Regular Meeting

St. Louis, MO

September 6, 2012


The Special Administrative Board of the Transitional School District of the City of St. Louis met on the date noted in Room 108 of the Administrative Building, 801 N. 11th Street, St. Louis, MO 63101. The meeting was called to order at 6:20PM by President Sullivan on the following roll call.


Present: Ms. Adams, Mr. Gaines, Mr. Sullivan

The Board and audience recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


On a motion by Ms. Adams, and seconded by Mr. Gaines, on the following roll call vote, the Board voted to approve the August 23, 2012 open minutes.

Aye: Ms. Adams, Mr. Gaines, Mr. Sullivan


Gateway STEM High School student, Aadaisia Paris Stevens was the recipient of the Spirit of Excellence award. Aadaisia was selected as a laboratory apprentice through theStudents and Teachers Research Scientists Program at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. The program providesrigorous courses in anthropology, biology, chemistry, computer science, earth science, engineering and psychology. Aadaisia was afforded an exceptional opportunity to work alongside scientists, Dr. Ivan Baxter and Dr. Terry Woodford-Thomas.


There were no public comments.



  • The acceptance of the 2013-2014 Magnet and Choice Schools applications has begun.One-hundred applicationswerecompleted on-line. The District will be hosting several open houses at school locations for the weeks to come. Other venues include the World Chess Hall of Fame and the Magic House-Emerson Education Center. Additional information regarding times and locations will be posted on the District’s website as well as a public advisory to the media.

Information Item(s)

(There was one presentation, “Back-to-School Data” on the agenda. However, due to the tragic accident of several Northwest Academy of Law students, the presentation was deferred until the next meeting to allow members, the Superintendent and administrative staff to support the students and their families at hospital. Arrangements have beenmade for counselors to be at the school starting tomorrow.)

Business Item(s):

Consent Agenda

Mr. Sullivan called for a motion and a second to approve items 09-06-12-01 through 09-06-12-04, with the exclusion of item09-06-12-02 which was approved at the August 23, 2012 meeting and to further pull and defer walk-on items 09-06-12-05through 09-06-12-11 for the September 27, 2012 meeting agenda.

On a motion by Ms. Adams, and seconded by Mr. Gaines on the following roll call vote, the Board voted toapprove items 09-06-12-01 through 09-06-12-04, with the exclusion of item09-06-12-02 which was approved at the August 23, 2012 meeting, and to further pull and defer walk-on items 09-06-12-05through 09-06-12-11 for the September 27, 2012 meeting agenda.

Aye: Ms. Adams, Mr. Gaines, Mr. Sullivan

09-06-12-01To ratify approval of a contract with Smart Choice Technologies, a division of Firefly, Inc. for the implementation and design of the School Application Management System Software and Hosting for the period September 1, 2012 through August 31, 2013 with options to renew for future fiscal years. The first year cost including the one-time set up cost will not exceed $62,150.

09-06-12-02To approve a contract with Accelify to provide third party Medicaid claiming management of direct therapy services for the period October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2013 at a cost not to exceed 7.5% of the revenue generated on behalf of the District.

09-06-12-03To approve the acceptance of the Aim to Fitness Grant from the US Department of Education in the amount of $2,234,952.

09-06-12-04To approve the amendment of Board Resolution Number 11-15-11-09, a contract with FUSE for the period October 26, 2011 through October 31, 2012 in an amount not to exceed $150,000 and to further authorize an additional $45,250 for the telephone/customer service function. If approved, the total amount of this contract will now be $195,250.

09-06-12-05To approve a contract with J.L. Brown Construction Company to replace the playground area pavement and walking track at Nottingham High School. The work shall begin on September 7, 2012 and be completed no later than October 31, 2012 at a cost not to exceed $122,809.50 which includes a 10% contingency of $11,164.50.

09-06-12-06To approve a contract with Raineri Construction, LLC to replace the light fixtures in the gymnasium at Gateway STEM High School. The work shall begin on September 24, 2012 and be completed no later than November 30, 2012 at a cost not to exceed $93,945.50, which includes a 10% contingency of $8,540.50.

09-06-12-07To approve a contract with C. Rallo Contracting Company, Inc. to repair the exterior stairs at Sumner and Roosevelt High Schools. The work shall begin on September 7, 2012 and be completed no later than December 31, 2012 at a cost not to exceed $406,318 which includes a 10% contingency of $36,938.

09-06-12-08To approve a contract with C. Rallo Contracting Company, Inc. for the removal and replacement of fencing around the athletic fields at Gateway and Beaumont High Schools. The work shall begin on September 7, 2012 and be completed no later than October 31, 2012 at a cost not exceed $314,600, which includes a 10% contingency of $28,600.

09-06-12-09To ratify an emergency approval for Jarrell Mechanical Contractors to replace the fan motor in the cooling tower of the Administration Building. The work completion dates are June 14, 2012 through June 16, 2012 at a total combinedcost not to exceed $12,044.17.

09-06-12-10To ratify a contract with Concentra Medical Centers to provide pre-employment medical screenings, TB skin tests, fit-for-duty exams and cause for drug testing as needed for all potential new hires for the period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013 at a cost not to exceed $45,000.

09-06-12-11To ratify an Agency Agreement with Grace Hill Head Start program that will maximize the use of available local resources to provide special education and related services to identified young children with disabilities and their families for the period September 4, 2012 through May 23, 2013. St. Louis Public Schools agrees to accept a daily rate of $17.24 for 400 eligible preschool children or an estimated amount of $1,200,000.


There were no updates.


There being no further business before the Board in open session, on a motion by Ms. Adams, and seconded by Mr. Gaines on the following roll call vote, the Board voted to adjourn at 6:35PM.

Aye: Ms. Adams, Mr. Gaines, Mr. Sullivan

September 6, 2012SAB Meeting – MINUTESPage 1