Unit 3: The Move to Global War (EA1)

Mon. 5/22 à Term Cards /Missing work due! Thur. 5/25 à Unit 3 Exam & EA1

People / Events / Vocabulary
Jiang Jieshi
Mao Zedong
Tojo Hideki
Emperor Hirohito
Benito Mussolini
Adolf Hitler
Gustav Stresemann
Francisco Franco
Emperor Selassie
Neville Chamberlain
Victor Emmanuel III
Catholic Church
55 TOTAL TERMS / Failure of the League of Nations (reasons
Effects of WWI on the rise of dictators (post-
war settlements & treaties)
Ruhr Crisis
Sino-Japanese War
Spanish Civil War
Causes of the rise of Militarism in Japan
(include political, ideol., econ factors)
Causes of the rise of Fascism in Italy
(include political, ideol., econ factors)
March on Rome
Causes of the rise of Nazism in Germany
(include political, ideol., econ factors)
Munich Putsch
US Isolationism (include impact, Neutrality
Acts, and end)
Japanese expansion (include Manchuria, China,
SE Asia)
Pearl Harbor attack
Italian expansion (include Fiume Affair,
Abyssinia and Albania)
German expansion (include Rhineland,
Czechoslovakia and Poland)
International Response to Japanese Expansion
International Response to German Expansion
International Response to Italian Expansion / Collective Security
Rapallo Treaty
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Lytton Report
United Front
Tripartite Pact
Fascism vs. Nazism
Mein Kampf
Stresa Front
Hoare-Laval Pact
Little Entente
Treaty of London
Treaty of Versailles
Locarno Era
SS vs SA
Nazi-Soviet Pact
Pact of Steel

Questions for review:

1.  Why did the League of Nations fail? List as many reasons as possible!

2.  Explain how the effects of WWI and the Treaty of Versailles impacted the rise of dictatorships in Italy, Germany and Japan.

3.  What factors undermined liberal rule in the post-WWI eras of Italy, Germany and Japan?

4.  How did the fear of communism contribute to the rise of totalitarian regimes?

5.  How did Tojo, Mussolini and Hitler consolidate their power in order to make them totalitarian dictators? What tactics/strategies were used?

6.  Describe the personal beliefs and goals of Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo.

7.  Discuss the reasons for the British and French policies of appeasement.

8.  Describe the International response to Italian vs. German vs. Japanese aggression

·  Make sure you review the requirements for EA1 – a huge portion of your test will be based off of a mock EA1 assessment!

·  Make sure you are able to compare/contrast Japan, Italy and Germany’s leaders, foreign policy goals, actions, relations with other nations, etc.