Use the pictures / Look for smaller words within words
c-at / Break words into syllables
e.g. cat-er-pill-ar
Sound out the word / Skip the word and read the rest of the sentence to try and work out what it says / Did the sentence you read make sense?

Decoding strategies

Week 1 Tuesday Word reading 1

© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Y1/2 Spr F1A Stories familiar settings

Humpback Whale Fact Sheet

Humpback whales are one of the most recognisable whales due to the hump on their backs. They are a grey or black colour and have white markings on their underside. Humpback whales can sing magical songs, which travel for miles under the water. They sing to communicate with others and to attract mates. They are now an endangered species.
/ Size
The average humpback whale is about the same size as a bus and can weigh around 36 tons. They have five metre long flippers to help them swim. Baby whales are called calves. The calves do not stop growing until they are ten years old.

They feed on tiny shrimp-like krill, plankton and small fish. They can eat up to a ton of food in one day.
/ Travel
Humpback whales can travel enormous distances and are powerful swimmers. They migrate seasonally and during the summer months they must feed lots to build up the strength to migrate. They can travel in pods of up to 20,000 whales.

Week 1 Tuesday Word reading 1

Humpback Whale Fact Sheet

Humpback whales have a hump on their backs. They are grey or black on top and white under. They can sing magical songs, which travel for miles under the water. They sing to call others. They are very rare and hard to spot.
/ Size
The humpback whale is about the same size as a bus and weighs 36 tons. They have long flippers to help them swim. Baby whales are called calves. The calves do not stop growing until they are ten years old.

They feed on tiny krill, plankton and small fish. They can eat up to a ton of food in one day.
/ Travel
Humpback whales can travel very far. In the winter they swim to warm waters. They can travel in pods with lots of other whales.

Humpback Whale Fact Sheet

Humpback whales have a hump on their backs. They are grey or black.

They can sing songs, which travel under the water. They have huge tails and long flippers.
/ Size
The humpback whale is the size as a bus.

Baby whales are called calves. The calves grow until they are ten years old.

They feed on krill and small fish.
They can eat up to a ton of food in one day.
/ Travel
Humpback whales can travel very far. In the winter they swim to warm waters. They travel in pods with lots of other whales.

Week 1 Wednesday Composition 1

Week 1 Wednesday Composition 1

Week 1 Wednesday Composition 1

Week 1 Wednesday Composition 1

Character Profile
Name of character:
Choose some adjectives to describe them / What do they look like?
(draw a picture)
What do they like to do?
What do they like to eat?
Where do they live?

Week 1 Friday Composition 2

Choose two characters from the story and write a conversation between them
Character 1: / Character 2:

Week 1 Friday Composition 2

My Favourite Character
Name of character:

Week 1 Friday Composition 2

Spelling List

Homophones are the same sounding words but with different meanings.

Work out the meanings of each of these words and see if you can write a sentence using them.

E.g. It was too cold to go swimming.

1.  too

2.  to

3.  two

4.  their

5.  there

6.  they’re

7.  hear

8.  here

9.  blew

10. blue

Week 2 Tuesday Transcription 2

Spelling List

Homophones are the same sounding words but with different meanings.

Work out the meanings of each of these words and see if you can think of a sentence using each one.

E.g. It was too cold to go swimming.

1.  too

2.  to

3.  two

4.  hear

5.  here

6.  blew

7. blue

Week 2 Tuesday Transcription 2

Spelling List

Homophones are the same sounding words but with different meanings.

Work out the meanings of each of these words and see if you can think of a sentence using each one.

E.g. It was too cold to go swimming.

1.  blew

2.  blue

3.  too

4.  to

5.  two

Week 2 Tuesday Transcription 2

Story Pegs for The Whales’ Song

Week 2 Wednesday Composition 3

Week 2 Wednesday Composition 3


Week 2 Tuesday Composition 3

Week 2 Tuesday Composition 3

Week 2 Tuesday Composition 3

© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Y1/2 Spr F1A Stories familiar settings

Story Planner

Week 2 Wednesday Composition 3

© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. Y1/2 Spr F1A Stories familiar settings