kniffen, Bobbi Zimmerman, Marian Peschl, Dee Rothschadl, and Father Joe. Also present were Parish Secretary Dorothy Magee and Webmaster Bill Minow to take a new photo of Father and the Council. Father Joe prepared a delicious meal for the Council at 6pm. Council President John Cihak called the meeting to order at 6:45 pm and Father Joe opened with a prayer.
Old Business: The Board received a quote of $6,643.26 from Kassidy Schoenebaum for concreting a driveway along the south side of the KC room to the street. Gary motioned and Scott seconded to accept the quote. Motion carried unanimously. It is hoped this can be done before the Bazzar. Concerns again about the upcoming heating season and the price of propane. It was decided to revisit the geothermal option as a long term plan. John will check with Schmidt’s Service to book propane for the heating season. Also the Board received a quote from Dan Varilek of $1,535.00 for the bathroom partition project for both bathrooms at FCMC. The labor donated by Dan. Vote was unanimous to accept the quote.
New Business: The meeting began with a brief orientation for Father Joe about the Parish and the community of Tyndall as a whole. Father voiced his concerns about the microphone system and the ability of the congregation to hear him during the homily. After some discussion, the Board, by unanimous vote, agreed with Father that the system needs upgrading. An attachment piece could be purchased at a reasonable price to allow Father room to “roam” while he is preaching. Father also commented on his plans for a computer upgrade for the parish offices and upgrading the phone system at FCMC to include an intercom. After the meeting in the FCMC dining room, Father took the Board on a tour of the Rectory and the facilities to identify future projects, prioritize and develop plans for addressing them. Marian addressed some concerns about the cleanliness of the Rectory upon Father Joe’s arrival and Father stated that these concerns were being addressed. After the walkthrough of the facilities, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Greg Schneider, Secretary.