Directions: Complete the sentences below using the correct alternative from those marked A, B, C, or D.

The noun Test 1 |

1.When I came into___cottage, the family___sitting

round the table playing draughts. Draughts____their

favourite game. They like to play___in the evenings.

A the Holley's, were, are, it B Holleys, was, are, them C the Holleys', were, is, it D Holleys's, was, is, them

2.When he was going through a narrow passage between

two __, he heard ___, These were his neighbours,


A merrys-go-round, laugh, twenty-years old B merry-go-rounds, a laugh, twenty-year old C merry-goes-round, laughter, twenty-years old D merry-goes-rounds, a laughter, twenty-year old

3.They decided to open a season. Though it was a fash
ionable party and the walls were decorated with____

and___, the majority of the guests___wearing jeans

and T-shirts.

A lilies-of-the-valley, forget-me-nots, were B lily-of-the-valleys, forget-me-nots, were C lilies-of-the-valley, forgets-me-not, was

D lilies-of-the-valleys, forgets-me-nots, was

4.The___wife was wearing a plain white dress with a

string of pearls that cost more than my____salary.

A governor's-general, two years' B governor-general's, two years' C governor-general, two years D governor's-general's, two-year

5.He pulled off his gloves and put___onto the dressing

table. She noticed that___brand new. So was his hat.

A it, it was B it, they were C them, it was D them, they were

6.He conducted a lot of___into___but___a failure.

A researches, hay fevers, they were B research, hay fever, it was C researches, hay fever, it was . D research, hay fevers, they were

7.The proceeds of the campaign___been spent on the

construction of the Children's Care Centre. Roadworks
__being held there to build a new_____crossing.

Ahas, are, pedestrian's

Bhave, are, pedestrian

Chas, is, pedestrians

Dhave, is, pedestrians'

8.Look, Mary is playing with the scissors! Take______

away from her,___may cut into her fingers.

A it, it B them, it C it, they D them, they

9.Here ___the pocket money my uncle has sent me

today. ___ will be enough to settle all my debts.

A are, ItC is, It

B is, TheyD are, They

10.The criteria ___too vague. If there were a sharper

__to make our choice, I would be happy.

A is, criterionC is, criteria

B are, criterionD are, criteria

11.The latest news from the Middle East countries _
disturbing. A close-up camera showed a man run
ning somewhere. His face was bruised and his clothes

A was, wasC was, were

B were, wereD were, was

12.The premises___big enough, but the inspection took

them a lot of___, and they had to drive home at___.

A was, time, dusks

B were, times, a dusk C was, times, dusk D were, time, dusk

13.The price for___has increased by ten___in the last

quarter. Lodgings___very expensive nowadays.

A an accommodation, per cent, is B accommodation, per cent, are C accommodations, per cents, is D accommodation, per cents, are

14.That species of birds___migrant and____found in

Africa in winter. Our surroundings _____too severe

for such birds and they leave___early in September.

A is, is, are, them C is, is, is, it B are, are, are, them D are, are, is, it

15.The crossroads at our supermarket ____a dangerous

place. The traffic lights will help both pedestrians and

drivers to avoid accidents. The police____to set___


A are, needs, them C are, needs, it
B is, need, themD is, need, it

16.Measles__a dangerous disease and a lot of children

catch___at an early age.

A is, themC are, them

B is, itD arc, it

17.This___the most effective means of production and

_ can be adjusted to your business in ___ time.

A is, it, two month's B are, they, a two-months C is, they, two-month D is, it, two months'

18.The Azores___are dark blue species that require ___

cultivation in temperate regions.

A forget-me-nots, greenhouse B forgets-me-nots, greenhouse's C forget-me-not, greenhouse D forgets-me-not, greenhouse's

19.Reliable __about everyday clothing from the past

__hard to obtain.

A evidences, areC evidences, is

B evidence, isD evidence, are

20.These species__protected in national parks and___.

A is, game reserves B are, game's reserves C are, game reserves D is, games reserves

Test 2

1. __depths are usually much greater than____depths

because of___low density.

A Snow, rain, snow B Snow's, rain's, snow's C Snow, rain, snow's D Snow's, rain, snow's

2. __are tiny white bells hanging from a single erect

stem about 30 cm tall with the____as a red berry.

