Beresford City Council

June 3, 2013

The Beresford City Council met in regular session in the City Library Community Room on June 3, 2013 at 7:30 p.m.

Members present: Mayor Jim Fedderson presiding, Gerald Dahlin, Troy Doeden, Tom Erickson, Gary Lambert, Art Schott and Dan Williams.

Also present: Kathy Moller, Finance Officer, Jerry Zeimetz, City Administrator, and Tom Frieberg, City Attorney.

Absent: None.

Adopt Agenda: A motion to adopt the agenda was made by Doeden, seconded by Erickson, motion carried.

Minutes: Dahlin made the motion, seconded by Lambert to approve the minutes from the meeting held on May 20, 2013 motion carried.

Public Forum and Visitors

Sioux Corp. – Brad Hyronimus: Representing Sioux Corp was Brad Hyronimus, who requested permission from the Council to have alcohol in the City Park for a company picnic on July 25th. Council discussed and advised that by the time the picnic is held the new ordinance will be in place.

Citizens Group – Recent rain event and flooded basements as a result: Discussion opened with the following people in attendance: Gene & Dorothy Mellendorf, Doug Lyle, Mike & Kim Phelps, Ardel Knutson, James Hanson, Jessica Fischer, Paul Schott, Chris Sharpe, Tony Laurvick, Lyle & Lois Savey, Mike Conklin, Derrick & Emily Livingston, Mike Sebern, David & Linda Zweifel, Bob Schumacher, Darla Jacob, Rob & DeAnne Kribell, Jack Kennedy, Geoff Fillingsness, Bill Sebern, Jacob O’Hara, Raden Peterson, Quinn Kribell, Brogan Martin, and Andrew Jensen. Street/Water/Sewer Superintendent Bill Sebern displayed a map of the City’s sewer lines and explained that the sewer system is not the problem but the excess of clean water in the sewer system. Lyle Savey inquired about how the sewer lines run through the town and the 2nd, 5th and 11th St. water and sewer replacement project. Mike Conklin questioned the sump pump ordinance, and strongly suggested enforcing it. Tom Erickson questioned the number of homes built between 1960 and 1970 with drain tile plumbed directly into the sewer. Dorothy Mellendorf asked about the size of the sewer lines throughout the City. Troy Doeden expressed the need to educate the public on discharging sump pump water to the curb, and things you can do around the home to prevent water from coming inside. Jerry Zeimetz stated the City’s insurance is held at Jensen Agency, and you can contact them to file a claim. The Insurance Company will review and decide on the claim. Gerald Dahlin asked if the City’s storm sewers are capable of handling this large amount of water from sump pumps. Bill Sebern replied yes. Council discussed different options on enforcing the sump pump ordinance. Erickson made the motion, seconded by Schott to go forward with a plan to inspect sump pumps. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.

Committee/Mayor Reports

Finance and Utility Committee: The Finance and Utility Committee consisting of Dahlin, Lambert and Williams recently met with Liquor Store Manager Dee Akland. The Liquor Store is currently 3 part time bartenders short. The Committee along with Akland came up with a few recommendations and will report back to Council in 1-2 months.

This same committee also met with Telephone Manager Todd Hansen. They discussed the SDN 6 year equipment lease, the recent cable television outage on the north side of town, hiring SDN for IT support and the bundling packages that will begin July 1, 2013.

Mayor Fedderson welcomed the Boy Scout troop that was in attendance, working on a badge and thanked them for coming.

Old Business

Review Bids for Street and Water Main Improvement Project: Pat Carey with Banner Associates distributed the bid tabulations from the bid opening held on Thursday May 30, 2013 for the water main and sanitary sewer improvement project. He explained the reason for the bids coming in over the budgeted amount and the difference on pipe prices. Dahlin asked Carey to explain the meaning of mobilization and soft costs. Moller reviewed with the Council where the additional funding could come from. Lambert made the motion, seconded by Schott, to award the contract to the low bid from First Rate Excavate of $1,856,092.12 contingent on SDDENR approval of the bid. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried. Carey noted that First Rate Excavate is willing to work with the City to cut items to meet the budget. Zeimetz thanked Moller for preparing her information quickly. Council thanked Pat Carey for attending the meeting.

