Evaluation Questionnaire: Training the trainers ALCOHOL ADVOCACY

There are no right or wrong answers to any of the questions below – what we want most of all are your own personal responses. If you send the results by email to Lidia Segura () then your personal details will be separated from your responses before we look at them, ensuring your anonymity. If you have any questions about the questionnaire or any other aspect of the evaluation, please do not hesitate to contact Lidia Segura ( ).

General questions about you

1 Which advocacy course did you attend? £ Barcelona £ Ljubljana

2 What sort of organisation do you work in? £ NGO £ Government £ Other

3 What fields does your work cover? £ Just alcohol £ Alcohol & drugs £ Public health £ Other fields

4 When you came on the course, how long had you worked on alcohol issues? ______

The Course Itself – Practical Arrangements

When you went on the course, how happy were you with… / Very happy / Quite happy / Neither / Quite unhappy / Very unhappy
5 The organisation of the course / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
6 The social activities and other facilities available in the evenings / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
7 The financial arrangements / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
8 The number of people on the course / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
9 The length on the course / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
10 The amount of work to do before the course starts / £ / £ / £ / £ / £

The Course Itself – Goals and Delivery

Before you came on the course, how important were each of the following goals in making the advocacy course a success?

Thinking back now, how well do you think the course succeeded in delivering these goals?

GOALS – Importance? / SUCCESS – How well?
Very / Quite / Not / Very / Quite / Not
11 Learn about alcohol-related harm and effective policies / / / / / / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
12 Learn about experiences from other countries / / / / / / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
13 Know how to work more effectively / / / / / / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
14 Be able to create a strategy / / / / / / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
15 Understand how to develop coalitions / / / / / / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
16 Feel confident in conducting an advocacy campaign / / / / / / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
17 Know how to give effective interviews to the media / / / / / / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
18 Understand alcohol industry views and how to respond / / / / / / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
19 Meet new people to work with in future / / / / / / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
20 Any other key aim (please specify below):
______/ / / / / / £ / £ / £ / £ / £

21 Please tick the statement that most closely describes why you attended the advocacy course:

£ I thought it would be useful for my work on alcohol

£ I thought it would give me general skills that will help in future work

£ I thought it would be fun to attend

£ My manager wanted me to attend

£ No-one else from my workplace could attend

£ If none of the above, please specify:______

After the Course

When the course finished, which of the following actions were you planning to do? / Definitely / Probably / Maybe / Unlikely / No
22 Create an advocacy plan / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
23 Tell others what I learnt about alcohol-related harm and effective policies / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
24 Share the skills I learnt on the course with colleagues / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
25 Exchange information with the people I met on the advocacy course / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
26 Develop an overall strategy for my organisation / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
27 Develop a media plan for my organisation / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
28 Build a coalition on alcohol within my country / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
29 Become more active in media advocacy / £ / £ / £ / £ / £

30 At the current time, which of the actions above have you carried out (if any)? If you have carried out any of these actions, then it would be useful if you could write a few words describing them below.

31 Would any of the following options have helped you carry out more of these actions? Please tick all that apply.

£ An email list to help the people who were on the course speak to each other

£ An alcohol advocacy newsletter coordinated by the Building Capacity team

£ Reminders about key learning points from the course

£ Regular European alcohol advocacy conferences

£ The support of an alcohol advocacy group coalition in my country

£ For any other ideas, please specify:______

Future Advocacy Courses

How do you think that future courses could be made better? / Much more / A little more / About right / A little less / Much less
32 Quizzes / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
33 Handouts and tools / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
34 Group exercises / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
35 Time spent learning how to plan advocacy campaigns / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
36 Time spent learning to deal with the media / £ / £ / £ / £ / £
37 Time spent learning how to respond to alcohol industry views / £ / £ / £ / £ / £

Final Impressions

38 Would you recommend the advocacy course to a colleague?

£ Definitely £ Probably £ Maybe £ Unlikely £ No

39 Do you feel that the benefits of taking part in the advocacy course have outweighed its costs?

£ Much more benefits than costs £ A little more £ About the same £ A little less £ Much less benefits than costs

Many thanks for your time in completing this form – and for all your cooperation during the project! If you have any other comments, then please write these below (or on additional sheets if necessary)

Advocacy course evaluation questionnaire – page 3 of 4