The Common Application Form replaces the CYWHS AEC application form and was introduced for use by researchers within South Australiawho are required to apply to Animal Ethics Committees. Introduction of this form will streamline processes and avoid duplication. It will particularly benefit those researchers who are required to submit applications to more than one institutional AEC.

Applications to the University of AdelaideAnimal Ethics Committee applicationsMUST be madeusing their application form and NOT the Common Form. The University of Adelaide Animal Ethics application form can be found at:

If you are submitting an application to the University of Adelaide and another Animal Ethics Committee in South Australia, you should use the University of Adelaide form rather than the Common Form application.

For those researchers using the University of Adelaide form, the CYWHS Animal Ethics Committee requires 11 copies.

Please note - upon receipt of the 11 copies of the University of Adelaide application form you may be asked to provide some additional and specific CYWHS information. You will be advised of this upon receipt of your application.

The Common Form is located at

The Common Form is NOT a web based application such as the NHMRC. You should save the form to your own PC and access when required.

CYWHS researchers will need to complete either the “biomedical research” or “establishment of a breeding colony” forms.

CYWHS currently holds a licence to use animals for the purposes of teaching any science or for research or experimentation from the Office of the Minister for Environment and Conservation. CYWHS researchers are not required to apply for a licence independently.

Completing the form

  1. You may select more than one institution to submit your application to by holding the control and right clicking on the institution name.
  2. If you are using the Animal House at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital you must consult with the Manager of the Animal House (telephone 8161 6169) before completing your application to ensure there are facilities available for the proposed animal use.
  3. You should refer to the existing CYWHS Animal Ethics Application Guidelines when completing the application form, for clarification and details of requirementsif necessary.
  4. You must provide 11 copies of your completed application to Mary Thorne, CYWHS AEC Secretary, Level 2, SWB, Women’s & Children’s Hospital.
  5. Declaration by the Head of Division/Department/Institute - contact Mary Thorne on 8161 6390 should you have any questions with regard to signatures required.


1. / Are you using the WCH Animal House?
If Yes, have you consulted with the Manager of the Animal House to ensure that the appropriate animal housing is available for this project? / Yes / No
Yes / No
Have you made 11 complete sets of your application for the CYWHS AEC? (Double sided if possible).
If the protocol is subject to a grant application, please provide one copy of the grant application and 11 copies of the “aims, background, research plan and reference list” sections
2. / Have you emailed a copy of your application to ?
3. / Have you included any attachments to the copies (such as the clinical record sheet or phenotype passport etc)?

Frequently asked questions

Why is the Common Form located on the website of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)?

To ensure that the form is centrally available to all users and that any required amendments to the form are managed centrally, the Animal Welfare Unit of DENR have agreed to “host” and maintain the web site in consultation with those SA Animal Ethics Committees which will accept the Common Form.

As the State Animal Welfare portfolio is administered by the Minister for Environment and Conservation the various Animal Ethics Committee regularly liaise with the Animal Welfare Unit.

Additionally, DENR administers the Animal Welfare Act 1985 (the Act) and provides advice to state government, non government organizations and the general public on the Act and animal welfare issues in general.

Do I need to apply for a licence before I complete the Common Form?

No, as a Department of Health employee, undertaking the work within a Department of Health Facility an individual licence is not required. CYWHS holds a licence to use animals for the purposes of teaching any science or for research or experimentation pursuant to Part 4 of the Animal Welfare Act 1985 (the Act).

What should I do if I have to apply to the University of Adelaide Animal Ethics Committee?

You must complete the University of Adelaideon line form and follow the usual university procedures at all times. The CYWHS AEC will accept 11 copies of the University of Adelaide application form from you rather than you having to also complete a CYWHS AEC form.

If I provide the CYWHS AEC with 11 copies of the University of Adelaide Animal Ethics application form, what additional information does the CYWHS AEC require?

You must complete and attach the CYWHS Cover sheet to accompany UofA AE application form.

In the initial stages of translating to the use of a Common Form and in particular accepting the UofA form (if applicable), the CYWHS Animal Ethics Committee are unable to predict what additional information may be required.

You will be contacted once your application is received should any additional information be required.

What should I do if I have any questions or problems when completing the form?

You should call Mary Thorne on 8161 6390 or email

CYWHS Animal Ethics Committee
Cover sheet to accompany University of Adelaide Animal Ethics Application Forms /
The attached application has been submitted to the following Animal Ethics Committees:
University of Adelaide (using the University of Adelaide web form)
Project title:
Applicant name & full mailing address (provide full mailing details – dept, floor & building)
Telephone Number: / Email Address:
Have you consulted with the Manager of the Animal House to ensure that the appropriate animal housing is available for this project? Yes No
Declaration by Chief Investigator:
To the best of my knowledge this proposal conforms with the Australian Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes, 2004 and the Animal Welfare Act, 1985. I have read Section 3 of the Code which highlights the responsibilities of investigators. I accept those responsibilities. I have read the CYWHS AEC Guidelines for the Use of Animals in Research and undertake to abide by them.
Print Name
SIGNED: ...... DATE:
I am satisfied that the applicant has the technical competence required to carry out the work with minimum distress to the animals. I believe this work meets the requirements of the Animal Welfare Act, 1985 and its regulations. I have read the application and I am satisfied that this work is of sufficient scientific merit for my Department to be involved in it, and I believe that the lay language used, where requested, makes the proposal understandable to all AEC members. Sufficient and adequate resources will be available to undertake the proposed study.
Print Name
SIGNED: ...... DATE:
Head of Division/Dept

Please note: if any part of this form is not completed your application will not be processed.

H:\RESEARCH\AEC\FORMS~FORM letters CYWHS AEC\AEC Forms Current\CYWHS AEC Common Form Guidelines.doc