The Era of Western Hegemony, 1750-1900

The Enlightenment: What was it?/Philosophers + key ideas for each: John Locke, Francois Voltaire, Baron de Montesquieu

Atlantic Revolutions (1775-1830): American colonial subjects led a series of rebellions, which facilitated the emergence of

independent states in the US, Haiti, and mainland Latin America. French subjects rebelled

against their monarchy.

·  Order of Atlantic Revolutions: American, French, Latin American (Haitian, Spanish America, Brazil)

·  Increasing questions about political authority and growing nationalism contributed to anticolonial movements

Haitian Revolution (1791-1804)

·  Causes & Effects

·  Toussaint L’Ouverture + role?

·  Slave resistance challenged existing imperial authorities or elites in the Americas

·  Why was the Haitian Revolution feared by Creole elites in Latin America?

Latin American Revolutions (1810-c1822)

·  Motivations for Latin American Revolutions?

·  How did the Napoleonic Wars in Western Europe set in motion the Latin American Revolutions?

·  LA Revolutionary Leaders: Mexico: Hidalgo & Iturbide/Northern South America: Bolivar/Southern South America: San Martin/Brazil: Dom Pedro I

o  Most LA Revolutionary leaders were landowning creoles

·  How did Brazil’s independence differ from the rest of LA?

·  What was the nature of these new LA governments?

o  Who held suffrage rights in LA nations?

Latin America After Independence, c1820-c1910

·  Problems facing new LA nation states?: weak democratic republics/liberals vs. conservatives/federalists vs. centralists/monarchists vs. anti-monarchists/caudillos/economic dependency on W.Eur & USA/foreign intervention in LA affairs/civil war/poverty

·  Who were “caudillos”?

·  Examples of major raw material exports from LA nations + From which nation did major products originate?

·  Define key political concepts and points of disagreement: Liberals & Conservatives/Centralists & Federalists

·  What was the status of Native Americans (Indians) in these new LA nations?

·  Compare/contrast features of Brazil after independence w/other LA nations

·  What happened to slavery in the new Spanish nation states of LA?

·  What factors motivated the abolition of slavery in Brazil in 1888?

·  Mexico as case study for a new Latin American nations:

o  Problems/US involvement/Benito Juarez & “La Reforma”/caudillos/Porfirio Diaz/Economic structure

·  USA’s growing role in LA by the late 1800s?

o  Manifest Destiny, Monroe Doctrine, Mexican-American War à Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, 1848 (Results?), Spanish-American War, 1898 (Results?), Panama Canal, “Banana Republics”, investment in railroads

Societies at Crossroads: Responding to the West & Industrialization


·  Identify major internal and external problems the Ottoman Empire faced by the early 1800s?

·  Ottomans = multicultural empire

·  How did industrialization in Western Europe undermine the Ottoman economy?

·  Examples of nationalist independence movements from the Ottoman Empire, early 1800s: Greece, Balkans (ex. Serbia)

·  Britain supported the Ottoman Empire in order to prevent Russia from expanding against it in the process of moving toward the Mediterranean? (ex. Crimean War, 1853-1856)

·  Identify and explain the selective-westernizing reforms of the Ottoman Empire under:

o  Sultan Mahmud II

o  **Tanzimat Reforms, 1839-1876

o  Young Turks, 1908-1914

·  In what ways did Sultan Abdul Hamid take action to return to absolutist rule in the late 1800s-early 1900s?

·  Explain the Young Turk Coup of 1908 against Sultan Abdul Hamid

·  What was not altered about Ottoman society despite some westernizing reforms?


·  Identify major internal and external problems Russia faced by the early 1800s

·  Russia = multicultural empire

o  Russia faced similar nationalist movements for independence as the Ottomans, but these were usually crushed.

·  What impact did the Crimean War have on Russia?

·  Identify & explain the selective-westernizing reforms of Russia under Alexander II (r.1855-1881)

·  What was the purpose behind the emancipation/abolition of the serfs?

o  What were the limits on the abolition of serfdom?

·  Alexander II abolished Russian serfdom in 1861!

·  In Russia and Meiji Japan, industrialization was initially prompted and guided the central government (the state)! (not private initiative like earlier in W.Europe and USA)

·  Evidence of Russian industrialization

·  Labor and urban conditions under Russian industrialization + Effects of this?

·  Significance of the Trans-Siberian Railway

·  Motivations for Russian imperial expansion into East Asia (ex. Manchuria)?

·  Despite major economic reforms and the emancipation of serfs, Russia’s czars attempted to hold on to their autocratic power à Russian citizens unhappy & want political reforms & Enlightenment rights

o  Radical groups formed (ex. Anarchists & Bolsheviks (Marxists))

·  Czar Nicholas II

o  Russo-Japanese War, 1904-05: Causes? Effects?

o  Revolution of 1905: Goals? Results? How did Czar Nicholas II respond to the political reforms that he initiated?

§  Constitution & Duma

§  Continued political dissatisfaction with Czar Nicholas II would lead to another revolution in 1917!

Qing China

·  Identify major internal and external problems Qing China faced by the early 1800s

·  Qing China = multicultural empire + Qing dynasty = “barbarian” dynasty (Manchus, not ethnic Chinese)

·  Before 1800s, China had a favorable balance of international trade (like it held since the Classical era)

o  How did the British change this situation? Importation & sales of illegal opium

o  How did Qing respond to opium importation?

o  First Opium War, 1839-42: Why did Britain win? + Outcomes of the war?

o  “Unequal Treaties”: meaning?

§  Treaty of Nanjing: What were terms of treaty?

o  Spheres of Influence: meaning?

§  Foreign nations that established spheres of influence in Qing China?

·  Taiping Rebellion, 1850-1864: Causes? Hong Xiuquan’s role? Effects?

·  “Self-Strengthening Movement”, 1861-1895

o  What was it?

o  Successes?

o  Why did it fail to succeed on a national level?

§  Role of Empress Cixi?

·  Boxer Rebellion, 1899-1900: Causes? Effects?

·  Evidence of China’s failure to industrialize?


·  Identify major internal and external problems Tokugawa Japan faced by the early 1800s

·  Tokugawa Japan had been in isolation since the 1630s.

·  How did the arrival of US Commodore Perry at Tokyo Harbor in 1853 impact Japan?

·  Meiji Restoration, 1868!

o  What was it? What political changes occurred as a result of the Meiji Restoration?

o  What reforms were initiated by the new Meiji government?

§  Economic

·  Industrialization (state-initiated & guided)

·  Infrastructure?

·  Evidence of this? (ex. Zaibatsus)

§  Social

·  Abolished feudal system

·  Why were peasants freed from their feudal obligations? (compare to Russia)

·  What new roles did former daimyo & samurai take?

§  Political

·  Examples of selective westernization? + limitations to westernization

·  Japan’s government was further centralized

o  Which religion made major gains during the Meiji Restoration?

o  Japan became imperialistic in East Asia (ex. Manchuria & Korea) & Pacific: motives + examples?

§  Russo-Japanese War, 1904-05: impact for Japan?