ALilies-of-the-valley, fruit

BLilies-of-the-valley, fruits

CLily-of-the-valleys, fruit

DLily-of-the-valleys, fruits

3.There___a lot of machinery in the shop and skilled

workers operated__.

A was, themC were, it

B were, themD was, it

4.The___was shaky and he decided to go to the sec
ondhand ___store.

Aleg's table, furniture's

Bleg of the table, furniture's

Cleg of the table, furniture

Dleg's table, furniture

5.One hundred pounds___a large sum for her and she

decided to put the money on her____account.

A was, savings B was, saving's C were, savings D were, saving's

6.Where___Nick's pyjamas? —___on the bed.

A is, It isC is, They are

B are, They areD are, It is

7.Bread and cheese___his usual meal and he has been

living on___for two months.

A was, themC is, it

B are, itD is, them

8.His___decreased because his salary was cut by 7__.

A earnings, per cent B earnings, per cents C earning, per cents D earning, percentage

9.The producer presented his new____film. The show


A two-series, three hour's B two-seria, three hours C two-series, three hours' D two-series', three hour's

10.The story of the magnificent___castle the guide told

us about was exciting.

A five-centuries-old B five-century's-old C five-century-old D five-century-old's

11.This is the___cloakroom, and that one is for____.

A ladies', gentlemen's B lady's, gentlemen's C ladies', gentlemen D lady, gentlemen

12.The___at the____talks made a deep influence on


A Minister of Foreign Trade's speech, peace's B Minister's of Foreign Trade' speech, peace C Minister of Foreign Trade's speech, peaceful D Minister of Foreign Trade's speech, peace

13.The official___is a table containing the holy days,

__, and festivals of the church.

A Christian church calendar, saints' days B Christian's church calendar, saint days C Christian church's calendar, saint's days D Christian's church's calendar, saints' days

14.The most beautiful___of carved jade in the form of

ornamental pieces, such as vases, bowls, tablets, and
statues, many of which are now_, were made in China.

A specimen, museum pieces B specimens, museum pieces C specimen, museum's pieces D specimens, museum's pieces

15.Various__of the___are cereals, cultivated for their

__, which is used as food.

Aspecies, grass family, seed

Bspeci, grass family, seeds

Cspecies, grass's family, seed

Dspeci, grass's family, seeds

16.The stone identified as a_____was the first step in

opening the___fields of that region, which have be
come the greatest in the world.

A 21-carats diamond, diamonds B 21-carat diamond, diamonds C 21-carat diamond's, diamond's D 21-carat diamond, diamond

17.She was well aware of her extraordinary good looks,

and was perfectly prepared to discuss____, just as a

man seven___high might talk of advantages and in
conveniences of being tall.

A them, footC them, feet

B it, footD it, feet

18.There___enough___to suggest that job stress may

increase a man's risk of dying from___disease.

A are, evidences, hearts B is, evidence, heart C is, evidence, heart's D are, evidence, heart

19.At its height in the early 1900s, the British Empire

included over 20___of the____land area and more

than 400___people.

Apercents, world, million

Bpercent, world's, millions

Cpercent, world's, million

Dpercents, worlds', million

20.The___history goes back to 1808.

A state's newspaper's B state's newspaper C state newspaper's D state newspapers'

The Article

Test 3

1. African cheetah is believed to be______fastest ani
mal on___earth.

A An, the, theC___, ___, __

B The, ___, ___D The, the, ____

2. __most cats hunt in ____dim light, but they also

hunt in___dark and in____daylight.

A __, ___, the, ___

B The, the, the, the

C ____, ___, ___, ___

D The, the, ____, the

3. __Captain Cook reached____Cape of Good Hope

in___spring of 1771 and sailed via____St. Helena

in the South Atlantic before arriving in England in July 1771,

A The, the,___, the C The, ___, ___, the

B __, the, the,___ D___, ___, the, ___

4.We must organize____little dinner to celebrate_____

event. Tell her to come and see me at______noon.

We'll speak about it.

