Business Studies Department

Course Outline and Policy



BTT 1O1 Course Outline 2013-2014 4

Course Name: / Information and Communication Technology in Business
Course Code: / BTT 1O1
Teachers Name: / Mrs.Rosen (Office # 315)
Phone: / 905-882-0277 ext 565

Course Information and Description:

This course will introduce you to information and communication technology in a business environment and will build a foundation of digital literacy skills necessary for success in a technologically-driven society. You will develop word processing, spreadsheet, database, desktop publishing, electronic presentation and website design skills. There will be an emphasis on digital literacy, effective electronic research and communication skills, and current issues related to the impact of information and communication technology.

Unit Plan/Course Content

BTT 1O1 Course Outline 2013-2014 4

Unit 1 - Digital Literacy

•  Terminology

•  The Computer Workstation

•  File Management

•  The Internet

•  Electronic Research

Unit 2 - Productivity Software

•  Word Processing (MS Word

•  2010)

•  Spreadsheet (MS Excel 2010)

•  Database (MS Access 2010)

Unit 4 - Business Communications

•  Electronic Communication

•  Portfolio

Unit 5 - Ethics and Issues in Information and Communication Technology

•  Legal, Social and Ethical Issues

•  Privacy and Security Issues

•  Health and Environmental Issues

BTT 1O1 Course Outline 2013-2014 4

Unit 3 - Design Software

•  Electronic Presentations (MS Power Point 2010)

•  Desktop Publishing ( MS Publisher 2010)

•  Web Page Development

Methods of Instruction

Course content may be presented using the following methods:

•  Independent Work - Lab Format, “Comic Life”

•  Short Lessons & Discussions

•  Video & Simulations

•  Team Work & Cooperative Learning, Wikis

•  Smart board Interactive

Part of the course will be comprised of independent work. It is your responsibility to stay focused and meet deadlines. If you fall behind, you are able to come in before school to catch up or you may fail.

Team Work

This course will require a lot of team discussions and at least one group assignment, as they help improve your communication, presentation and leadership skills.

Tips to Succeed in a Team

1.  Do your part- contribute equally to the task.

2.  Involve all team members- don't take over the assignment

3.  Respect all ideas of the members of your team- don't be a "know it all"

4.  Effectively complete your task and the final assignment- meet the deadline

5.  Use your class time wisely.

Classroom Conduct (Respect and Responsibility)

1.  Please respect yourself and others. Inappropriate language, put downs and derogatory remarks will NOT be tolerated.

2.  Raise your hand when you have something to say, you will be recognized.

3.  Take responsibility for your own learning. You are encouraged to seek extra help when it is needed. Please, "Make an effort, not an excuse"!

4.  Come to class prepared. This includes bringing your course pack binder, paper, pens, pencils, and anything else you may need. You will need your course pack binder everyday.

5.  Washroom and drink breaks are permitted but will be limited if abused. You may not go to the washroom or get a drink during a lesson.

6.  Food and drinks are not allowed in the classroom. Water is permitted at the discretion of the teacher, and if left at the front of the room

7.  Cell Phones are NOT allowed in the classroom at any time.

8.  Listening Devices may be used ONLY during Independent computer work but ONLY with the approval of your teacher.

9.  Hats and any other headgear are NOT to be allowed in the school.

If you do not plan to be respectful or responsible, you will be asked to leave! This may be done without any warning. So please think before you speak or act.

Computer Use

1.  You have been assigned and are responsible for a computer terminal. You are not to use any other computer in the classroom without permission.

2.  Do not let other students use your computer without supervision.

3.  You, along with other students from other classes have been assigned to that terminal and you are ALL responsible for the care of that terminal. You must report a problem, you may be held responsible for the problem-Problems may include broken hardware, vandalism, or corrupt software. Report these concerns immediately by completing a computer concern form. Give the completed form to your teacher.

4.  At the end of each class your workstation must be clean and set up properly for the next class. This includes: logging off, straightening your keyboard and monitor and returning your chair to the desk area.

5.  Do not share your login. You will be held responsible for any inappropriate activity on your login. All activity is monitored. Therefore, think before you surf and check your e-mail.

