Community Achieves Strategic Plans 2016-17

Antioch High School

School / Pillar / School-Level Needs and Community Engagement Asks
Antioch HS / College Career Readiness / Antioch High School continues to make strides in decreasing mobility rate for the 2015-16 school year, compared to the previous year. Average daily attendance was unchanged and while the percentage of students with chronic absence, i.e., absent at least 10% of the days enrolled decreased slightly as it remains a significant barrier with 18% of our students being chronically absent.
2015-16 End of Course test results show the following percentages of students in the top two quintiles in each area:
  • Algebra I: 42%
  • Algebra II: 33%
  • English I: 31%
  • English II: 35%
  • English III: 38
In 2015-2016, the percentage of students scoring a 21 or higher on the ACT increased 12 % bringing us to the total number of students who achieved a 21 or higher to 30%.
85% of Antioch’s students completed FASFA applications. Antioch’s students were offered over $2.7 million in scholarship money in 2015-2016, which accounts for $200,000 increase over the 2014-2015 scholarship dollar amounts.
Request for community engagement for college and career readiness:
Antioch High School is inviting community organizations and individuals to partner with the school to provide after school, on-site mentoring on site tutoring or other programs geared toward social and emotional wellness. The school also wants external support to provide on-site workshops on anger management, self-esteem building, and emotional awareness during advisory, school lunch hours and or after school.
While a large percentage of Antioch’s students completed FAFSA applications last year, we will continue to host FAFSA workshops. We are inviting community organizations and individuals to host and provide workshops and or assist in implementation of existing workshops.
In the fall Antioch will host Open House, Academy Showcase, CA partnership meetings along with PAC Meetings (Parent Advisory Council) as well as holiday support. In Spring of 2017 ,Antioch will host Wellness Exams in conjunction with School Health, PENCIL and Amerigroup, We love our parents luncheon, which gives parents and students the opportunity to speak with school staff and review data and address concerns, FAFSA Night, PENCIL FRC Partner meetings and events, which gives our staff, community partner, parents and the community a glimpse as to the resources that Antioch offers as well as the investments the partners and community make towards Antioch High School.
At the end of last school year, Antioch hosted a senior pinning award ceremony. The event would include games, food, music, etc.; Antioch is inviting partners to facilitate the planning and event support.
Antioch HS / Family Engagement / In the 2015 TELLTN faculty and staff survey, 76.9% of Antioch’s parents feel they know what's going on in the school. Additionally, 51.7% are influential decision makers in the school and 81.9% of parents and guardians support teachers contributing to their success with students.
Antioch strives to create an environment for family engagement; this year we have created the Community Partnership Team which includes the Executive Principal, Family Involvement Specialist, Academy Coach and Family Resource Center Director to focus on events for family engagement and to continue to seek vital partnerships within the community to support the success of our students and their families.
Antioch invites organizations to provide workshops and assistance to help parents and adult community members to engage in the state’s Drive to 55 Initiative -- the Drive to get 55 percent of Tennesseans equipped with a college degree or certificate by the year 2025.
Request for community engagement for Family Engagement:
Antioch invites partners that would like to sponsor school events such as Open House, Academy Showcase, Back to School Bash, Partnership and parent meetings. We also need a partner to sponsor our student advisory council that is new to our Freshman academy.
We need partners to specifically provide the following:
Luncheon and or breakfast for parent meetings (3 times per semester)
Donate or sponsorship of family activities
Donations of SSA( standard school attire)
Provide mentorship for individual students and or groups
Childcare for school events and or discounted childcare rates for students who have children
Provide incentives for giveaway at school events and or meetings
Internships for senior capstone
Antioch HS / Health & Wellness / 2015-16 MNPS data on discipline incidents show that fighting and other threats remain a concern at Antioch.
Request for community engagement for Health and Wellness:
Antioch High School has seen a steady number of aggressive or fighting incidents observed in 2014-15 and 2015-2016. Antioch is inviting community organizations and individuals to partner with the school to provide after school, on-site mentoring, or other programs geared toward social and emotional wellness. The school also wants external support to provide on-site workshops on anger management, self-esteem building, and emotional awareness during school lunch hours or after school. We would also like to form a committee to look at the data specifically in the aggravated assault on teachers and students categories to consult on proper community involvement to positively decrease the number of incidents and meet the needs of students, teachers and the overall environment of our school.
Regarding students’ physical health, based on screenings and data provided by MNPS Coordinated School Health, 39% of our students are obese and overweight. Furthermore, day-to-day interactions with the student population indicate a real need to assist female students with as-needed, often urgent, general health care. To address this need, Antioch would like to partner and develop relationships with local health care clinics and/or providers who would be willing to see students, in their facilities, on an appointment or as-needed basis. Student insurance coverage will vary.
Antioch administration, faculty, and staff have also identified the need for vision screenings, referrals, exams, and correction (i.e., glasses and/or contact lenses) among many students. We are inviting external organizations and/or individuals to help us address this barrier to learning.
We are also inviting partners to host wellness events for our staff and families. We realize that physical health is an important part of student success and invite partners to help facilitate these needs.
Antioch HS / Social Service / Adult Development / 74% of Antioch’s students were classified as Economically Disadvantaged in 2014-15. Additionally, based on data from the United Way 211 Call Center, approximately 1400 callers in the Antioch cluster requested assistance with housing in 2014; approximately 1250 requested assistance with food/meals and utilities.
Antioch has a Family Resource Center (FRC) through United Way and Family Children's Services, which distributes food through the Second Harvest Food Pantry. The FRC is also structured to provide standard school attire for students, as needed.
Request for community engagement for Social Services and Adult Development:
Antioch is inviting community organizations and individuals to provide any resources that will increase Antioch’s capacity to provide needed food and clothing to students and families.
Additionally, to promote the adults and families in our community, Antioch is inviting organizations and individuals to partner with the school to provide programming to support the professional development of adults in the community, including adult literacy, Job Fairs, resume' writing workshops, financial planning courses and citizenship classes.
Though Antioch coordinates services with some existing partners, e.g., Second Harvest Food Bank for food distribution, Antioch is inviting additional community organizations and individuals to join the partnership to increase the number of families that have food available on a regular basis as well as during school holidays.
Additionally, Antioch is seeking partnerships to increase the number of students and families who are provided information about public services, programs, and supports for needs such as:
  • clothing/Standard School Attire assistance
  • school supplies
  • school fee assistance( senior students; examples would be cost of cap and gowns or class due’s)
  • housing/utility assistance
  • transportation
  • health/TENNcare insurance and health screenings

