DRAFT Minutes of Essington Parish Council meeting held on Monday 13th February 2012 at 7-00pm
PRESENT: Councillor D. Clifft J P(Chairman) Councillor M North(Vice-Chairman)
Councillor R Firmstone Councillor A Gibbons
Councillor W Haddon Councillor D James
Councillor K Pace Councillor J Smallman
Councillor C Steel Councillor B Tarbuck
Councillor B Whitehouse
Also present County Councillor Kath Perry
The Chairman welcomed all Members to this month’s Council Meeting; and asked them to observe a minute silence for
Councillor Lionel Saunders who passed away on 24th January 2012. The Chairman commented that Lionel was a community
Gentleman who was involved with the church, schools and a Parish Councillor for 13 years and would be sadly missed.
Members of the Swan Park Playarea Committee spoke about the proposed play area and there decision to site the area on the field
Off Brownshore Lane and downsize the proposed play equipment. The Chairman thanked the Committee for all their hard work and
commitment and confirmed that the Parish Council would discuss the matter and come back to them.
The Chairman asked if item 15 could be discussed after item 4 this was agreed.
Councillor Peter Whitehouse and all tendered their apologies.
2. Declaration of Interests of MembeRS
3. Minutes of the last meeting on tHE 9th january 2012
Councillor Bryn Whitehouse proposed and Councillor Bob Firmstone seconded that the minutes were a true record
4. Matters Arising (from last meetings minutes)
Councillor Beryl Tarbuck’s apologies were omitted from the minutes on the 9th January 2012 in error.
The Chairman confirmed that planning application 11/000994/FUL 58 Sneyd Lane had been withdrawn.
County Councillor Kath Perry commented on the on going integration of the PCT and Social Services which should be
completed by April 2012.
She also commented on the forthcoming events for the Queen’s Jubilee with a large event to be held at Shrugborough Hall , it
was hoped that there would be many events in all parishes and beacons would be light to mark the occasion. Councillor Bryn
Whitehouse commented on an area in Essington near the motorways, County Councillor Kath Perry will forward the details.
The Chairman commented on the ongoing problems with the Nr.68 bus service and County Councillor Kath Perry confirmed that
she was still in talks with Charles Souter regarding the problems.
5. Essington Community Centre Proposed Refurbishment
· Phase 6 being dealt with by Management Committee.
a. Planning applications submitted for approval during the month:
12/00022/COU Sand school for exercising & schooling ponies Rear of 38 to 46 Long Lane Newtown – objections inappropriate
development in the green belt – visual intrusion – visual impact.
12/00033/FUL Single & double storey side extension 4 Wood Hayes Croft Westcroft – no objections
12/00047/FUL Proposed extension over existing bay window to provide 1st Floor reading area 8 Buttermere Drive – no objections
12/00060/FUL Garage extension to dormer bungalow 9 Bognop Road – no objections
b The following planning applications have been approved:
11/00810/VAR The use of the land for a private gypsy caravan site comprising 5 residential caravans of which no more than 3 are mobile homes or static Caravans and 2 other touring caravans The Stables Old Landywood Lane
c. The following planning applications have been refused:
Notification from Staffordshire County Council regarding grit being stolen from grit bins which is for highway use.
Notification from SPCA of vacancies on their executive committee next meeting is 19th March.
Notification from South Staffs Council regarding summer sussed.
Notification from Staffs CC regarding forthcoming bids for the Community Path Initiatives 2012/13 application should be in by
1st April 2012. Councillor Bryn Whitehouse commented on 2 footpaths in Broad Lane were access would be made easy by kissing gates instead of stiles, an application would be submitted.