6.  Using "chat" is not allowed in this class or within the school. Remember computers are for academic use ONLY.

Remember, you signed your name to a computer access contract. Therefore, you will be held accountable if you breach that contract.

Course Pack

Although there is no official text for this course you can use one of the two textbooks below. A course pack and in-class notes will sufficient for this course. You are responsible to know all material covered in the course pack and in the notes taken during class. Your course pack /notes binder must be kept up to date, complete and organized at all times. Course packs are free of charge; one course pack will be supplied per student. Your course pack is to be kept in a separate 1” binder. Do not share this binder with notes from another class. Your notes will be checked frequently to ensure they are up to date, neat organized.

Discovering Computers–2008, 2009, 2010 Complete Shelly & Cashman, NELSON, 2010/2008/2009

Computing Fundamentals – 5th edition Peter Norton, GLENCOE/MCGRAWHILL, 2003

Business Connections - Information Technology in Action, Laura Pinto, PEARSON, 2003.

Tests & Quizzes

In this course you will be evaluated on your assignments, tests, final culminating assignment and a final exam

1.  Rule of Thumb- Do not miss any tests. Since tests are announced will in advance, all outside appointments should be scheduled around your test.

2.  In the event that you do miss a test due to an illness you must bring in a note from a parent/guardian stating that they know you missed a class and you missed a test. A Doctor's note may be required. The test will be done immediately upon your return to class. No note means a "0" mark on that test. Tests may not be rescheduled due to an extended vacation.

3.  Quizzes are a great way to check for homework completion. So be prepared. Quizzes cannot be made up if missed.

4.  "The 48 hour rule!" If you have a concern about a returned test, or assignment (other than a mathematical error) come to me and we will book an appointment to review your work. If you request a re-evaluation, your grade may go up but it can also go down.

5.  Cheating will not be tolerated. You will be given an automatic "0" grade on the assignment or test. If the cheating involves two or more students (the passing around of material) all students are subject to a "0" grade.

Homework and Assignments

A. If you miss a class:

YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for any and all missed notes and assignments. When you return from an absence: Rule of thumb "Ask 3 before me". Your teammates can fill you in on what we did while you were gone. They will take handouts for you and lend you notes to copy. Ensure you pick up the missing papers and catch up the missed concepts – again ask your teammates

B: If you miss an assignment deadline

1.  After 2 late or missed assignments there will be a call home to your parents or


2.  Discuss with your teacher a consequence and an alternative deadline.

C. Assignment Criteria and Submission Procedure fashion.

1.  Assignments are collected in an orderly fashion. Do not just drop it on my desk without my acknowledgement.

2.  Keep a copy of your assignments in your “H:” drive. If your assignment goes missing you will be able to submit another copy immediately.

3.  Carefully follow the formatting structure for each assignment. For example: font size, font type, margin settings, cover pages, table of contents, etc.

4.  Always have a backup plan. Assignments can be kept on a USB key or in your email.


1.  Please be on time. If you are late, enter the class quickly and without disruptions

2.  Admit slips are required after an absence

3.  A Doctor's ;note may be required after a long period of absence

4.  Your parents cannot give you permission to skip school

5.  Always come to class prepared, especially for a test

6.  Finally, poor attendance and frequent late arrivals to class will result in consequences


1.  Don't let small problems during the semester grow to a crisis at the end. It's always easier to fix anticipated difficulties than to untangle a mess.

2.  Remember, we are here to help you and we want you to succeed!

Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning Expectations:

Ongoing Assessment And Evaluation – 70%
Knowledge/ Understanding
15 % / Thinking/Inquiry
15 % / Communication
15 % / Application
25 %
Items include: Tests/quizzes Presentations
Lab Work
(short answer and theory recall) / Items Include: Tests/Quizzes, Presentations, Lab Work Projects
(creativity, quality of explanations, reasoning, thoroughness of answers, attention to detail) / Presentations
Performance Problems Projects
(written and oral communication, presentation skills, language usage, neatness and accuracy) / Tests
Performance Problems
(applying learned concepts, drawing parallels, providing examples, etc.)
Final Evaluations – 30 %
e-Portfolio 10% / Formal Evaluation ( Exams ) 20%

BTT 1O1 Course Outline 2013-2014 4

BTT 1O1 Course Outline 2013-2014 4