1. A ______bond is the force that holds two atoms together.

2. Chemical bonds can form by the attraction between the ______nucleus of one atom and the ______electrons of another atom, or by the attraction between positive ______and negative ______.

3. An ______-______structure is a type of diagram used to keep track of ______electrons.

4. A ______ion forms when an atom loses one or more valence electrons in order to attain a ______gas configuration.

5. By losing an ______, the sodium atom acquires the stable outer-electron configuration of ______.

6. It is important to understand that although ______now has the electron configuration of ______, it is not neon.

7. ______atoms are reactive because they lose valence electrons easily.

8. The group ______and ______metals are the most reactive metals on the periodic table.

9. Although the formation of an ______is the most stable electron configuration, other electron configurations can provide some ______.

10. ______, which are located on the right side of the periodic table, easily gain ______to attain a stable outer electron configuration.

11. An ______is a negatively charged ion.

12. The ______force that holds oppositely charged particles together in an ionic compound is referred to as an ______bond.

13. Many ionic compounds are ______, which means that they contain only two different elements.

14. The ______bonds in a compound determine many of its ______.

15. The strong attractions among the ______ions and the ______ions in an ______compound result in the formation of a ______lattice.

16. ______point, ______point, and ______are physical properties of matter that depend on how strongly the particles that make up the matter are ______to one another.

17. ______are charged particles, so whether they are free to move determines whether an ionic compound conducts ______.

18. Both ______compounds in solution and in the liquid state are excellent conductors of ______.

19. An ionic compound whose aqueous solution conducts an electric current is called an ______.

20. Ionic crystals have ______melting points and ______boiling points.

21. During every chemical reaction, energy is either ______or ______.

22. If energy is absorbed during a chemical reaction, the reaction is ______. If energy is released, it is ______.

23. Because chemists around the world need to be able to communicate with one another, they have developed a set of rules for ______compounds.

24. A ______ion is a one-atom ion such as ______or ______.

25. The charge of a monatomic ion is known as its ______number, or oxidation state.

26. The ______number of an element in an ionic compound equals the number of ______transferred from the atom to form the ion.

27. In the chemical formula for an ionic compound, the symbol of the ______is always written first, followed by the symbol of the ______.

28. ______, which are small numbers to the lower right of a symbol, represent the number of ______of each element in an ionic compound.

29. Many ionic compounds contain ______ions, which are ions made up of more than one atom.

30. Because a polyatomic ion exists as a unit, never change ______of the atoms within the ion.

31. If more than one polyatomic ion is needed, place ______around the ion and write the appropriate subscript outside the parenthesis.

32. ______often form lattices in the solid state.

33. The ______sea model proposes that all the metal atoms in a metallic solid contribute their ______electrons to form a sea of electrons.

34. A ______bond is the attraction of a metallic cation for delocalized electrons.

35. In general, ______have moderately high melting points and high boiling points.

36. Metal are ______, which means they can be hammered into sheets, and they are ______, which means they can be drawn into wire.

37. The movement of mobile ______around positive metallic cations makes the metals good ______.

38. An ______is a mixture of elements that has metallic properties.

39. ______steel, ______, and cast ______are a few of the many useful alloys.