TCYL Committee Meeting Minutes

Date: Mon, Oct. 7th, 2013 (at the Boyd’s)

Start time: 6:00pm End time: approx. 7:50pm

Meeting to Order & Approval of Minutes (Sherry Small) 2 mins

Devotional (Gretchen Boyd) 10 mins

Gretchen talked about remembering. Remembering God’s rich promises, His forgiveness, that we belong to a kingdom (past, present, and future), and that we are his sheep. He, however, has other sheep that do not yet follow Him. Our work in YL is to pray for Him to guide us to those lost sheep and them towards Him. The leaders are like the ‘sheep dogs’. They are in the trenches herding God’s sheep the right way through our actions and our relationships with the lost sheep. Gretchen also read through YL’s Statement of Faith, Vision and Mission. All can be found on YL’s main website.

Chairperson Report (Sherry) 5-10 mins


  • We could use some more volunteers for the WLJN Sharathon. The more hours we help the more they talk about YL on-air! We have put together a paragraph for them to read. (Oct. 29th-31st, shifts are 2-3 hours, the earlier we sign up the better chance we have of getting our requested shifts.
  • Posters done.

Vice President (Sue Palisin) 5 mins

Club Hosts-All spots filled for this semester!

Team Leader (Paula Truex) 10 mins

  • Small turn out at first club due to Homecoming Weekend. They had students helping with the music and students seemed to like that.
  • Paula is getting a lot out of her training classes!
  • YL T-shirts – coming soon!
  • Kaleena has re-joined YL as a Leader for this semester.
  • Some amazing stories that Paula shared were: When she attended the Homecoming ‘powder puff’ football game a YL student saw her and announced her presence over the field’s loudspeaker! This was after she prayed that she could make her presence known to the students there! Also, at the Homecoming game she was recruited by students to help lead cheers in the student section. She ended up standing down front with students leading chants! Last but maybe most importantly while chaperoning the dance she realized how many students still did not attend or know anything about YL or Christ. This put a burden on her heart to reach out to more students.

WyldLife (Taylor Mattarella) 3 mins

  • “Learn S’more about WyldLife” mtg. went well. We had about 16 kids and 10 parents. Parents seem to be stepping up.
  • They had about 30 kids attend the first Club.
  • Tim Hughes is planning a Fun Event at Jacob’s Corn Maze.
  • We may send some kids to Winter camp with the help of interested parents. Possible date Feb. 7-9th.
  • Summer camp week August 3-7

Leadership Development (Kate Heydlauff & Gretchen Boyd)10 mins

  • Kate stopped in at the Leader Fellowship night this past Friday. Leaders have a fellowship night every Friday. A few of those Friday nights will be used for leader training.
  • Gretchen was at Dodgeball and was impressed by the leaders and how creative and excited they were.

Treasurer (Darcy Milliken) 5 mins ***Please keep Darcy’s Father in your prayers as he recovers from a hospital visit. ***

  • Committee will purchase 2 athletic passes for Leaders to use for contact work.
  • A “coffee allowance” for Leaders to meet with students was also discussed. Committee suggested getting each leader a coffee gift card to various coffee houses in town that students regularly attend. Beth Price will also ask a few establishments to donate gift cards.

Operating Budget- (Last month: $25,983) $26,480

Campership Balance- (Last month approx.: $497) $380

Development Committee (Jack Boyd) 10 mins

  • Creating an “Update for Donors” letter to go out before the end of the year. It will highlight YL History, Area History and where we are now.
  • Some of you may have received Jack’s email financial update. Jack and Mary have a printed copy if you would like to see it after the meeting.
  • We need only 5 more donor matches to get full anonymous donor amount!

Secretary/Communications (Mary Brown) 3 mins

  • A Parent newsletter went out for Oct. already. We will send one out in Nov.; skip Dec. due to holidays and then put out a Jan/Feb letter.
  • Minutes for meetings between Nov. and Jan. will be in Highlights form only. Full minutes will be available if needed or at the following meeting. This is due to Mary having baby #2 in mid-Nov. and then holidays.
  • All “Where is Club?” and WyldLife Club emails are scheduled. Fun Event and misc. emails have templates and are ready to be filled in and sent. One of the Exec. Comm. members will take care of these.
  • Will send camp notice with reg. form out soon.
  • Mary will email the updated Committee Contact and Leader Contact lists out with the minutes of this meeting.

Appreciation Coordinator (Kristin Lutz) 2 mins

  • Kristin Lutz has offered to take over for Sandy Leahy who decided to step down from committee.

Leader Appreciation (Barb Krueger & Beth Price) 5 mins

  • Dinner for Leaders on Friday, Oct. 18th (time TBD) at Barb’s house. Gretchen will make bread and Kate will make a dessert. Barb is providing the lasagna and salad.

Camp Fundraising (Terri Mattarella) 5 mins

  • Lighthouse Marathon event on Sat. Oct. 12th. Meet at Central HS parking lot. Event goes from 1-3pm.
  • Iceman event on Sat. Nov. 2nd. More info coming soon!

Camp Coordinator (Libby McKay) 5 mins

  • Libby has volunteered to take on this important role. Although she may not be able to make the monthly meetings she will turn her reports in to Sherry or Mary.
  • Winter Camp at Timber Wolf Lake Camp is Dec. 6th-8th. Registration forms are available. Email Sherry to get a form.

Website (Carrie Bartkowiak)3 mins

  • Carrie Bartkowiak has offered to try and learn our area’s YL website.

Old BusinessNone

New Business

  • Kristin Lutz suggested getting our name out on The Ron Jolly Show (on NewsTalk 580) for more exposure. Sherry will talk to Kristin about this and her connections.
  • Cassie and Jimmy Kraus will welcome their baby in mid-Dec. We will plan to have a post-baby shower for them (leaders and students invited) in late January.
  • Please pray for more leaders!! We need a bigger leadership team to support all we have going on in TCYL.

Next Meeting 2 mins

  • Monday, Nov. 11th at 6:00pm at Sherry Small’s
  • Monday, Dec. 9th at 6:00pm at Kristin Lutz’s
  • Monday, Jan. 13th at 6:00pm at The Boyd’s – brief mtg. with a post-baby party for Mary, leaders welcome