Regular Meeting – April 2, 2012

The Graham County Board of County Commissioners met Monday, April 2, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. in the Graham County Community Building located at 196 Knight Street Robbinsville NC for their regular monthly meeting. Commissioners present were Robert (Mike) Edwards, Billy Holder, Connie Orr and Raymond Williams. Commissioner Smith was absent due to a medical appointment.

  1. Commissioner Edwards called the meeting to order.
  2. Commissioner Edwards asks Commissioner Williams to give the Invocation.
  3. Commissioner Edwards led the Pledge of Allegiance.
  4. Commissioner Edwards asks for approval of the agenda. Commissioner Holder made the motion to approve the agenda. Commissioner Williams seconded this motion. Vote unanimous.
  5. Commissioner Edwards asks for approval of the March 19, 2012 Workshop and Regular Meeting minutes. Commissioner Williams made the motion to approve the minutes as stated. Commissioner Holder seconded this motion. Vote unanimous.
  6. Commissioner Edwards asks for the finance report. Rebecca Garland, Finance Officer, stated that she was heavy into the budget process at this time and would be scarce for the next few weeks. Ms. Garland stated that the tax collections had slowed down for this past month but the office was continuing all efforts to collect through garnishment and debt set off. Ms. Garland stated that she would be sending out the budget template for all departments and that she and Manager Greg Cable would be meeting with each department head on their budgets. Commissioner Edwards asks if the school had made their budget request. Ms. Garland stated that they have not but she knew of a $475 thousand dollar shortfall they are facing. Ms. Garland stated that she would set meetings up with the schools including Tri-County to present their budgets to the board of commissioners.

Ms. Garland presented the board a request for appropriations from the State of Franklin for the amount of $4000.00. Ms. Garland stated that the board needed to think on this appropriation for the next fiscal year because in the past the county was given three to four workers each year and now we only receive one. Commissioner Edwards asks how many are employed with the Forest Service. Ms. Garland stated that she would have to check on that and report to the board at a later date.

Ms. Garland presented the board financing options for the new sanitation truck and asks for board approval on which finance company to go with. Those bids were:

1)Municipal Equipment3.43%

2)First Source 4.02%

3)First Citizensno bid

4)United Communityno competitive bid

Ms. Garland stated that the county needed to accelerate the purchase of our Barracuda upgrade. Ms. Garland stated that this is our internet web filter which protects us from rogue viruses which can destroy our network. Ms. Garland stated that this will be a recurring upgrade annually and further stated that to reinstate the license (which expired in June 2010 when we were in financial dire straits) we will need to pay $3000.00 with $1000.00 to be set aside each year and then after the fifth year the county would qualify for a network switch which costs $5000.00 so in effect, purchasing the upgrade and maintaining it annually will pay for itself in five years.

Ms. Garland also stated that David Dobson, who is working with the county on the recycling grant, contacted her office as well as the county commissioners regarding payment of the R C & D dues. Ms. Garland stated that this was handled through Soil & Water in the past but has not been paid for the past year. Ms. Garland stated that there is a total of $1900.00 due for these dues. Commissioner Edwards stated that this is something that the county needed to do.

Commissioner Williams asks Ms. Garland how hard it would be for her to include everyone’s salary on the budget template and show possible raises with no guarantee. Ms. Garland stated that she would need to breakdown all the departments to the salary pay plan which would require extra time. Commissioner Edwards stated that budget requests needed to be broken down so that the board has a better understanding. Commissioner Orr stated that she agreed. Ms. Garland stated that she would need some extra time to format this information into templates. Commissioner Williams wanted to see all employees names listed in a line item with their salary amounts. Commissioner Edwards stated that the county also needed to develop a five and ten year plan for justification on spending for every department on large expenditures.

  1. Commissioner Edwards stated that the board would go into Action Items for the Finance Office. The board agreed to table the special appropriations request for the State of Franklin until more information on the number of workers in Graham County is given.
  2. Commissioner Williams made the motion to purchase the Barracuda software upgrade. Commissioner Holder seconded this motion. Vote unanimous.
  3. Commissioner Orr made the motion to pay the R C & D dues. Commissioner Williams seconded this motion. Vote unanimous.
  4. Commissioner Williams made the motion to go with Municipal Equipment Financing which is the lowest interest rate for the sanitation truck. Commissioner Orr seconded this motion. Vote unanimous. Commissioner Holder stated that the county needed to develop a fleet plan for better records of all repairs done to each vehicle.
  5. Commissioner Edwards asks for public comment. Clerk Crisp stated that Jay Kelly was signed in for public comment. Commissioner Edwards asks Mr. Kelly to speak. Mr. Kelly stated that he wanted to give a pat on the back to the EMS Service and stated that they are fine employees. Mr. Kelly stated that when Ben Crisp had his accident the EMS Crew literally brought him back to life. Mr. Kelly stated that Ben Crisp lived because of them and wanted to tell of his appreciation to the EMS Crew. Commissioner Williams asks that a memo be sent to the EMS Department with the comments made by Mr. Kelly.

