Working with DOS

Open up a command prompt window and practice using dos commands

Commands to use

(type the command followed by a /? To find out how to use each one)

dir - show directory contents

cd - change Working Directory

md - create directory

rd - remove directory

copy - Well Duh

xcopy - eXtra special Copy good for copying multiple files from

ipconfig - Shows internet address configuration

ping - used to test for network connectivity

type - displays the contents of a text file

move - guess

rename - guess again

del - deletes a file

These commands will require some explaining

> - redirects output from the screen to a file

copy con - used to create custom text files

Other important Terms

Directory- like a folder

parent directory- the directory that contains the directory you are working in

root directory - the parent directory of all parent directories of the

\ symbol for root directory

. symbol for current working directory

.. symbol for parent directory

sub directory- a directory that is in another directory


Make sure virtual machine is up and running

Open up a command prompt window and practice using dos commands

Change to the root directory of the C: drive

Create a directory inside the root directory of your c drive called STUDENT

Change to the STUDENT directory

Create a directory inside the STUDENT directory of your first name (NAME)

Show directory contents

Change to the NAME folder

Use the COPY CON command to create a file MYFILE.TXT

More than just a hint at the top of the next page:

C:\STUDENT\NAME>copy con myfile.txt

Hi. I am having a good day.


copy the MYFILE.TXT to the parent directory (STUDENT)

rename MYFILE.TXT in the STUDENT directory to FILEMY.TXT

move FILEMY.TXT from the STUDENT directory to the root directory

Change to the NAME directory

Create a directory inside the NAME directory with your last name (LASTNAME)

Change to the LASTNAME directory


Make note of the gateway address

Run Ping and redirect to a file:

ping [gateway address] > pingtest.txt

Show the contents of the PINGTEST.TXT to the screen

Inside the LASTNAME directory create a directory called TEMP

Copy the PINGTEST.TXT to the TEMP folder

Change to the TEMP directory


Change to the parent directory

Remove the TEMP directory

Change to the STUDENT directory

Type this:

dir /s > c:\student\printme.txt

Print this file from windows by navigating to it through my computer

Have the instructor check your command window before you close it.