2015 ODOM AMYA Region 6 Championship Regatta

San Francisco Model Yacht Club, Spreckels Lake, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA

June 20 and 21, 2015


Organizing Authority: the San Francisco Model Yacht Club, 450 Taraval St., PMB 235, San Francisco, CA 94116

Rules: The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing, as modified by Appendix E.

Eligibility:The regatta is open to all boats of the ODOM One Design Class. Skippers must be AMYA members and their boats must be registered with AMYA and the Class. Boats may be measured..

Location:Racing will be held on Spreckels Lake, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA. The Lake is located immediately to the South of the 36th Avenue & Fulton Street entrance to the Park.

Entry: Eligible boats may be entered by submitting a completed Entry Form and paying entry fee of $85.00 no later than the warning for the first race of the Regatta. Early Entry Discount – deduct $25 if postmarked by June 1, 2015. Entry includes Continental breakfast, Lunches (sandwiches and drinks) and after race snacks.

Sailing Instructions:Sailing instructions shall be available at the SFMYC the day of the Regatta and on the SFMYC web site after Monday, June 15, 2015.

Schedule: Friday June 19th.1400-1700Clubhouse open for registration, measuring & rigging.

Saturday June 20th.0900-1030Clubhouse open for registration, measuring & rigging.

1050Competitor briefing - Start Area on North side of Lake.

1100First warning signal, subsequent races follow immediately.

1600No warning signal after this time.

Sunday June 21st.0930Clubhouse open.

1050Competitor briefing - Start Area on North side of Lake.

1100First warning signal, subsequent races follow immediately.

1530No warning signal after this time.

After RacingAwards.

Racing format:The Race Committee shall attempt to sail a maximum of 15 races per day. Courses shall be windward-leeward and triangle-windward-leeward in layout. If more than 18 boats are entered the fleet shall be broken into heats and the ODD-EVEN TWEAT heat management system shall be used. There will be a rescue boat on hand to assist boats.

Scoring:The regatta will be scored with the Low Point Scoring System. Three races are required to be completed to constitute a regatta. There shall be one throw out race for each 6 completed races sailed. This changes RRS A2.

Awards: Awards and AMYA Chevrons will be presented to the top three finishers in the AMYA Regional Championship Regatta. Participation Certificates will be given to all participants.

For additional Information: Race Director, John H. Super (415) 564-4779 or

2015 ODOM AMYA Region 6 Championship Regatta

San Francisco Model Yacht Club, Spreckels Lake, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA

June 20 and 21, 2015


Name: ______Phone No: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

E-mail Address: ______

Sail #: ______All boats must have properly numbered sails AMYA No.: ______

2.4 GHz _____ 75 MHz Band ______27 MHz Band ______50 MHz Band____

2,4 GHz is strongly recommended—Spreckels is a public lake, and there may be unresolvable frequency conflicts

Frequency No. 1: ______No. 2: ______No. 3: ______

Entry fee $85.00 per boat______

Early Entry Discount – deduct $25 if postmarked by June 1, 2015(- $25.00)

Guests $20 each (Continental breakfast and lunch)______


Please make check payable to the SF Model YC and mail to:

San Francisco Model Yacht Club, 450 Taraval St., PMB 235, San Francisco, CA 94116

In consideration of accepting this entry, I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, waive and release any and all rights to claim damages that I may have or acquire against the Host, Sponsor Club, or its members, the sailing site owners, employees, agents, representatives, or assigns, and the American Model Yachting Association, or its members, from any claim for injury or other damages to me or my family during this regatta’s events. I agree to be bound by The Racing Rules of Sailing and by all other rules that govern this event.

Participant's signature: ______Date: ______


Feb. 24, 2015 @ 0800