EVMS Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences /
Office Use Only: ______Name:(First M.I. Last) / M / F / DOB:
Address: (Street, Apt#) / City, State, & ZIP:
Phone (home): / May a message be left? / Yes / No
Phone (cell/work): / May a message be left? / Yes / No
Primary Insurance:
/Insurance Phone &
ID No.:
Secondary Insurance:
/Insurance Phone &
ID No.:
(if applicable)Policy Holder’s Name:
/ Email Address:Race:
/ Ethnicity: / Language(s):Occupation/Employer: / Education level: / # of Children:
Referred By: / PCP:
Marital status:
/ Single / Partnered / Married / Separated / Divorced / WidowedService you are seeking:
(Please choose only ONE) / Individual Therapy ONLY / Evaluation Only for Bariatric or Transplant Surgery
Med Evaluation/Management ONLY / Evaluation Only for (second opinion on diagnosis, etc.)
Individual Therapy Med Evaluation/Management / ______
Reason(s) for seeking treatment:
/ Abuse / Behavioral Problems / Eating Disorder (height ______weight ______) / Stress Anxiety/Panic / Bipolar Disorder / Grieving / Trauma
Attention Problems / Depression / Relationship Issues / Other______
How long have you experienced the problems checked off above?
Is this your first time requesting treatment by a psychiatrist and/or a psychologist? / Yes / No
If no, when was the last time you were seen and who were you seen by?
Have you had any previous psychiatric hospitalizations? / Yes / No
Have you ever attempted suicide? / Yes / No
****If you currently experience suicidal or homicidal thoughts, please dial 911 or go to your nearest emergency room. ****
Do you drink alcohol (beer/wine/liquor)? / Yes / No / How often?: Rarely Occasionally Frequently Consistently
Do you use recreational drugs (marijuana/cocaine/heroin)? / Yes / No / How often?: Rarely Occasionally Frequently Consistently
Are you currently involved in any legal proceedings (lawsuits, divorce, child custody, etc.)? / Yes / No
Do you have any pending disability claims OR do you plan to file a disability claim in the near future? / Yes / No
Any medical problems? If yes, please list the most severe: / Yes / No
Medications (Rx & OTC):
Are you having any difficulty sleeping (falling asleep, staying asleep, and/or waking frequently)? / Yes / No
Are you having any difficulty with your appetite (loss of or increase of)? / Yes / No
Are you having difficulty attending work or with your day-to-day activities (ex: household chores)? / Yes / No
Do you haveand/or utilize a support system (friends/family) to share your difficulties with? / Yes / No
Are you willing to be seen in the Outpatient Training Clinic by a Resident or Intern? (Non-Medicare/Non-Medicaid ONLY)
/ Yes / NoOffice Use Only:
InformationGiven to: / Elizabeth Collumb, MD / Stephen Deutsch, MD, PhD / Richard Handel, PhD / Kathrin Hartmann, PhD
Serina Neumann, PhD / Shriti Patel, MD / David Spiegel, MD / Maria Urbano, MD / Outpatient Training Clinic
Accepted by: / Next available / Schedule in ______weeks
Scheduled for:
/ ______, ______at ______AM / PMOR / Referred out to ______/ Form completed via: ______:: ______
Revised 02/2018