Dreaming Summit HOA Board of Directors
Open Session Minutes
July 30, 2007
Dreaming Summit Elementary School Cafeteria
Present: Board Members: Christopher Rix, Keith Ebenholtz, Rick Geiger, Tony Caesar, Thomas Leonard
Kinney Management Services: Ken Olson
I. Call to order at 6:35PM. This meeting was properly noticed and a quorum present.
II. Open Discussion:
Residents were given the opportunity to speak on any issue. Board members took the opportunity to respond to the homeowner inquiries, the following action items were generated;
A. Notification process for dead trees will be considered later in the meeting.
B. The call box at each gated community entrance is dark; addition of lighting for boxes or the keypads will be checked.
C. Sign is missing at Bethany Home Rd and Litchfield Rd; notify Maricopa County.
III. Meeting Minutes Approval:
A. Approval of June 19, 2007 Working Session Minutes
A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes. The motion was discussed and approved with 3 yes, 1 abstention, and 1 no, with Mr. Ebenholtz voting no. Mr. Ebenholtz dissented from the above action approved by the other members of the Board.
B. Approval of June 25, 2007 Open Session Minutes
A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes. The motion was discussed and approved with 3 yes, 1 abstention, and 1 no, with Mr. Ebenholtz voting no. Mr. Ebenholtz dissented from the above action approved by the other members of the Board.
IV. Financial Report
§ The Board discussed the financial report.
§ Provide complete audit of the Valley Protective Services payments for next meeting.
§ Provide a 2008 draft budget with a 10% assessment increase for next month.
V. Business
A. Board Meeting Schedule
The meeting schedule for August and September is:
§ Tuesday, August 21, 2007: Closed Board Meeting at 6:30PM
Working Board Meeting at 7:30PM
Dreaming Summit Elementary Media Center
§ Monday, August 27, 2007: Open HOA Meeting at 6:30PM
Dreaming Summit Elementary Media Center
§ Tuesday, September 18, 2007: Closed Board Meeting at 6:30PM
Working Board Meeting at 7:30PM
Dreaming Summit Elementary Media Center
§ Monday, September 24, 2007: Open HOA Meeting at 6:30PM
Dreaming Summit Elementary Media Center
The Board discussed the advisability of keeping the schedule the same as currently established.
B. Manager Update
§ A courtesy letter will be sent out to homeowners that have trees dead or partially dead due to the cold winter weather. A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously that:
1. If a tree is dead, it must be removed and replaced, if required by the minimum landscape requirements for front yards.
2. If there is green growth in the tree canopy, the unsightly dead or barren branches must be cut back to produce a green/growing tree.
A motion was made and seconded that a courtesy letter will be sent to owners of dead or partially dead trees in two variations; (1) to remove and replace trees per the minimum landscape requirements by October 15, 2007, and (2) to remove the dead or barren trees within three (3) weeks from the date of the courtesy letter if minimum landscape requirements are met. The motion passed unanimously. Draft copy of letters to be approved by the Board President.
C. Financial Update
Financial update already given in the Financial Report.
D. Legal Update
The active court case appeal was discussed.
E. Landscape Update
Discussed later in the meeting.
G. Parks Update
The back side of the reflective bubble in the play equipment is still broken; check installation date of replacement part.
H. Newsletter
The invoicing for ads is in process. Two new advertisers have indicated interest for inclusion in the Newsletter. A graffiti awareness page was discussed; Kinney Management Services will provide the committee graffiti photos.
I. Website
Updated information will be added to the website.
J. Design Review Committee
No report.
K. Violation Update
The summary report was reviewed.
L. T.A.G.
No report. The T.A.G. information from the May meeting will be provided to the Board.
M. HOA Festival Review
At least 150 homes were represented which was close to 500 people in attendance at the event. The next Festival is planned for October 20, 2007 from 10:00AM - 1:00PM. A chairperson for the Fall Festival will be appointed by Mr. Rix and Mr. Leonard. Thank you letters will be sent to donors for the summer Festival.
Landscape Update
The reduced water pressure in parts of the community was discussed. The overseeding spreadsheet was presented and discussed. A motion was made and seconded to meet with the landscape company to overseed the pink, green, and yellow highlighted areas of the community map for 2.8 cents/ square foot; passed unanimously.
VI. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned by unanimous consent at 9:17PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Ken Olson, Kinney Management Services