CHEM 226-56T: Organic Chemistry Laboratory. Fall, 2016

Instructor: Dr. Mallory Cortez, Ph. D. Office: 133 Beauregard Hall

Phone: 985-448-4177 e-mail:

Course Meeting: 56T: T/R, 1:30-4:20 pm Room: Beauregard Hall 248 and 244

Office Hours: Mon/Wed/Friday: 9:30-10:30 am

Mon/Wed: 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Tues/Thurs: 10:30 am – 11:30 am

Whenever I am in the office you are welcome to come in and ask questions.

Catalog Description: CHEM 226. Organic Chemistry Laboratory. 2-0-6. Prerequisite: CHEM 110 or 114. Prerequisite or co-requisite: CHEM 222. An introduction to the study of the properties and preparation of organic compounds. (40.0504)

Required Texts and Other Materials:

1. David J. Hart; Leslie E. Crane; Harold Hart; T. K. Vinod. Laboratory Manual Organic Chemistry A Short Course 13 Addition

2. Safety Goggles—Approved by instructor available in Bookstore

3. Notebook—bound, duplicating notebook with tear out sheets. Available in Bookstore

4. Laboratory Procedures available on Blackboard (be sure they are printed out before class).

Course Goals: The student will develop an understanding of and employ proper techniques used in organic synthesis, data collection, product analysis, and documentation. The student will also develop skills in chemical literature search and critical analysis of relevant chemical literature.

The experiments will focus on one or more of the following organic laboratory techniques:

I.  Organic Laboratory Reaction Techniques

a.  Condensation

II.  Purification of Compounds

a.  Recrystallization

b.  Separation

c.  Distillation

III.  Characterization/ compound determination

a.  Melting point

b.  TLC

c.  IR

d.  NMR

Student Outcome Objectives:

Experiments, Organic Subject, and Laboratory Technique Objectives:

Exp. # / Experiment Name / Organic Subject / Laboratory Technique Objectives
1 / Melting Point Determination. / Intramolecular Forces / III a
2 / Purifying Acetanilide by Recrystallization. / Solubility and intramolecular forces / II a, III a
3 / Extraction / Solubility and separation techniques / II b, III a
4 / Extracting Caffeine from Tea Leaves / Solubility and extraction of natural products / II b, III a, sublimation
5 / Greener Bromination of E-Stilbene / Addition Reactions / I a, III a
6 / Friedel-Crafts Acetylation of Ferrocene / Acetylation, eletrophylicity, polarity, and intramolecular forces / I a, II a, III a, III b, III c, III d
7 / Dehydration of Cyclohexanol / Elimination reactions, Boiling Points and intramolecular forces / I a, II a, II b, II c, III c, III d
8 / Synthesis and Characterization of Aspirin / Acetylation / II a, III a, III c, III d
9 / Electrophilic Aromatic Iodination of Vanilin / Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution / II a, III a, III d
10 / Biosynthesis of Ethanol from Sugar / Alcohol formation / II c, III d
11-a / Reduction Reactions of 3-Nitroacetophenone with Tin and HCL / Reduction reactions and reagent specificity / II a, III a, III c, III d
11-b / Reduction Reactions of 3-Nitroacetophenone with Sodium Borohydride / Reduction reactions and reagent specificity / II a, III c, III d
12 / Biodiesel Experiment / Reactions of esters / II b, III c, III d
13 / Benzopinacol from Benzophenone / Light to catalyze reaction / III a, III d
14 / Oxidation of Luminol / Light and chemiluminescence / III a, III d
15 / Nylon synthesis / Introduction to Polymer chemistry / Reaction at the interface of two solvents (rare)

Course Requirements:

Students will perform all experiments using proper safety practices.