City of Beresford / Watermain & Sanitary Sewer Improvements
Bid Opening 2:10 pm / 2013
May 30, 2013
Bid / Addendum / Unit
Bidder / Bond / #1 / Price Bid
Duininck, Inc., Prinsburg, MN / 10% / Yes / $2,247,573.50
First Rate Excavate, Sioux Falls, SD / 10% / Yes / $1,856,092.12
Slowey Const., Yankton, SD / 10% / Yes / $1,901,043.00
H & W Contracting, Sioux Falls, SD / 10% / Yes / $1,905,865.90
Quam Const., Willmer, MN / 10% / Yes / $1,955,252.00
Metro Const., Sioux Falls, SD / 10% / Yes / $2,237,636.68

Draft Ordinance Discussion – need any additional changes by June 17 meeting: Zeimetz noted that it’s time to wrap up the draft ordinance. Council was asked to review it, and contact Zeimetz with any questions or changes. The goal is to do the first reading at the June 17, 2013 Council Meeting.

New Business

Malt Beverage Application Renewals: Finance Officer, Kathy Moller, reported that all applications and fees have been received on time at the Finance Office. A motion to approve the license applications for the sale of malt beverages for the year July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 for the following businesses was made by Lambert, second by Doeden; all present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.

On & Off-Sale Malt Beverage:

City of Beresford Darla J Jacob Beresford Convenience Inc. dba/Bridges at Beresford Golf Club dba/ JET Service Center, Inc. Total Stop

601 S. 7th St Jet Truck Plaza 1506 W Cedar St.

1501 W Cedar St.

Off-Sale Malt Beverage / SD Farm Wire:

Casey’s Retail Company Chuck’s Foodland Inc. Dolgen Midwest, LLC

dba/Casey’s General Store dba/ Fiesta Foods dba/Dollar General Store

910 W Cedar St. Hwy. 46 & 13th Street 1400 W Cedar St.

2-day Malt Beverage Application for Beresford Fire Dept. (Wheels and Squeals): Erickson made a motion to approve the 2-day malt beverage license for the Beresford Fire Department to be used June 14 & 15, 2013. Schott seconded the motion, all present Council Members voted aye, motion carried. This license covers a designated area downtown in conjunction with the Wheels & Squeals event and also the Beresford Tractor Pull.

2-day SD Wine License for Birdsong Vineyards: Doeden made a motion to approve a 2-day South Dakota wine license for Birdsong Vineyards to be used June 14 & 15, 2013. Schott seconded the motion, all present Council Members vote aye, motion carried. This license covers a designated area downtown in conjunction with the Wheels & Squeals event.

Request to close portions of 3rd St., Main St., and Hemlock Streets in Central Business District for Wheels and Squeals celebration June 14-16: Schott made the motion to close portions of S. 3rd St., Main St., and Hemlock Street for the Wheels and Squeals Celebration. Lambert seconded the motion, all present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.

Consider Ordinance 2013-2 A revision to the 2008 Zoning Regulations to allow a residence to be constructed on a lot of record which has a lot area of less than 7,500 square feet if there was previously a residence constructed upon such lot: Attorney Frieberg explained the reasoning to revise the 2008 Zoning Regulation. According to the Ordinance, certain lots of record within the City are unbuildable if a house is removed due to the lot regulation size. The first reading of Ordinance 2013-2 was held. The Planning & Zoning Commission will also review the Ordinance at their June 10, 2013 meeting. The second reading will be held at the June 17, 2013 Council Meeting.

Labor & Equipment rental rates policy: Zeimetz explained the current labor & equipment rental rate policy from February 2011. He met with the Electric, Telephone, and Street Department Heads to review, and came up with a revised policy. Erickson made the motion, seconded by Schott to approve the Labor & Equipment Rental Rates Policy dated June 3, 2013. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.

Appointment to Planning and Zoning Commission (5-yr. term): Mayor Fedderson asked the Council to appoint Len Hofer to another 5 year term to the Planning & Zoning Board. Lambert made the motion to appoint Len Hofer to the Planning & Zoning Board, term expiring June 20118, seconded by Doeden. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.

Appointments to Beresford Public Library Board (3-yr. terms): Mayor Fedderson asked the Council to appoint Jeanne Baillie and Sharon Akland to the Library Board. Doeden made the motion to appoint Jeanne Baillie to the Library Board, term expiring June 2016, seconded by Erickson. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried. Dahlin made the motion, seconded by Lambert to appoint Sharon Akland to the Library Board, term expiring June 2016. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.

South Dakota Retirement System Roth 457 Program: Moller explained a letter she received from the South Dakota Retirement System announcing the Roth 457 program that will be available beginning July 1, 2013. Moller would like a representative from SDRS to present the program to the City employees. Doeden made the motion, seconded by Erickson to authorize marketing the SDRS 457 to the full time City employees. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.

P/T Summer Help at Library: Librarian Jane Norling requested hiring Jessica Akland for part time help at the Library. Schott made the motion, seconded by Dahlin to approve hiring Jessica Akland part-time at $7.60/hr. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.

