Roni Hirsh-Ratzkovsky

David Hamelech 28/12

Tel-Aviv 64954

Telephone: 03-6093128


Roni Hirsh-Ratzkovsky CV

Personal Details

Familial Status: married + 1

Birth Date: 13.08.77

Place of Birth: Israel

Higher Education

11/2005-till now: Tel Aviv University School of History

·  PhD student in Modern European History

·  Supervisor: Prof. Shulamit Volkov

·  PhD Topic: “City, Alter City: German Intellectuals writing on Paris, 1900-1933”

·  Dissertation submitted May 2011

2001-2005: Tel-Aviv University School of History

·  MA in Modern European History, with the notion summa cum laude.

·  Supervisor: Prof. Shulamit Volkov

·  M.A Topic: “The Reaction of German Jewry to the Dreyfus Affair”

2002-2003: Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich

·  2 semesters as part of a student exchange program

·  Participation at the research colloquium of the department for Jewish history and culture

1998-2002: Tel-Aviv University

·  Student at the Adi Lautman Interdisciplinary Program for outstanding students (direct studies for MA. degree, no BA awarded).

·  Studies in History, Philosophy, religious studies, mathematics, psychology, etc.

Participation in Academic Conferences / Lectures

·  “The Reaction of German Jewry to the Dreyfus Affair”, International Seminar for European and Israeli Doctoral Students, Leo-Baeck Institute, Jerusalem, April 2005 (in English)

·  “Paris as an Alter-City of German Writers at the beginning of the 20th Century”, Workshop for young scholars of German History in Israel, Jerusalem, March 2005 (in Hebrew)

·  “Paris-Berlin: Reflections of Paris in the German-Jewish Literature around 1900”, A workshop of the DFG Graduate Students Colloquium “Makom. Place and Places in Jewish Past and Present” of the University of Potsdam, Germany and Israeli Scholars, Jerusalem, October 2006 (in English)

·  “The Spatial Turn and German-Jewish History”, lecture at a workshop on innovations in Jewish Historiography, Leo-Baeck Institute, Jerusalem, January 2008 (in Hebrew)

·  “The Spatial Turn and Jewish History”, lecture to students of Emory University studying in Israel, Tel-Aviv, February 2008, October 2008, May 2009 (in English)

·  "German-Jewish Intellectuals writing on Paris, 1900-1933", lecture at doctoral students summer school: "Negotiating Europe: Jewish and non-Jewish Spaces", Friedrich Schiller Universität, Jena, July 2008 (in English)

·  "From Berlin to Ben-Shemen: Alfred Lemm and Siegfried Lehmann", lecture at doctoral students summer school: "Negotiating Europe: Jewish and non-Jewish Spaces II", Friedrich Schiller Universität, Jena, July 2009 (in English)

·  "From Berlin to Ben-Shemen: German-Jewish discourse on the city at the early 20th century", lecture at the International Conference on Romanticism, New-York, September 2009 (proposal accepted but not carried out as trip was cancelled due to personal reasons)

·  "The historiography of German urbanism during the Kaiserreich", lecture to students at Prof. Volkov's BA Seminar on the historiography of the second German Reich, November 2009 (in Hebrew)

·  "France as Germany's 'Other' in the 19th Century", lecture to students at Prof. Volkov's seminar: "Who is the Other: contemplating the question of German Identity", second semester 2010 (in Hebrew)

·  "Rooted Cosmopolitanism? The case of Franz Hessel", lecture at doctoral and post-doctoral workshop on German-Jewish cultural and literary studies, Leo-Baeck Institute, Jerusalem, March 2010 (in English)

·  "Berlin and Paris as alternative models of modern urbanity at the beginning of the 20th century": lecture at the conference "Jews, Germans and Others in German History", in honor of Prof. Shulamit Volkov, Tel-Aviv University, October 2010 (in Hebrew)

·  "The City as a Jewish Place? Berlin 1900 and the case of Allred Lemm" – presentation at the Scholion research group on "Jews and Cities", Hebrew University, Jerusalem, May 2011 (in Hebrew)

Forthcoming Lectures

·  "From Revolutionary Hub to Conservative Haven: The German Image of Paris, 1900-1933", German Studies Association Annual Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, September 2011 (in English)

·  "Rooted Cosmopolitanism? German-Jewish Intellectuals as cultural mediators between Germany and France", "The City of Others": Cosmopolitanism in German-Jewish Thought and Cultural Practice, 1860-1950, London, November 2011 (in English)

Forthcoming Publications


·  "From Berlin to Ben Shemen: Lemm the Author and Lehmann the Educator", to be published in: "Historia Lelo Nachat: Beyn Yehudim Vegermanim" (History without comfort: between Jews and Germans), Festschrift for Prof. Shulamit Volkov, edited by Boaz Neumann, Galili Shahar and Roni Ratzkovsky, Am-Oved publishing house, Tel-Aviv, 2011 (in Hebrew)

·  "Berlin and Paris as alternative models of modern urbanity at the beginning of the 20th century": article in a special issue of "Zmanim" Historical Quarterly on "Modern Urban Space" (published by Tel-Aviv University and the Shazar Institute), January 2012 (in Hebrew).