A. To note the Councils Bank balances at 31.01.12 as Current Account £6638.57 Deposit Account £1.17 Reserve Account 1 £0.67,Reserve Account 2 £0.08 Reserve Account 3 £48.17,Charity Account £289.87 and Petty Cash £100
Less unpresented cheques £317.51
Reconciliation : Balance B/fwd (271.00)
Plus receipts 15,126.43
Less payments 8,094.41
Balance c/fwd 6,761.02
B. To RESOLVE that the following cheques be issued:-
Chq No. / Payee / Details / Nett (£) / VAT (£) / Total (£)102679 / M Dhillon / Replaces 102669 cancelled for notice board rent at PO / 120.00 / - / 120.00
102680 / South Staffs Water / Water bill Long Lane 6/10 until 6/1/12 / 131.51 / - / 131.51
102681 / South Staffs Council / 2 x padlocks / 77.74 / 15.55 / 93.29
102682 / Alliance Disposables / Cleaning materials / 30.50 / 6.11 / 36.61
102683 / Veolia ES UK / Refuse collection Dec £203.04 Jan£162.43 / 304.56 / 60.91 / 365.47
102684 / Partridge Allen / Solicitors fees re:lease for Pharmacy / 320.00 / 110.00 / 430.00
102685 / SLCC / Local Council Administration 8th edition x 2 / 121.60 / - / 121.60
102686 / Roof Build / Repairs to roof over The Pharmacy / 250.00 / - / 250.00
102687 / ACP Architect Services / Phase 6 – electrics – roofs – old school hall / 600.00 / 120.00 / 720.00
102688 / C E Gracey / Petty cash / 88.50 / 10.38 / 98.88
The cheque payments were proposed by Councillor Winston Haddon seconded by Councillor June Smallman and carried.
A statement of Income & Expenditure up to 31st January 2012 was presented; this was proposed by Councillor Bob Firmstone seconded by Councillor June Smallman and carried.
A statement of Income & Expenditure for the Community Centre Refurbishment up to 31st January 2012 was presented; this was proposed by Councillor Winston Haddon and seconded by Councillor Beryl Tarbuck and carried.
The Chairman presented a cheque to the parish council from the Bushbury Trust as a donation towards the refurbishment of the community centre, a letter of thanks would be sent.
BUDGET 2012/13 –Approval The Chairman proposed and carried.
The Chairman commented on the success of the club with many people registering their interest, also lots of jobs coming in, a table top sale will be held on 31st March 2012 to raise funds for the club to provide refreshments and stationery.
The Chairman commented that everything was in place for the days Olympic Torch and the Queens Jubilee. Midland Heart Housing Association are providing free transport on the day to ferry residents to Newtown. The Chairman commented that a commemorative bench has been donated by Featherstone Prison and this will be sited at The Lakes Nursing Home the start of
Procession through South Staffordshire and another bench at Great Wyrley the end of the procession through South Staffordshire. The Parish Council have applied for funding through Local Members Initiative Scheme to assist both
celebrations. A meeting of residents will be held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday 22nd February at 7.30pm for anyone to attend who wants to provides stalls or entertainment on the days.
11. QUEENS JUBILEE- discussed in item 10.
12. NEWSLETTER 2012 – The Chairman commented that he felt the Newsletter should be produced bi annually to save money and also ensure that the Parish Council are not duplicating information that is distributed by other means, Members discussed the newsletter and agreed. The Chairman proposed a bi annual publication and carried.
Councillor Bryn Whitehouse raised concerns about the stagnation of the site, the number of vehicles travelling through High Hill and Upper Sneyd Road, and the ongoing proposal which is now in breach of the term and conditions of the planning consent. The clerk will write to the Planning Officer and clarify the terms and conditions position and this item will be discussed the next council meeting.
20.59pm The Chairman asked for a 15 minute extension to the meeting this was carried.
The Chairman commented on a resident’s proposal to start a boxing club in the Old School Hall for the youths of the Parish,
The club would operate 5 times a week, this was supported by all Members.
15. County Councillors Report
Discussed after item 4.
16. District Councillors REPORTs - The Chairman Councillor David Clifft and Councillor Wayne Whitehouse distributed their reports outlining their meetings and visits throughout the month. Members discussed the reports, and the planning meeting regarding the proposed development on the Brickworks Site Hobnock Road, Councillor Whitehouse had attended the meeting representing Essington, Councillor David Clifft was unable to attend, Members expressed their disappointment in the discussions that took place at the meeting and felt Councillor Whitehouse had not represented the wishes of the residents of Essington. The Chairman Councillor David Clifft proposed a vote of no confidence in Councillor Whitehouse this was carried. All documentation relating to public consultation will be forwarded to SSC Planning Department in relation to the site.
17. Date of the next meeting 12th March 2012