Introduced by Council Member Lee:

RESOLUTION 2008-1098

A RESOLUTION requesting that the Administration inventory the existing land use classifications within the boundaries of the Jacksonville Ash and Brown’s Dump Superfund Alternative Sites to determine opportunities for, and integrate appropriate reuse and redevelopment of, such property; requesting that the Administration review all pending and future Land Use Map Amendments to determine opportunities for, and integrate appropriate reuse and redevelopment of, such property; providing an effective date.

WHEREAS, the City has entered into a consent decree with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) in the case of United States of America v. City of Jacksonville, Civil Action Number 3:08-cv-00257-HES-TEM, which was entered by the Court on July 17, 2008 (“Consent Decree”); and

Whereas, the Consent Decree obligates the City to perform certain remediation work as described therein on certain property known as the Jacksonville Ash and Brown’s Dump Superfund Alternative Sites (“Sites”); and

Whereas, the Jacksonville Ash Superfund Alternative Site encompasses approximately 27 acres at the Forest Street Incinerator site, approximately 36 acres at the 5th and Cleveland Incinerator site, and approximately 126 acres at the Lonnie Miller, Sr. Park site; and

WHEREAS, Brown’s Dump Superfund Alternative Site encompasses approximately 80 acres located in northeast Jacksonville; and

Whereas, in addition to the cleanup mandated by the Consent Decree, it is important to consider future use opportunities and integrate appropriate reuse and redevelopment options at the Sites; now therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Jacksonville:

Section 1. The Council hereby adopts the above as findings of fact.

Section 2. The Administration is hereby requested to inventory the existing land use classifications within the boundaries of the Sites to determine opportunities for, and integrate appropriate reuse and redevelopment of, the Sites. Additionally, the Administration shall review all pending and future Land Use Map Amendments to determine opportunities for, and integrate appropriate reuse and redevelopment of, the Sites.

Section 3. Effective Date. This resolution shall become effective upon signature by the Mayor or upon becoming effective without the Mayor’s signature.

Form Approved:

/s/ Kristina G. Nelson______

Office of General Counsel

Legislation Prepared By: Kristina G. Nelson

G:\SHARED\LEGIS.CC\Nelson\Resolution to review ash site redevelopment and reuse ops.doc