A __, an, theC the, the, ____

B a, the, theD a, the, ____

5.She remained on____deck until ___midnight, and

__following day she was carried up there again early

in __morning.

A __,__, the, the C____, ___, __, ___

B a, the, the, the D the, the, ______, ___

6.On the second day of our voyage, before we reached
__Zanzibar,___Camellia ran into ____ bad weath
er, and___most of the passengers became seasick.

A the, the, the, the

B __, the, ___, ___

C___, ___, a, the

D the, the, a, ____

7.Until the nineteenth century,__carpet was usually con
sidered __work of___art and was made by___hand.

A the, ___, ___, ___

B a, a, the, ____

C the, a, ____, ___

D a, ___, the, the

8.At last___war ended, but the transition from______

war to___peace was painful for both sides.

A the, the, theC a, a, a

B __, ___, ___D the, , ______

9. __morning after ___morning of____late he has

taken his walk in the same direction trying to see her again.

A A, a, theC __, __, __

B The, the, ____D A, a, ___

10.___common autumn phenomenon in____central and

eastern USA and in__Europe is_____Indian sum
mer, a period of_____unseasonably warm weather

that sometimes occurs in___late September and Oc

A The, the, the, the, the, ______

B A, the, ____, the, the, the

C A, ___, ___, ___, ___, the

D A, the, ____, ___, ___, ___

11.By___late 18th century and _____Captain Cook's

exploration of____southern Pacific, much of______

world had been mapped.

A the, the, the, the

B __, ___, ___the

C the, ___, the, the

D the, ___, ___, ___

12.In 1620, ___group of Leyden Puritans, 101 men,

women and children, set out for____Virginia on___

board __Mayflower.

A the, the, the, the C a, ______, a, the

B a, ___, __, the D a, the, a _____

13.At ___zenith of their power in _____Middle Ages

craft guilds had___enormous power over their mem

A __, the, ___C a, ___, the

B the, the, anD a, the, ____

14.He was a page, that is____youth of___noble birth

who left his family at____early age to serve in the

family of___man of____rank.

A__, the, an, a, the

Ba, ___, an, ___, ___

Cthe, the, the, the, the

Da, a, an, a, _____

15.___dinosaur is a reptile that was____dominant land

animal during ___most of____Mesozoic Era but

became___extinct at its close.

A The, the, the, the, the

B The, the, ____, the, ___

C A, a, ___, ___, ___

D A, the, the, the, the

16. Only___tiny percentage of___plant species are di
rectly used by ___humans for food, shelter,

fiber, and drugs.

A __,__, the, the C the, the, the, the

B a, ___, __, __ D a, the, ____, the

Test 4

1. __rice, wheat, corn, legumes, cotton, conifers,

and tobacco are___items on which___whole econ
omies and nations depend.

A __, the, the

B The, ___, ___

C The, the, the
D ___, the, ___

2. __tiger lives in Asia and belongs to___same genus

as __lion, leopard, and jaguar.

A The, the, theC___, the, ___

B A, ___, aD The, ___, ___

3. __most of financial activities are crowded along___

Threadneedle Street.

A The, theC___, __

B The, ___D __, the

4.The intersection is known as ____Bank, which in
cludes __huge Bank of England complex,____Roy
al Exchange, and___Stock Exchange.

A the, the, the, the
B __, __, ___, ___

C __, the, ___, ___

D the, ___, the ___

5.The busiest shopping area is___Oxford Street, where

such large department stores as ____Selfridges, ___

John Lewis, and___Marks and Spencer are located.

A ___, __, ___, ___

B the, the, the, the

C __, __, the, the

D the, the, ____, ___

6. __East End, beyond____City of London and____

Tower, has long been____home of London's docks

and immigrants.

A The, the___,__ C The, the, the, the

B __,__, the, the D The, ____, ___, ___

7. __centre of this educational establishment is______

University of London in___Bloomsbury, founded in


A The, ___, theC___, the, ___

B The, the, ____D___, __, the

8.It is made up of_____number of colleges, schools,

and attached institutes, which range from_____Lon
don School of Economics and Political Science to___

King's College and several medical schools.

