MSU Meeting Agenda: March 3rd, 2015
I. Presentation of minutes from February 10th
a. Minutes approved
II. Report from the MSU Officers
A. President—Chris Larsen
i. Introducing the new MSU Executive Board!
i. President – Abby Otto
ii. Vice President – Ricky Czuma
iii. Treasurer – Sean Liebscher
iv. Secretary – Clayton Kirk
v. Presidential address –
1. Abby is a Loyola undergrad, ran because she loves the school, wants to help make Stritch even better next year, excited to work with the new board, have great events, serve the community, hospital and school, thank you for supporting her!
ii. Class Board Elections
i. Ran by next years MSU board
ii. Accepting applications: March 16th-20th
iii. Elections will be held March 23rd-25th
iii. Chicago Medical and Professional Healthcare Softball Tournament
i. May 2nd at 9 AM in Grant Park
ii. Co-ed teams, max 15 players, must have 4 females on field at all times
iii. Refer to email for sign-up info from Elizabeth
B. Vice-President—Tracey Thompson
i. Spring Formal- March 27th, Shedd Aquarium
b. Tickets now available!
c. Buy by march 18th, buy early because they might have to limit due to the size/cost of the venue
C. Treasurer—Jared Miller
i. Budget Update
a. M2/M3 TGIF final came in just under budget
b. Powderpuff final count came out $200 under
c. Should think about more money for spring formal next year
d. Currently $1,200 left in the pot, but we have lots of funding requests
e. Remember that AIDS week coming up, and that will spend a lot
D. Secretary—Elizabeth Billquist
III. Report from Class Presidents
A. M1 – Patrick Kramer
a. Basketball game – M2s were victorious but they still had fun
b. April 10th is second look, getting ready and making handouts for the prospectives
c. Second look coincides with AIDS week talent show, going to try to get perspectives to come and boost attendance and show them what Stritch is all about!
d. Still planning a fundraiser for St. Baldricks (peds cancer) April 24th, more details to come
e. Women in Medicine interest group got approved
B. M2 – Lizzy Carroll
a. Wrigleyville on Friday
b. 3/20, big party at Southport lanes, bowling and food
c. Faculty award nominations are coming out soon, look for email
d. Thanks for all your feedback for the librarians, will be communicated to them
C. M3 - Hani Kuttab
a. A track is on spring break, B track is still going, break in a few weeks
b. Planning away rotations
c. Still a couple M2 MHD reviews left to plan
d. Are planning to revisit M3 clerkship evals, want to do it as a large group instead to small groups to get more cohesion between services, we will be starting to recruit for this, look for email
e. Suggest that M1’s do your shadowing early since you have to come twice this semester and your M3’s might be all over the Chicago area
D. M4 - Caileigh Pudela
a. Rank lists in, match in 2 weeks, March 20th
b. Open envelopes at 11, M1-M3 allowed on the 3rd/4th floors
c. Currently planning match day activities
d. Faculty awards have been chosen
e. Have graduation speaker chosen
f. Working on planning disorientation week
V. Reports from Stritch or University Committees
VI. Reports from MSU committees
VII. Reports from Student Organizations
a. Illinois State Medical Society – Edie Graham
i. ELECTION: Loyola ISMS Delegate application deadline March 4
1. Represent Loyola monthly at local meetings, AMA meeting down in Atlanta, meet up with students all across the country, email Edie if you want to apply
ii. DINNER: How to Influence Medical Policy as a Med Student - Issues, Info and Tips. Meeting 5pm April 8 room 360. Come ready to learn and discuss 4-5 current topics in medical politics. Free dinner.
iii. GET INVOLVED: Want to hear physician leaders of Illinois debate about our healthcare system, physician-aid in dying laws, doctors wages and more? Come to the Illinois State Medical Society House of Delegates meeting April 16-18 in Oak Brook, IL (15 minute drive). Free or $5 if not an ISMS member. Register online at by April 3.
iv. GET INVOLVED MORE: AMA annual meeting June 4-6 (Medical Student Section) and June 12-16 (House of Delegates) at the Hyatt in downtown Chicago. Sign up online. Free for AMA members.
b. AIDS Week
i. April 6-10th, a lot of interest groups are partnering up
ii. Physician panels, bioethics discussions, patient talks, community partners meeting, virtual AIDS quilt, talent show and more!
iii. Talent show April 10th, Student affairs has offered to pay for food/beer is being covered
iv. Looking for an MC! Know someone who is fun and charming?? Email to give any ideas.
v. Sign up to join the show! See email
VIII. Reports from OSR Rep – Sarah Hale and Diana Basali
1. Have results for Humanism in Medicine award, there were 18 nominations, met last night and they chose Dr. Michael Mosier from the burn unit
a. He will be honored at the faculty lunch
b. Diana will write a paper about him to be submitted for the national award
c. If you know him and want to share insight/stories etc. email Diana
IX. Reports from CCA (Central Curriculum Authority)
X. Unfinished Business
a. We requested to increase the activities fee at the beginning of the year, we have finally heard that its going to be approved, which will give us an extra $12,000 for next year
XI. New Business
XII. Funding Requests
a. IMIG - $120 – lecture by Dr. Matt McCarthy, writes for Deadspin, just wrote a book about intern year, want to talk about transition from M2 to wards and then to intern year, want 9-10 pizzas, did a similar event last year and it was good, motion carried
b. SIGNN - $100 – Showing a documentary called “Bernadette” about Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, multiple grand rounds and program credits, expecting a good group, already using some money from their group funding, just need to supplement, motion carried
c. Otolaryngology - $100 – hold a residents panel, $100 for dinner, ENT is popular, nice to have a residents perspective on what life is like, surgical specialty, had talk last semester where they used their funds, motion carried
d. FAMILY/peds/IDIG – $100 Food for March 23rd 1:30pm Vaccine talk, Dr. Susan Baker, vaccines background, current measles info, how to talk to families about vaccines, strategize, motion carried
e. AIDS weeks Bioethics/PHR – $200 food for panel on legal/ethical issues of treating HIV, global health credit, CCGH, motion carried
f. Infectious dz interest group – $100 for panel of 4-5 infectious dz doctors on treating HIV, need money for food, dinnerware, soda, motion carried
g. Loyola pride - $100 for food for panel on the community aspect of HIV, learning about high-risk communities, motion carried
h. PHR $145 – food for lunch talk about research on HIV/AIDS, motion carried
Any groups that know they won’t be using their allotted money?? Anesthesia, Neonatology
If you aren’t, let Jared know!
XIII. Room for Improvement:
Things we can change: Big things or Small things
Next meeting will be held in April 7th at TBD
Thank you for taking the time to be here tonight!