fSDC ICoG/Coordination Group

Handover Meeting 18th November 2013

At Contact a Family, Edinburgh

Notified Members (Attendees in bold/Apologies in Italics):

Anne Wilson (Action for Sick Children Scotland)

Scott Read (ARC Scotland)

Cathy Magee (Dyslexia Scotland)

Don Williamson (Shared Care Scotland)

Donna Tomlin (Contact a Family Scotland)

Fiona Lovett (Parent)

Jan Savage (Enable Scotland)

Mig Coupe (Mindroom)

Paul Mullan (Quarriers)

Salena Begley (Family Fund)

Sophie Pilgrim (Kindred)

Eric Mitchell (Capability Scotland)

Heather Gray (National Deaf Children’s Society)

Willie Rutherglen (Sense Scotland Parent)

Linda Whitmore (Enable Scotland)

Shirley Cusack (Keys to Inclusion)

Susan Walls (Contact a Family Scotland)

Marion Macleod (Parent Participation Project)

Agenda, Notes and Actions


1.  ICoG Handover – Thanks to those standing down and pleased that all intend to retain strong involvement with fSDC.

2.  ToR & CoG Membership Sign-off – ToR approved and the new Coordination Group of 10 appointed. Marion Macleod (PPP) and Juliet Harris (Together) would be co-optees.

3.  Member Roles:

1.  Chair: W Rutherglen

2.  Vice Chair (& Membership Secretary?): To be appointed in due course

3.  Others? Possibly Treasurer (see 6 below)

The suggestion was made that CoG Members shadow posts/areas of operation so that at least two members are familiar with any role. A similar approach could be taken on topics/issues with (say) 2-4 Members focussing on particular issues or aspects of fSDC work. This spreads the workload and allows continuity where a Member is out of circulation for a period.

4.  Membership List/Records, email list(s) etc – WR & DT to liaise on consolidating Membership and Contact details currently held and target list of potential Member Organisations. WR to check Data Protection position with Ken McDonald at information Commissioner’s Office.

5.  Communications/Media: Website, Facebook etc – WR to continue with website updates, SB & DT to confirm Facebook login/password for administration.

6.  Finance - Website annual cost is c.£250 (previously divided between 4/5 Member Orgs). The interest from Parent Organisations and individuals led to a discussion on if/how they could be supported with attendance costs etc. Consensus was that Voluntary Subscriptions could be sought from Members Organisations according to their size with small and parent Organisations exempt. The possibility of website or event (commercial) sponsorship should be considered.

Partnership(s) and Issues:

1.  Parent Participation Project – Input to the next Parent Survey/Questionnaire needs to be agreed with CiS. Thought and discussion is required on the position running into next year.

2.  SCCYP Follow-up

1.  Equity of Eligibility

2.  Redress/advocacy for Children/Parents/Carers

3.  Accountability/transparency to Govt and the Public.

Email exchange between fSDC and the Commissioner to be circulated. Agreement with the issues but time limited discussion on how matters may be progressed.

3.  C&YP Bill

1.  Transitions

2.  Early Years

3.  Family Support

Jan Savage, Paul Mullan and Robert MacBean preparing a Parliamentary Briefing (draft subsequently circulated). Final Paper gone to MSPs and endorsed by The Alliance and Inclusion Scotland.

4.  AGASL & Education Group (Jan Savage & Willie Rutherglen attend)

1.  Transitions – both educational and social.

2.  Exclusions – Enable (Linda Whitmore) and Govan Law engaged

3.  Parental Information – fSDC/Enable Report follow-up and overlap with SDS & C&YP Info provisions.

4.  Appeals/Complaints – Section 70’s and the “ladder of dispute resolution”.

5.  Doran – National need (CiS/Enquire work), Strategic Procurement and monitoring implementation of the Report generally.

6.  SQA “Unreasonable” Adjustments – SPTC (Eileen Prior) engaged. Round table “event” (invitation only) on the 11th December.

7.  ASL Training - fSDC/Enable Report follow-up.

5.  Others?

1.  Event Feedback – to be digested and will inform fSDC priorities and actions.

2.  Child Protection (Edinburgh Uni) – general agreement on fSDC involvement, WR to explore expectations from them and implications for fSDC.

3.  National ASL Services Petition – possible expansion of Edinburgh Petition on service reductions (Nationally or by LA).

4.  Disability Advisory Group (aka “Champions") – update from Jan under separate cover. fSDC invited to participate with an additional place to the ASL AG representative (Jan).

5.  Self-Directed Support – Shirley Cusack happy to receive and collate views and information to develop fSDC position. WR to circulate ASL & SDS Paper and S Gov Legal Opinion re Coordinated Support Plans.

6.  School Toilet Provision – Donna Tomlin to attend the 11th December meeting. Not clear if there is an ASL/Special School component in the initial Report.

Next Steps:

1.  Structure for addressing the issues (Sub-Groups, Partnerships etc) – this will emerge out of the priority issues.

2.  Actions (Short/Long) – Short term actions above with next step the shaping of priorities.

3.  Communications – to Members, Parents/Carers & External – Members’ Update now a tab on the website. October event reported on with November Meeting update to be added (WR).

4.  Mapping areas of influence (Groups Bodies etc) and “missing” Issues – Again, this will reflect our priorities as above and will also influence our Group Structure. The objective is to maximise coverage.

5.  Future Meetings - Locations and Dates – Likely to be in January in either Stirling or Glasgow. Would wish to confirm a date for the diaries in early December using Doodle.