Mr. Kelly also stated that during this budget year he would like the commissioners to speak with MANNA on ensuring help to this organization. Mr. Kelly stated that he was embarrassed last year by the display that was made when Ella Kliger from MANNA came and requested help. Mr. Kelly stated that the county needed to obtain all the information regarding this program. Commissioner Edwards stated that the county would ask her to come and speak with the board. Commissioner Williams stated that he appreciated MANNA and all that they do for our county.

  1. Commissioner Edwards asks Juanita Colvard to speak on a Project Manager RFQ on the Transit Facility. Ms. Colvard stated that she had received a letter in the mail requesting a job interview which was not a qualified company and had received a RFQ from URS Corporation.
  2. Commissioner Edwards stated that the board would now go into discussion items. Commissioner Edwards stated that the board needed to appoint a Four Square Board Member and Rebecca Garland had agreed to sit on this board.
  3. Commissioner Edwards stated that there were two TAB Board members that needed to be replaced. The suggestions given by Juanita Colvard, Transit Director were Greg Cable to fill the Government Affiliate and Carla Jones to fill the Hispanic Speaking Seat.
  4. Commissioner Edwards stated that the board needed to make a final approval on the Travel and Tourism Board. Clerk Crisp read the names of those board members with terms:

Connie OrrChairman(3) year term

Ronnie HedrickMember(3) year term

Jeannie StewartMember(3) year term

Simon MillsapsMember(2) year term

Harold Rogers Member(2) year term

Dirk CodyMember(1) year term

Billy DitmoreMember(1) year term

  1. Commissioner Edwards stated that a Joint Resolution with the Town of Fontana Dam with the Building Inspections Office was ready for approval.
  2. Commissioner Edwards stated that the board needed to reappoint Christine Holder and Angela Rogers to the Health Board and entertain the motion to replace Matt Shiplet with Alan Carver.
  3. Commissioner Edwards stated that the county needed to be considering a county planner in the next budget.
  4. Commissioner Edwards asks Commissioner Holder to discuss the Sanitation Land Acquisition. Commissioner Holder stated that the county was looking into purchasing the property where the transfer station is located which includes around (9) acres of land. Commissioner Holder stated that the impound yard needed to be moved to the sheriff’s department for better protection. Commissioner Edwards stated that our lease ends in 2014 and the board feels that the acquisition of this property needed to be discussed. Commissioner Edwards stated that we needed more room for the recycling program that is being put in place. Commissioner Holder stated that he would get with Mr. Cody on possible negotiations for the purchase.
  5. Commissioner Edwards asks about a possible meeting with the Town. Clerk Crisp stated that the Town wanted to meet with the commissioners for a budget workshop. A suggested date is Wednesday, April 11, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. Clerk Crisp stated that she would contact the Town about the possible date.
  6. Commissioner Edwards asks about certification for lifeguard training. Clerk Crisp stated that the county needed to have certified lifeguards for the pool in order for the kids to attend that are in summer camps. The board gave a directive to schedule the certification class.
  7. Commissioner Edwards asks about the 911 Road Name. Clerk Crisp stated that the 911 Road Naming Board recommended that the board approve Carver Branch Road (located beside Barber Shop Hill) as a new 911 Road Name.
  8. Commissioner Edwards asks about the Fiber-optic Bridge from DSS to the Building Inspections Office. Manager Greg Cable stated that the switch control has been hit by lightning five times now and JR Rodgers suggested that the board build a bridge between the two buildings to prevent these switches being destroyed. Manager Cable stated that the county would have to purchase these switches if this continues and the cost will be high. Commissioner Edwards stated that this needed to be fixed. The board tabled this until the cost is given.
  9. Commissioner Edwards asks about the On-line Mapping. Manager Cable stated that the county needed to get their mapping on-line in the near future and Jr. Rodgers had suggested using a portion of the re-evaluation funds to help pay the cost. Commissioner Orr asks how much the county has in the fund. Rebecca Garland stated that we set aside $25,000.00 each year for the re-evaluation. Manager Cable stated that the initial cost could be approximately $30,000.00. Commissioner Orr stated that this would help our re-evaluation process. Commissioner Edwards stated that overlays could be done on-line which would help the surveyors and land owners in determining property lines.