A the, ___, ___C a, ___, ___

B a, the, theD the, ___, the

9.With___average elevation of more than 4000 m,

Tibet is the highest region on_____earth sometimes

called___Roof of___World.

A __, the, the, the

B the, ___, ___, ___

C an, the, ____, the

D an, ___, the, the, peach, pear, and apricot trees are culti
vated in___valleys of the region.

A __, theC___, __

B The, ___D The, the

11.musk deer, wild sheep,______wild goats, wild don
keys, yaks, and___Tibetan antelopes are common

in mountainous areas.

A __, ___, ___C The, the, the

B A, ___, ___D The, ___, the

12. On___typical summer day, the temperature can rise

from 3°C before___sunrise to 27°C by___midday.

A the, the, theC the, ___, ___

B a, ___, ___D a, the, the

13.___most common material for rugs and carpets has

traditionally been___sheep's wool, although in cer
tain regions___goat's or camel's hair is also used.

A The, the, theC___, the, the

B The, ___, ___D___, ___, __

14.At the end of the 16th century the first explorers of

___South Seas mapped____southern sky, which was

largely unknown to___ancients.

A ___, the, ___C the, the, the

B ___, a, theD the, ___, ___

15.During___Renaissance, people thought that their

own age and ___time of____ancient Greece and

Rome were advanced and civilized.

A the, the, theC the, the, ____

B __, ___, ___D __, the, ___

16. Because there were no___rugs or tapestries, sounds

of the monks' prayers echoed from one end of the
church to___.

A __, the otherC the, another

B the, otherD___, others

Tests |

1. __East End has frequently been characterized by___

poverty, crime, and slums.

A The, theC___, __

B The, ___D___, the

2.The church calendar includes the fixed feasts, such as
___Christmas, and___movable feasts, which de
pend on the date of____Easter.

A the, the, theC___, __, ___

B __, the, ___D the, ___, the

3.In 1722 several thousand Polynesians inhabited the island,

but__diseases and raids by slave traders reduced___

number to fewer than 200 by__late 19th century.

A the, the, ____C___, the, ___

B the, a, theD___, the, the

4.The island was named by_____Dutch explorer who

landed here on___Easter Day in 1722.

A the, ___C the, the

B a, ___D the, an

5.Born in Salinas, California, Steinbeck was educated

at___Stanford University. As___youth, he worked

as__ranch hand and fruit picker.

A __, a, aC the, the, the

B the, ___, ___D , ___, a

6. __pearl is____abnormal growth resulting from the

invasion of the body of the mollusk by _____minute

particle of foreign matter, such as ____fine grain of


A The, an, a, aC___, the, ___, the

B A, ___, the, ___ D The, an, the, the

7. __jade has always been prized by____Chinese and

Japanese as___most precious of all____stones.

A The, the, the, the C The, _____, the, ___

B __,___,___, the D ___, the, the, ____

8.Sir Henry Morgan is said to have been kidnapped at

Bristol when___boy and sold as____servant on___

West Indian island of Barbados.

A __, ___, __C the, the, ____

B a, a, theD a, the, a

9. wealth acquired from___trade enabled______up
per classes to live in___luxury.

A The, the, the, the C_____, ___, the, ___

B __, __, the, the D The, the, _____, ___

10.___cotton is still a principal raw material for ______

world's textile industry, but its dominant position has
been seriously eroded by___synthetic fibers.

A The, the, theC The, ___, __

B __, ___theD __, the, ___

11.___American inventors Elisha Gray and Alexander

Graham Bell applied for___patent on___telephone

on the same day.

A The, a, theC___, a, a

B __, the, theD The, the, ____

12.___jade is____highly valued gemstone used in____


A The, the, ____C___, a, ___

B __, the, theD The, a, the

13.___porcelain was___first made by____Chinese.

A The, ___, theC___, ___, the

B The, the, ____D___, the, ___

14.___gold is extremely inactive. It is unaffected by____

air, heat, moisture, and____most solvents.

A __, ___, the

B The, the, ____

C___, __, __

D The, ___, ___

15.__optical phenomena, such as rainbows and halos,

occur when___light shines through cloud particles.

A __, __C The, the

B The, ___D___, the

16.___stone picked up by_____child on the banks of

__Orange River in___South Africa in 1866 was a

big diamond.

