Name: ______

Period: ______

Unit 2: First Aid/CPR Review Packet


  1. Actual consent:
  1. Implied consent:
  1. Good Samaritan Laws:
  1. Gastric Distension:
  1. Universal Distress Signal:

Short Answer:

  1. What is the purpose of Good Samaritan Laws?
  1. Name the three Universal Precautions and when you would use them.
  1. What is the first step in any emergency situation? Why do you do this? (Hint: The emergency Action Principles)
  1. What is the second step in any emergency situation? What information should you give? (Hint: The Emergency Action Principles)
  1. What is the third step in any emergency situation? What should you do? (Hint: The Emergency Action Principles)
  1. List the 6 steps for checking an unconscious adult victim.
  1. Each rescue breath should be how long?
  1. What are the A,B,C’s? How do you check for each one?
  1. What are the steps you would go through for checking a conscious choking adult?
  1. When helping a conscious choking adult, you would perform chest thrusts instead of abdominal thrusts on ______and ______people.
  1. If the first two rescue breaths do not go into an adult victim, what should you do?
  2. If you find and object in an unconscious victim’s mouth, what should you do?
  1. When helping an unconscious choking adult, you would stop for only 4 reasons. What are they?
  1. If someone dislocates his/her knee, what should you do?
  1. What are the signs of a severe muscle, bone & joint injury?
  1. What does RICE stand for?
  1. List and define the 3 types of splints.
  1. If a victim has a lower leg fracture and his/her leg is straight, how would you splint it?
  1. When splinting, when and how should you check for feeling, warmth, and color?
  1. What are the 5 clues to internal bleeding?
  1. How do you control bleeding?
  1. If bleeding doesn’t stop, what should you do?
  1. CPR is performed for only three reasons. What are they?
  1. When performing CPR your continue sets of ______and ______breaths.
  1. Compressions should be ______to ______inches deep.
  1. The rate of chest compressions is ______per minute.
  1. Once CPR is started, continue until: (list 5 reasons)
  1. Where is the correct position to do chest compressions?
  1. What are the 4 links in the cardiac chain of survival?
  1. What are the signs of a heart attack?
  1. Define strain.
  1. Define sprain.
  1. Define fracture. What are the two types of fractures?
  1. There are approximately ______pints of blood per ______pounds.
  1. What is shock?
  1. ______shock is caused by a sudden injury.
  1. How do you care for a victim of shock?
  1. What are the signs of traumatic shock?
  1. What would you provide for a victim that has a seizure?


Unit 2 Review Packet, Wells