Prelab: 10 pts 10%

Lab Reports (hand written yellow pages)

Attendance: 10 points/experiment

Lab Report: 10 points/experiment

Post Labs Questions: 5 points/experiment 15%

Midterm Exam: 100 points ______30%

1H NMR, 13C NMR and IR assignment: 100 points __ 15%

Lit Review Presentation: 50 points ____ 15%

Formal report: 50 points Experiment# to be announced 15%

Total 100%

Pre LAB Question. The purpose of prelabs is to prepare you for the experiment. Make sure you read and understand the lab. I will post the prelab questions ahead of time before the experiment. Your prelab will be due at the beginning of each lab.

Post Lab Questions: I will post the postlab questions on moodle. The purpose of postlab questions is to see whether you understood the techniques you performed during the experiment. Write in your lab notebook after the “Conclusion”.

LAB REPORT: Every experiment you will perform has to be reported in your laboratory notebook as a lab report. The lab report will be due one week after the experiment. Please see the details below under NOTEBOOK to see how to write a lab report. These must be written neatly, or loss of points will result.

FORMAL REPORT : You will write a formal report on one of the experiments. This experiment will be announced. This report should be written in the form of a scientific journal. Details on how to write a formal report will be discussed.

MIDTERM EXAM: You will have a written midterm exam. The midterm exam will cover all the materials you have learned up to this time. This is a closed book exam.

1H NMR, 13C NMR and IR assignment: This is a take home assignment on NMR and IR.

Literature Review Presentation: The students will give a 10-15 minute presentation (typically around 10 slide) on a current scientific journal article pertaining to chemistry. We will discuss literature searches and choosing an interesting article in class.

Method of Evaluation:

A straight percentage is used to determine grade.

90%-100% A 80%-89.99% B 70%-79.99% C 60%-69.99% D

Safety: Safety in this class is very important, and as such, you will be required to wear safety goggles at all times. Failure to wear the safety goggles will result in up to 20 points subtracted from your lab reports per day. Reminding you twice in a lab period will result in a loss of 5 points, 3 reminders will result in a loss of 10 pts, and 4 reminders will result in your removal from the class and a 0 on your lab report.

Make-up Policy: No make-ups are allowed for the experimental or discussion portion of the class. If the absence is excused, I will accept the written lab report with all required sections (pre-lab, post-lab, lab report), but you will not receive the 10 points for attendance/ participation. If the absence is not excused, you will not receive any of the 30 points for participation, pre-lab, post-lab, or lab report. Late laboratory reports will be deducted 5 points per day (including weekends).

Attendance Policy: Attendance is mandatory. This is a laboratory class. You must be present to complete the requirements. The sign in sheet will be available at the beginning of the class and it is your responsibility to sign your name to show that you attended the lab. For every un-excused absence, If the absence is excused, I will accept the written lab report with all required sections (pre-lab, post-lab, lab report), but you will not receive the 10 points for attendance/ participation. If you miss a laboratory with an excused absence, you will not receive any of the 30 points for participation, pre-lab, post-lab, or lab report. Don’t be late, points will be removed from participation. This will affect your overall grade. If you have more than 3 or more unexcused absences, you will receive an automatic failing grade (F) in this course.

Notebook: Notebooks must be written legibly to avoid loss of points. I want all parts listed below in all lab reports in this order. Along with the prelab questions, your notebook must include sections (I – VII, with the exception of the mass of product produced in the data table) BEFORE the lab that day. If this is not done before lab, I will deduct points.

I.  Title

II.  Date

III.  Purpose: Describe what is expected of the laboratory. This should be only one or two sentences, in your own words--do not copy from the manuals.

IV.  Theory: Summarize the theory about the experiment. This should be in your own words and at least 5 sentences.

V.  Procedure: Read the lab and be familiar with what will be happening. Describe the experiment in your own words.

VI.  Data Table: Listing of all of the reagents and solvents used in the experiment in table form.

reagent or product / molecular weight / mass used or produced / moles used or produced / melting point / boiling point / density / solubility in solvents used.

