

The Integrated Reporting module is a set of tools and features allowing you to:

  • Design your own reports using SQL Server Reporting Services or Integrated Report Designer
  • View your reports from inside TMWSuite applications
  • Share your reportsusing e-mail and the Integrated Report Toolkit

Notes: To access the full functionality of the Integrated Reports module, you must have the Integrated Reporting license applied to your TMWSuite database. There is no charge for this license.

Design reports

You can design your own reports, messages, invoice and master bill formats, and carrier load confirmations for use with TMWSuite applications. This allows you to view and share the information important to your company. If you want to design your own reports, you should have experience writing SQL queries and a thorough understanding of TMWSuite's database structure. TMW provides three options for report design.

  • SQL Server Reporting Services
  • Integrated Report Designer
  • TMW service request

SQL Server Reporting Services

SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) is a powerful report design and management tool included with Microsoft SQL Server. You can use SSRS reports as reports, invoices, master bills, and settlement sheets. You can also link reports to data windows, using information from the host window as report parameters.

Use SSRS reports if:

  • You want your reports to be accessible outside of TMWSuite
  • You want to add interactivity to reports
  • You want to leverage SSRS features in your reports
  • You want to improve database and report performance by moving your reporting solution off of your TMWSuite database server
  • You want to use a single reporting service to track data from multiple databases or enterprise systems.

Note: SQL Server Reporting Service is provided free of charge with your Microsoft SQL Server software. For more information on SSRS, consult your SQL Server documentation and contact your TMW Support representative.

Integrated Report Designer

Integrated Report Designer is a report designer included with the Integrated Reports module. It offers tighter integration with TMWSuite applications. This integration includes using TMWSuite user and group security and the ability to embed directly into an existing TMWSuite window.

Use Integrated Report Designer if:

  • You want to manage report access using existing TMWSuite user and group security
  • You want to add the report as part of an existing TMWSuite window
  • You are creating an invoice, master bill, or settlement sheet and want to mimic the layout of an existing format

Note: To use the Integrated Report Designer, you must have the Integrated Reporting license applied to your TMWSuite database. There is no charge for this license. Contact your TMW Support representative for more information.

TMW service request

If your company lacks the time, experience, or resources to design custom reports using SSRS or Integrated Report Designer, you can request a custom report from TMW. TMW professionals will work with your company to create a SSRS or Integrated Report Designer report that meets your company’s needs. To submit a service request, contact your TMWSuite Support Team.

View reports in TMWSuite applications

You can view your reports inside TMWSuite applications. When you do so, you can also set up your reports to use information from open application windows. For example, you can link a report to the Dispatch Trip Folder and set it up so that only information relevant to the current trip is included in the report. Report viewing features include:

  • Linking a report to the current data window and usingfields from the data window as parameters for the report
  • Adding a hyperlink to a datawindow
  • Opening a second report from within a report
  • Embedding a report within a section of a data window
  • Saving, printing, and exporting reports and messages

In addition to viewing reports inside TMWSuite applications, you can use your reports as invoices, master bills, and settlement sheets. Using a report as one of these documents allows you to customize the information included in those documents and perform additional processing on TMWSuite data.

Share reports

You can share your reports with other TMWSuite users and outside companies. By sharing reports from TMWSuite applications, you can use data and contact information already stored in your TMWSuite database. For example, if you have a report you need to e-mail to a company, the system can automatically supply the contact information for that company in the e-mail message. Report sharing features include:

  • E-mailing or faxing a report from any of the core TMWSuite applications
  • Combining multiple reports and sending them as communications using the Integrated Report Toolkit

Note: E-mailing or remote faxing messages and reports require that you have the system set up to use enhanced printing. Enhanced printing also allows you to fax or e-mail invoices and settlement sheets. For more information, see the Enhanced Printing guide.

Integrated Reporting1Revised: 11/2012