Community Achieves Strategic Plans 2016-17

Antioch Middle School

College & Career Readiness
In 2015-16, 16% of Antioch Middle Prep students were at or above benchmark on their composite score on the EXPLORE test. This was a decrease from the 2014-15 school year, where 20% of students were at or above benchmark. The EXPLORE is a predictor of future scores on the ACT. Based on the results from the EXPLORE test, Antioch Middle Prep has identified the need to improve English, Math, Reading and Science scores. The percentage of students at or above benchmark for the 2015-16 school year per subject are as follows:
37% in English
11% in Math
8 % in Reading
13% in Science
Although increasing scores in all areas of the EXPLORE test will be a focus for Antioch Middle Prep, our primary focus will be on Reading and Math. Antioch Middle Prep will aim to increase the composite score by 2-5% this school year.
The chronic absence rate for Antioch Middle Prep in the 2015-16 school year was 11%. Antioch Middle aims to decrease this number. By decreasing the chronic absence rate, we will increase academic performance.
Antioch Middle Prep is committed improving students test scores and lowering the chronic absence rate. We are inviting organizations, individuals colleges, universities, churches and programming to provide the following to support College and Career Readiness:
Volunteers to tutor Reading and Math during the school day
Volunteer/assist with our Collage Awareness week September 26-29th
Offer academic related clubs
ACT prep courses
Donate school supplies
Volunteer to be present at our Career Day
Donate incentives for attendance and academic success
Sponsor an incentive party for a class or group of students
Volunteer with our College Tours
Family Engagement
Antioch Middle Prep received fairly favorable results on the 2016 Tell TN/MNPS survey. 94% of parents felt the school does a good job of encouraging parent/guardian involvement and 100% felt that teachers provide parents/guardians with useful information about student learning. Additionally, 93% of parents felt like they know what is going on in the school. Antioch Middle Prep is committed to receiving positive feedback on the Tell survey. However, there were several responses that were particularly low, the following data represents the areas that we will focus on increasing:
48% of parents/guardians feel they are influential decision makers in the school
53% of parents/guardians feel that the community we serve is supportive of the school
65% of parents/guardians feel the community members support teachers, contributing to their success at with students
Antioch Middle Prep will form a Parent Organization and encourage parents to volunteer throughout the school year. We are inviting organizations, individuals colleges, universities, churches and programming to provide the following to support Family Engagement:
Volunteer or donate food/door prizes for Family Events
  • Literacy Night
  • Data Night
  • Math Night
  • Open House
  • Parent workshops
Provide programing or workshops to nurture family engagement
  • Financial Literacy
  • Computer Training
  • Home Buyer Education
  • Career Services
Donate cleaning supplies, food, gift cards etc. for parent incentives
Seek, coordinator or collect school supplies
Sponsor a meal for parent workshops
Provide childcare for parent meeting and family events
Antioch Middle Prep is also interested in forming strong partnerships with community organizations, churches, businesses and individuals who can assist in providing ongoing support and collaboration in engaging Antioch Middle Prep families and impacting the community. financial literacy
Health & Wellness
Based on Body Mass Index (BMI) assessments conducted by MNPS Coordinated School Health, 44% of Antioch Middle School students are considered overweight or obese.
2015-16 MNPS data on discipline incidents show an increase in student fighting, possession/use/distribution of illegal drugs, and other types of threats. We are currently providing several internal programs to decrease the above mentioned. We are inviting organizations, individuals colleges, universities, churches and programming to provide the following to support Health and Wellness:
Provide programming to support Health and Wellness during advisory periods
  • Character Development
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Anger Management
  • Emotional Awareness
Provide Zumba classes for parents and family members
Volunteer to mentor students
Provide health or nutrition classes for parents or students
Provide wellness programs for students
Social Services
Based on data from the 2015-16 school year, 76% of Antioch Middle Prep families were considered economically disadvantaged.
Due to the high percentage of families that were considered economically disadvantages, we are seeking to increase the social services resources available to parents. We are inviting organizations, individuals colleges, universities, churches and programming to provide the following to support Social Services:
Provide Adult Education/ Adult literacy classes
Organize, collect or donate food for our food pantry
Help increase availability of food during out of school activities, and during holidays.
Provide parenting classes

