Name ______Period _____Date ______

Literature Essay:

Exploring Heroism in The Outsiders

“Everyday” heroes surround us: people who sacrifice themselves for the sake of another person or even an entire society. Some heroic acts are sometimes small, and sometimes momentous. The common thread is a willingness to put someone else before themselves; a courageous and selfless act.


Define heroism.

Choose two characters from The Outsiders that demonstrate heroism.

  • Describe a heroic act each character demonstrates and the positive effect it had on others.
  • Cite 2-3 text based details per character, proving each character’s heroism.

Final Product:

4 paragraph essay:

  • Introduction with a thesis statement
  • 2 body paragraphs
  • Conclusion

Name ______Period _____ The Outsiders Essay Rubric




Good / Fair








Does the writer focus on heroism?
Does the writer focus on two characters?
Does the writer give text-based details and examples of heroism? / Focused on the heroism of two characters.
Answers all parts of the questions, using correct and accurate information.
Author gives excellent text-based detailsand examples of heroism.
Details are specific and focused. / Attempts to focus on the heroism of two characters.
Answers most of the questions, using mostly correct information.
Author gives good text-details and examples of heroism.
Some details are specific and focused. / Attempts to write about theheroism of two characters.
Attempts to answer most of the questions; however, information is not specific.
Author lacks text-based detailsand examples of heroism.
Missing details and/or focus. / No attempts to answer the questions.
No evidence or focus on the topic of heroism.


Is the essay organized in 4 paragraphs (introduction, body and conclusion)?
Does the essay have a thesis statement?
Does each paragraph have
8-10 sentences?
Does the author use transition words or phrases?
Evidence that the author used the RACE strategy. / Essay is organized in 4 paragraphs.
Essay contains a strong thesis statement.
Paragraphs are 8-10 sentences.
Author uses transition words or phrases.
Evidence that the author used the RACE strategy. / Attempt to organize essay in 4 paragraphs.
Essay contains a thesis statement.
Some paragraphs are
8-10 sentences.
Author uses some transition words or phrases.
Evidence that the author attempted to use the RACE strategy. / No attempt to organize essay in 4 paragraphs.
Essay contains a strong weak statement.
Most paragraphs are not 8-10 sentences.
Author attempts to use transition words or phrases.
Evidence that the author attempted to use some of the RACE strategy. / Essay is not organized in paragraphs. Thoughts are random and unorganized.
Essay does not contain a thesis statement.
Author does not use transition words or phrases.
The author did not use the RACE strategy.

Spelling, punctuation, grammar, sentence structure…etc…

/ Few to no errors. / Some errors that limit readability. / Several errors that limit readability. / Essay is unreadable.
Total Score