  10. Commissioner Edwards asks about the EMS Sewer Repairs. Manager Cable stated that the sewer pipes had backed up into the computer room. Manager Cable stated that the room where the equipment is located was supposed to be a restroom for the 911 workers. Manager Cable stated that the board needed to consider moving the equipment across the hall and adding a restroom as the original plan called for. The board wanted prices for this move.
  11. Commissioner Edwards asks for new or old business. There was no further discussion.
  12. Commissioner Edwards stated that we would now go into Action Items.
  13. Commissioner Williams made the motion to approve the Releases and Discoveries. Commissioner Orr seconded this motion. Vote unanimous.
  14. Commissioner Edwards asks for a motion to approve the following board members: Four Square Board – Rebecca Garland; TAB Board – Greg Cable and Carla Jones; Travel and Tourism – Connie Orr, Ronnie Hedrick, Jeannie Stewart, Simon Millsaps, Harold Rogers, Dirk Cody and Billy Ditmore; Health Board – Alan Carver; Reappointment to the Health Board – Christine Holder and Angela Rogers. Commissioner Williams made the motion to approve the board members as stated. Commissioner Orr seconded this motion. Vote unanimous.
  15. Commissioner Edwards stated that they would now open the bids for the Jeep Motor Replacement. Commissioner Williams opened the bids: Barry Adams - $600.00; Lovelace & Son - $800.00. Commissioner Williams made the motion to go with the lowest bid Barry Adams. Commissioner Holder seconded this motion. Vote unanimous.
  16. Commissioner Edwards stated that they would now open the bids for the surplus sanitation trailers. Commissioner Edwards stated that one bid was given by Mike Stephens for $300.00. Commissioner Williams made the motion to reject the bid. Commissioner Orr seconded this motion. Vote unanimous.
  17. Commissioner Edwards asks for a motion on the 911 Road Name. Commissioner Williams made the motion to approve Carver Branch Road as a 911 address. Commissioner Orr seconded this motion. Vote unanimous.
  18. Commissioner Edwards stated that the board tabled the Fiber Optic Bridge between the DSS Building and the Building Inspections Office until the board knew the total cost.
  19. Commissioner Edwards stated that the board tabled the On-Line Mapping until the cost could be determined.
  20. Commissioner Edwards stated that the board gave a directive for the Building Inspector to check the sewer line problems at the EMS Building before proceeding.
  21. Commissioner Edwards asks if the letter has been sent to the state on the floodplain issue. Clerk Crisp stated that she would contact Attorney Cody to check on this request.
  22. Commissioner Williams made the motion to go into closed session under G.S. 143-318.11(a) (1) (3) (6) for privileged or confidential information, attorney-client privilege, personnel and contracts. Commissioner Orr seconded this motion. Vote unanimous.
  23. Commissioner Holder made the motion to go back into open session. Commissioner Orr seconded this motion. Vote unanimous.
  24. Commissioner Orr made the motion to give Jeremy Spencer his merit pay which will put him inline with the other investigators. Commissioner Holder seconded this motion. Vote unanimous.
  25. Commissioner Orr made the motion to approve the Resolution with the Town of Fontana Dam and the Building Inspections Office. Commissioner Holder seconded this motion. Vote unanimous.
  26. Commissioner Edwards welcomed the new County Manager Greg Cable and thanked Clerk Crisp for her work as Interim County Manager. Manager Cable stated that the administration staff is top notch and Rebecca Garland the Finance Office is a top notch CPA who has the county’s best interests and stated that he looked forward to working for this board. Commissioner Holder stated that he appreciated this board for being fair.
  27. Commissioner Holder made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Orr seconded this motion. Vote unanimous.


Robert M. (Mike) Edwards, Chairman, Graham County Commissioner


Billy Holder, Vice-Chairman, Graham County Commissioner


Connie Orr, Member, Graham County Commissioner


Sandra Smith, Member, Graham County Commissioner


Raymond Williams. Member, Graham County Commissioner



Kim Crisp, Clerk to the Board