Cities – reading
City 1 – true or false?
It is more impressive and beautiful than most cities.
It is a very ancient city.
Many old buildings have been demolished to make way for new ones.
Many of the inhabitants live in tall buildings.
There is less history to be seen here than in Paris or London.
The atmosphere on the busy streets is a more important feature than the museums and palaces.
You are not allowed to go out late at night.
portray / describesacrifice / to destroy something in order to have something else
dormitory / part of a city (or room in a hostel) where people sleep
peripheral / at the edge of something
ooze / show a quality in an obvious way
essence / the most important part of something
thronged / crowded
City 3 – true or false?
This is a city that has a lot of energy.
The only shops in the depressing suburbs are supermarkets.
There are lots of tall office buildings.
The past has been totally destroyed to make way for the new.
sheer / emphasizes the amount of somethingstriking / attracting your interest or attention
fall prey to / be eaten, killed or destroyed by
bustling / noisy and busy, and therefore interesting
soaring / very high
linger / remain
City 4 – true or false?
The city lacks self-confidence.
The city justifiably calls itself ‘Capital of the World.’
People come here for the peaceful, relaxing atmosphere.
People all over the world have some idea of what this city is like.
You need to choose the best sights and tourist attractions to have the best experience here.
top of the heap / the bestarrogant / thinking you are better of more important than other people
carry sthg off / do something difficult
put a finger on sthg / explain or understand something exactly
buzz / having a lot of exciting noise or activity
hyperactive / very active and finding it difficult to concentrate or relax
subconscious / thoughts or feelings that you have but do not think about, or realize you have
in-your-face / very direct and forceful so that you have to pay attention
exhilarating / exciting