Authorize advertising for P/T help at City Hall: Erickson made the motion, seconded by Lambert to authorize advertising part-time help at City Hall. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.

Discussion & Information items

Electronic Recycling to start June 4: Zeimetz informed Council Members that the Recycling Center is now doing electronic recycling. An information brochure was inserted in the June utility bills. The Recycling Center will also be accepting batteries.

Payment of Bills:

A motion was made by Williams seconded by Dahlin, to approve payment of the bills listed below, motion carried.

Aarons Pro Window Cleaning, service, $35.00; Adolph Kiefer & Associates, swimsuits, $687.80; Appeara, service, $591.73; Beal Distributing, beer, $13,396.42; Beresford Cablevision, monthly billing, $244.45; Beresford Municipal Telephone, monthly billing, $3,470.69; Beresford Municipal Utilities, monthly billing, $10,407.50; Bierschbach Equipment & Supply, sand bags, $79.00; Big Top Tent Rental, tent rental, $405.00; Bob’s Lock & Key, knob set, $36.45; Border States Electric, supplies, $2,660.07; Brown & Saenger, office supplies, $72.73; C & H Distributors, recycling, $502.89; Cedar Shore Hotel, lodging, $91.95; CenturyLink, toll, $76.92;

Chesterman, resale, $571.80; Concrete Materials, asphalt, $677.95; Continental Research Corp., double 6, $1,791.81; Dakota Fluid Power, repair, $197.94; Data Technologies, installation & training, $255.00; DGR Engineers, engineering, $1,208.72; Ditch Witch of SD, boring machine, $135,831.96; Eastway Auto Service, Repair, $640.06; Erickson, Thomas, mileage, $30.00; Farmers Coop Elevator, seed, $152.50; Fillingsness, Geoff, mileage & meals, $200.05; First National Bank, interest payment, $19,031.25; Frieberg ETAL, legal services, $2,028.56; Frontier Precision, Geo XH 6000 handheld, $9,620.00; Gall’s Inc., metro spike system, $427.98;

Graybar Electric, supplies, $66.30; Hawkins Water Treatment, chemicals, $1,548.39; HD Supply Waterworks, fittings, $75.78; Heiman Fire Equipment, annual service, $1,737.44; Hillyard, supplies, $491.89; Holiday Inn, lodging, $424.32; Homestead Bldg. Supplies, supplies & materials, $167.21; IBEW Local #426, union dues, $612.00; In Stitches Custom Embroidery, lettering, $65.60; Johnson Brothers, liquor, $5,216.92; Legacy Carpet Service, carpet cleaning, $1,651.22; Loren Fischer Disposal, garbage hauling contract, $5,075.00; McLeod’s Printing, office supplies, $368.29; Mr. Golf Car, golf car lease, $2,600.00;

Muller Auto Parts, equipment repair, $1,418.15; Neves Uniforms & Equipment, clothing allowance, $101.94; Nordquist, Michael, mileage, $93.25; Northern Tool & Equipment, truck chest, $309.99; NTCA, dues, $500.00; Olson’s Hardware, supplies, $2,582.71;

Omni-Pro Software, SCADA system, $2,200.00; Pedersen Machine, supplies, $150.09; Pepsiamericas, resale, $285.23; Queen City Wholesale, resale, $1,103.30; Range Servant, tokens, $260.00; Recreation Supply Company, pool supplies, $594.00; RESCO, bike path net, $650.37; Sanitation Products, work light, $16.00; Schott, Arthur, mileage, $31.65; SD Dept. of Health, lab fees, $158.00;

SD Network, call name, $72.77; SD Supplemental Ret. Plan, SDSRP, $500.00; Sioux Falls Two Way Radio, Fire Dept. repair, $475.00; State Steel Supply, supplies, $76.40; Stuart C Irby, equipment repair, $47.68; Tessman Seed Company, chemicals, $1,482.85; The Lodge at Deadwood, lodging, $237.00; Toshiba Business Solutions, copier lease, $236.99; United Parcel Service, shipping fees, $127.05; Universal Publications, advertising, $125.00; USA Players, advertising, $50.00; USAC, schools & libraries, $3,086.48; Variety Foods, supplies, $89.14; Verizon Wireless, cell phone service, $1,312.12; WESCO, street light supplies, $1,014.66;

Zeimetz, Jerry, car allowance, $300.00; Zep Manufacturing, supplies, $89.14.

Adjournment: As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:24p.m. on a motion by Erickson, second by Doeden, motion carried.


Kathy Moller, Finance Officer Recorded by Elaine Johnson

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