Other publications

·  "Introduction" to a special issue of "Zmanim" Historical Quarterly on "Modern Urban Space" (co-author with Ori Rotlevy), January 2012 (in Hebrew).


·  Co-editor (with Ori Rotlevy) of a special issue of "Zmanim" Historical Quarterly on "Modern Urban Space" (published by Tel-Aviv University and the Shazar Institute), January 2012 (in Hebrew).

·  Co-editor (with Dr. Boaz Neumann and Prof. Galili Shahar) of : "Historia Lelo Nachat: Beyn Yehudim Vegermanim" (History without comfort: between Jews and Germans), Festschrift for Prof. Shulamit Volkov, Am-Oved publishing house, Tel-Aviv, 2011 (in Hebrew)


·  Translation from English to Hebrew (together with Ori Rotlevy) of the chapter "The Colonial Gothic) from Gyan Prakash's book "Mumbai Fables" (Princeton, 2010), to appear in a special issue of "Zmanim" Historical Quarterly on "Modern Urban Space" January 2012.

Academic Prizes and Scholarships

·  1998-2002: Tuition fee scholarship granted by the Interdisciplinary Program for outstanding students

·  Summer 2001: French language summer course in France, granted by the French Institute in Israel

·  2002: Yearly stipendium as young research fellow at the Shalem Institute, Jerusalem

·  2003: Yearly Stipendium as advanced research fellow at the Shalem Institute (not used)

·  Summer 2002: Summer course for Israeli students on German-Jewish History at the University of Tübingen, Germany

·  Academic year 2002/03: Yearly stipendium granted by the DAAD and the University of Munich, to study at the University of Munich as part of a student exchange program

·  2003: Yearly scholarship of the Robert Bosch foundation awarded to outstanding M.A students in the Humanities at Tel-Aviv University

·  2004: Hans Tremer scholarship for M.A students specializing in German-Jewish History, granted by the Leo-Baeck Institute, Jerusalem

·  2004: grant awarded for outstanding achievement by the Minerva Institute for German History and the Konrad Adenauer Chair for comparative European History headed by Prof. Shulamit Volkov

·  2006: Yearly stipendium for PhD awarded by the Society of supporters of Tel-Aviv University abroad (Mr. Hubert Heilbronn, France)

·  2006: grant awarded for outstanding achievement by the Minerva Institute for German History and the Konrad Adenauer Chair for comparative European History headed by Prof. Shulamit Volkov

·  2007: Yearly Stipendium for PhD awarded by the School of History and the Minerva Foundation

·  2007: grant for doctoral students of German-Jewish history, awarded by the Leo-Baeck Institute, Jerusalem

·  2008-February 2011: 3.5-Years Stipendium in memory of Prof. Nathan Rotenstreich, awarded by the council of Higher Education in Israel to outstanding doctoral students in the humanities

Experience in Academic Work

2007-2010: Annual Workshop for Young Scholars of German History in Israel

·  Representative of Tel-Aviv University at the organizing committee of the workshop, carried out annually by all the universities and research institutes for German History in Israel

Academic Years 2007-2009: Tel Aviv University, General Studies Program

·  Positions: academic advisor for students of the program, academic supervisor of the sub-program: "Social Justice: Democracy, Humanism, and Social Justice", member of the program's steering committee

·  Teaching the course: “Berlin, Paris, Vienna: Urban Culture and Modernity, 1890-1914”, as part of the German Studies sub-program and the General History department, 2nd semester 2008 and 1st semester 2009

The course surveys the development of the three cities at the Fin-de-Siècle from three main angles: the physical/architectural level, the social-political level and the artistic representations of the cities in film, art and literature.

Academic Year 2007/2008: Junior Faculty Organization, Tel-Aviv University

·  Committee member of the governing council

Academic Year 2006/07: Tel Aviv University School of History

·  Research Assistant Prof. Billie Melman

·  Assistance to Prof. Volkov in organizing the Doctoral Students Research Seminar

Academic Year 2005/06: Tel Aviv University School of History

·  Research Assistant Dr. Alon Rachamimov

·  Assistance in M.A seminar: “Fin-de-Siècle Culture in Vienna, Prague and Budapest”

·  Assistance in preparing a self-evaluation report of the Department of History for the Committee of Higher Education in Israel

2004: Tel Aviv University School of History

·  2nd Semester: Research Assistant Prof. Shulamit Volkov


Hebrew (mother tongue); English (fluent), German (very good reading capabilities, fair active command), French (good reading capabilities, fair active command)