Chairman Warren Stolp called the regular meeting of the Town of Nashwauk to order on Tuesday, August 13, 2013 at 7:00 PM in the Cloverdale Hall. Members present: Warren Stolp, Jeffrey Ekholm, Larry Laakso, Karine Woodman andAmber Goss. Members absent: none.

A motion was made by Stolp and seconded by Laakso to approve the treasurer’s report as read. Total receipts: $105,508.14. Total disbursements: $21,814.71. Total ending balance for the month: $439,521.28. Motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Ekholm and seconded by Laakso to approve the clerk’s minutes of the last regular meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Stolp and seconded by Ekholm to approve and pay all claims presented to the board for payment. Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Carissa McIlwain from the Greenway Recreation Board gave an update. They are doing many renovations.
  1. Brian Ekholmgave an update on the Town Hall Committee. All board members in addition to Brian Ekholm received a letter from the IRRRB. Brian Ekholm responded to the letter. Brian also asked about naming the new town hall, and it was decided to call it “Nashwauk Township Community Center”. A special meeting was set up to further discuss the town hall committee and set for prior to regular scheduled meeting on September 10, 2013 @ 6pm at the Cloverdale Hall.
  1. A discussion was held regarding purchasingfencing for the playground and the baseball field. Only one bid was received from Iron Oakes Fencing. It is too expensive to do the entire ball field. We have received the grant for $1000.00 from Beefy Lawson and want to use it for this. Decided to do the first base line, purchase materials only and see how many volunteers they get to install it.
    *Motion by Stolp, seconded by Laakso to purchase fencing, material only, on the first baseline for $1,740.00 from Iron Oakes Fencing. Motion carried unanimously.
  1. Carissa McIlwain gave update on the status of the land sale. No inquiries thus far.
  1. No other old business was brought forward for discussion.


  1. *Motion by Stolp, seconded by Ekholm to approve the application for utility permit from Lake Country Power. Motion carried unanimously.
  1. Correspondence
  1. Insurance Rates effective October 1, 2013
  2. MN Power notice regarding Great Northern Transmission Line
  3. IRRRB letter to Mr. Brian Ekholm
  4. Equipment Turnaround Waiver Form from the Walkers/Itasca County
  5. MN Association of Townships District meeting notice 8/28/13 in Walker
  6. MN Township 2014 Certified Town Aid
  7. LCP notice of capital credit allocation
  8. Letter from NK Summer Fast Pitch
  9. ElderCircle letter request for donation
  10. ICTA meeting minutes
  11. Greenway Recreation Board meeting minutes
  1. Hipsag gave a road update. Schwartz is going to start bringing gravel. Two more ditches and three culverts to dig. Brushing needs to be done. Have to build a turnaround.

With no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Stolp and seconded by Ekholm to adjourn at 7:38 PM. Motion carried unanimously.

The next regular meeting will be on Tuesday, September 10, 2013 at 7:00PM in the Cloverdale Hall.


Clerk Chairman