VII. Chemical equations: Write all of the major chemical reactions and side reactions for the experiment in bond-line (skeletal) structure.

VIII.  Observations: All data and everything that occurs in lab as it happens. Colors, smells, amounts used, mixing, temperatures, apparatus used, time for reaction, spills if they occur etc. Draw pictures if appropriate, use tables, graphs, equations, etc. Record details such as Instrument name and make, model number and serial number, chemical manufacturer, grade, lot number, expiration date, etc.

IX.  Calculations: Theoretical yield and percent yield. You must show all the calculations.

X.  DISCUSION/CONCLUSION: Write the final conclusion. This is in your own words. You should discuss why the experiment was performed, the outcomes of the experiment including listing all melting points, IR data, and NMR data and what they suggest about the purity of your product, and if there were any issues in the experiment and how this could be avoided (“human error” is not acceptable, you must describe what could have cause a low yield/failed experiment).

Clean Lab Checklist: Each lab period, two to three students are assigned to stay until all groups have completed their experiments to go through the clean lab Checklist. This is to keep the lab clean and shared spaces in good working order. If you do not complete your assigned day, you will automatically get a 0 in participation for that day.

Semester Withdrawals: The last day to withdraw from the class with a “W” is October 28th 2016.

Academic Honesty Policy: Any student found cheating, including plagiarism, will be subject to the penalties as stated in the Student Code of Conduct handbook; including but not limited to a score of zero on exam, review or report, expulsion from the class or expulsion from the University.

Multiple cheating offenses: Section Five of the Code of Student Conduct, ‘Academic Dishonesty and Disruptive Behavior’, includes a requirement that faculty file a charge complaint statement with their respective dean whenever a student is confronted or disciplined for cheating. The Office of Academic Affairs will maintain these records, and any student confronted and/or disciplined for multiple offenses of academic dishonesty will be brought before the Academic Affairs Integrity Committee for further review and potential sanctions. Please read the Code of Student Conduct for further details regarding this policy.

Americans with Disabilities Act: Students with a documented disability are entitled to classroom accommodations under the ADA. To receive accommodations, contact The Office of Disability Services at (985) 448-4430 or 158-A Shaver Gym. Additional information can be found at

Academic Grievances. The proper procedure for filing grade appeals or grievances related to academic matters is listed in Section 5 of the Code of Student Conduct and at he following link: .


The Tutoring Center at143 Peltier Hall. Call985-448-4100, email:, or visit

The Writing Center at144 Peltier Hall. Call985-448-4100, email:, or visit

Online Tutoring through Moodle.Look for the Brainfuse log-in link on the home

Continued Learning following an Extreme Emergency:

In order to make continued learning possible following an extreme emergency, students are responsible for:

·  Reading regular emergency notifications on the NSU website;

·  Knowing how to use and access moodle;

·  Being familiar with emergency guidelines;

·  Evacuating textbooks and other course materials;

·  Knowing their moodle student login and password;

·  Contacting faculty regarding their intentions for completing the course.

Faculty are responsible for:

·  The development in the use of the moodle software;

·  Having a plan for continuing their courses using only moodle and email;

·  Continuing their course in whatever way suits the completion of the course best, and being creative in the continuation of these courses;

·  Making adjustments or compensations to a student’s progress in special programs with labs, clinical sequences or the like only in the immediate semester following the emergency.

Class Disruptions: The use of cellular phones, pagers or any other electronic personal devices is prohibited in class. Any infractions will result in class being dismissed and experiments considered over.

This includes but not limited to

·  using your phone as timer—get a watch or I will supply stopwatches if needed,

·  going to the hallway while a experiment is ongoing to check on texts.

·  texting or calling or receiving incoming calls or texts

·  receiving alerts regarding incoming texts or calls

·  using phone as alarm system.

Note: This is not a binding contract. This syllabus is subject to change throughout the course, including the grading scale.

Tentative Schedule: On moodle