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Molecular Biology and Biochemistry (MBB) Graduate Caucus Meeting Minutes

April 21st 2015, SSB 6178


Present: Lyssa Martin (lyssam, President); Evan Quon (emq1, Social Events Coordinator); Kaylee Magee (kem3, Secretary and DSGC A rep); Jesper Johansen (jjesper, Treasurer and DGSC B rep).

Absent: Zohreh Sharafianardakani (zsharafi, TSSU rep); Saeideh Shamsi Kazem Abadi (sshamsik, GSS rep).

Meeting Calls to Order, Appointments, and Approvals

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 12:15 pm in SSB 6178.

Appointment of Chair: Lyssa Martin was chair at the meeting.

Appointment of Secretary: Kaylee Magee was secretary at the meeting.

MOVE to Approve April 21st 2015 Agenda: Motioned by Kaylee, seconded by Jesper. Motion passes unanimously.

MOVE to Approve February 20th 2015 Meeting Minutes: Motioned by Jesper, seconded by Evan. Motion passes unanimously.


1.  MBB Graduate Colloquium on April 14th 2014 at IRMACS

1A: Prizes

·  Bruce Bandhorst Awards given by department, all others given by Grad Caucus

·  Grad Caucus prizes given as gift cards

·  Kaylee sending out emails to winners asking what gift cards they would like

1st place 15 minute talk: Catrina Loucks (Bruce Brandhorst Award, $250)

2nd place 15 minute talk: Kwangjin Park ($75)

3rd place 15 minute talk: Dixon Ng ($25)

1st place poster: Bruno Grande (Bruce Brandhorst Award, $250)

2nd place poster: Kevin Bushell ($75)

3rd place poster: Kevin Rey and Eric Hall ($25 each)

1st place 5 minute talk: Thea Van Rossum ($75)

2nd place 5 minute talk: Cyndi Zhao ($25)

Best Undergraduate Poster: Rajan Cheema and Marco Albuquerque ($50 each)

Total Prizes given from MBB Grad Caucus: $425

2.  Summer 2015 Pancake Breakfast

·  Decided to be on Friday May 29th 2015

·  Still have leftover pancake mix and syrup, will need to buy fruit and drinks

·  Since we have purchased griddles and syrup holders and utensils it should be easier to plan now!

Committee Reports


Financial Motions

1.  MOVE that Lyssa Martin be reimbursed $896.95 from Core Caucus Funding for purchasing a variety of items for the MBB Colloquium on April 14th 2015:

a.  $85.12 from Dollarama for plates, utensils, and serving dishes

b.  $90.69 from Superstore for one coffee urn, kettle, forks, drink pitchers

c.  $124.71 from Superstore for a second coffee urn, two griddles

d.  $587.46 from Costco for food and drink for Colloquium lunches and snacks

e.  $8.97 from Shell for ice cubes

Motioned by Jesper, seconded by Kaylee. Motion carried with one abstention (Lyssa Martin).

Meeting Closing

Next Meeting: Time and place still to be decided.

Adjournment: Meeting adjourned by chair at 12:30 pm.

Minutes: Minutes will be sent to all departmental grad students and to and .