A __, a, the, the

B A, a, ___, ___

C___, the, ___, the

D A, a, the, ____

17.E-mail and______Internet are____latest technolo
gies that are spreading___American English.

A __,__,__, the

B __, the, the, ___

C The, the, the, ____

The Pronoun Test 6

1.He closed one eye, but____eye looked at me with a

strange expression as if he wanted to advise me of___

but was forbidden to say___.

A another, something, something B other, anything, anything C the other, something, anything D the another, anything, something

2.They covered___three miles and came to a point

where they couldn't see___vegetation: ___was cov
ered with snow.

A other, any, all
B another, any, everything
C the other, no, each
D others, ___, the whole

3.He set___to one side, disassociating____from what

was going forward, watching___running calmly.

A little, ___, the others

B a little, himself, another
C a little, himself, the others
D little, ___, the other

4.When I met her, ____her parents had perished and

she was dependent upon____. She did not want____

help and lived on____own.

Aeither, her, anybody, her

Bany of, hers, somebody's, hers

Cboth, herself, anybody's, her

Dboth of, oneself, everybody, oneself

5. __of them quite knew what she meant, but____was

sure that she could not bring___to do it.

A Nobody, all, her

B Somebody, every, oneself

C No one, each, ____

D None, everybody, herself

6.I phoned her___day, but she refused to tell me____.'

A another, something B another, anything C the other, something D the other, anything

7.She gave him a cold stare and told him ______sharp

words. He was taken aback at this behaviour of____.

A quite a few, hers

B such a few, her C so few, herself D too few, her

8.Ann and Pete were trying their best, but____of them

was helpful. They made___attempts but____was in


A none, other a few, all

B neither, another few, everything

C nobody, the other few, all

D no one, another a few, everything

9.It was clear he was hungry. He ate a considerable

___of fried meat ____quicker than ____and asked


A number, lot, others, other
B amount, far, the others, another
C deal, a lot, the other, the others
D quantity, ___, anothers, an another

10.She goes to Cyprus ___ summer, ____of them can

assure you of it. Shall I send you____details?

A each, every, some B either, all, any C every, everybody, any D every, each, some

11.It is so noisy that ____can hear____. If___keeps

talking, he will leave the room.

A none, anything, somebody B nobody, something, anybody C somebody, nothing, somebody D no one, anything, anybody

12.There are three towers in the fortress, one with a big

clock, ___are decorated with glazed tiles. _____of

them remained intact.

A others, NoneC the others, None

B the others, NoD others, Neither

13.Why are you afraid to ask for help?__of them will be

glad to solve your little problem, especially Jack. He
is goodness__.

AEverybody, himself

BEach, itself

CEvery, itself

DEach, himself

14.She did not know what else to do. She had already had

breakfast, put her___clothes into the suitcase, and

was standing at the window with little hope to see Al
ice in this green tweed coat of___.

A few, hersC a lot of, herself

B a few, herD many, her

15.I tried to concentrate ____, but as I felt____cold I

could think only of a warm room with a fireplace and
an armchair in front of it where I can settle____.

A myself, myself, myself

B __, _, _____

C myself, ___, ___

D___, __, myself

16.Colonies were ___used as sources of raw materials

__as markets for products of the home country.

A either, andC either, or

B neither, orD either, nor

Test7 |

1.They stood on___side of the bed looking at the sleep
ing boy. His left hand was in plaster,_____clasped a


A each, otherC every, another

B either, the other D either, other

2.Only___nations in the world export diamonds with

South Africa and Russia the biggest importers, while
__are far behind them.

A little, otherC few, the others

B a little, the other D a few, others

3.It refers to the ways ancient Greeks spoke, worshipped,
understood the nature of the physical world____, or
ganized their governments, made ___livings, enter
tained __, and related to___who were not Greek.

A themselves, them, themselves, the others

B itself, their, itself, others

C itself, their, themselves, others

D themselves, ___, themselves, the other

4.One of the reasons why so_people are to be found who

seem sensible and pleasant in conversation is that almost

__is thinking about what he wants to say____rather

than about answering clearly what is being said to him.