Buena Vista Enhanced Option School:

Strategic Plan & Invitation for Community Partnership


“We envision every person in our community to be a learner performing at or above a proficient level”

About our School

Buena Vista EOES serves roughly 320-350 pre-K through 4th grade scholars living in North Nashville near downtown. Additionally, we serve scholars from several homeless shelters within our community, which is why our enrollment numbers fluctuate throughout the school year, resulting in the highest mobility rate (66 percent) of all schools throughout the district.

One hundred percent of our scholars and families are currently living in poverty. Accordingly, our school tries to meet as many family needs as possible so as to ensure the safety and success of our scholars. As a Community Achieves school, we work tirelessly to care for our scholars, families and community in a holistic way. It is our mission at Buena Vista to provide thoughtful, intentional wrap-around services in our efforts to move our community towards success.

We invite you to join us in this very important work. Attached, you will find more details on how to partner with our school to serve our community in four key areas: College and Career Readiness, Family Engagement, Health and Wellness, and Social Services. We could not do this work without our invaluable partnerships within the Nashville community, and we look forward to your participation in these efforts!

For information on how to partner with our school, please contact the Community Achieves Site Manager, Megan McGuire, at 615 291-6762 ext. 120 or

College and Career Readiness:

At Buena Vista, we envision every person in our community to be a learner performing at or above a proficient level. We welcome all community partnerships that assist our efforts to increase the academic success of our scholars for the 2016-2017 year. As a Priority School, it is essential that we come together to move our scholars towards academic success in elementary school and beyond.

Strategy Opportunity for Community Partnership

Buena Vista is home to a Reading Clinic, which provides strategic reading services to close literacy achievement gaps. / Volunteers are needed to work with scholars in the Reading Clinic. Reading Clinic volunteers should be able to devote ONE hour a week on a consistent basis throughout the year. BVEOES staff will work with volunteers to coordinate training and to develop volunteer schedule.
Buena Vista hosts speakers/programs with a focus on college and career including a Career Day in the Spring. We like to take our scholars on different field trips within the community to increase their awareness about their options for the future. / Individuals/organizations are welcome to bring one-time or ongoing to programs to our school that talk to scholars about higher education and/or different careers. Individuals are also invited to volunteer at Career Day in May, 2017.
Buena Vista hosts Awards Day every 9 weeks to celebrate/acknowledge scholarly success (academics, behavior and attendance). / BVEOES invites individuals and organizations to donate awards for our scholars to be used at Awards Day. These awards can include stickers, school supplies, small games, small toys, candy, and more.
Buena Vista has a “Free Little Library” in our front office from which parents/family members and scholars can take free books home at any time. Additionally, BVEOES gives out books at all of its after-school events and events geared towards family engagement. / BVEOES invites individuals and organizations to donate new and/or slightly used books, magazines, or newspapers that are appropriate for elementary-school aged children.
Our Related Arts team has requested volunteers for Fridays from 1:30-2:30 to meet with Kindergarten scholars in small groups to provide mentoring, reading, and play time in guided activities provided by the school counselor. This is a commitment of one hour a week for a minimum 9 weeks. / BVEOES invites individuals interested in mentoring and volunteering with kindergarten students on Fridays from 1:30-2:30 to contact the Community Achieves Site Manager. Daily tasks will include: small group reading, playing games, mentoring, and facilitating provided character-building activities

Family Engagement:

Buena Vista EOES strives to create ongoing and meaningful opportunities for our families to be engaged with our school. We have substantially high participation (between 100-150 families in attendance) at our after-school Student Showcase events. Additionally, we offer other family events throughout the year, including Open House, Parent Teacher Conference Day, Muffins for Mom, Donuts for Dad, etc. This year, we are expanding our efforts to include a robust Family Advisory Board, which will meet monthly to discuss parent/family leadership, as well parent/family voice.