The objective of the MPA Educational Trust is to support candidates through their studies and training for the media, marketing advertising and creative industries, in the North of England by providingfinancially supportivebursaries.

Founded in 1990, the MPA Educational Trust, a registered charity, is committed to nurturing fresh talent, benefitting the regional industry and encouraging the best and the brightest to look beyond London.

These one off awardsareintended to support individuals experiencing difficulties in supporting and financing their intended studies, we do this by providing financial assistance towards an approved course of study.



(These notes are in addition to the notes at the front of the application form)

1.Bursaries awarded by the MPA Educational Trust are not intended to fully fund acourse; or to cover your tuition fees, they are to provide additional individual support.

2.Bursaries are not intended to fund a course of on-going studies, but they can be used to assist students where circumstances have changed once a course is commenced.

3.Bursaries are not provided to replace a student loan for university students.

4.If a student is applying for support for a university course of study and has special circumstances that might warrant the awarding of a bursary, then they must provide evidence of application to other funding sources i.e. Student Loan.

But they can be used to assiststudent where it can be substantially shown that there circumstances have changed radically since the commencement of the course

5.Details of how you intend to fund your course must be provided in “Section 2”. Are you eligible for a student loan or other grant? Have you explored other funding opportunities? Please provide details of this.

6.In “Section 2” you are required to provide details on what course / courses you have already undertaken, you must provide details of how these courses were funded, it will also assist your application if you explain your thinking in previously completing those course of study. Why did you do them? What was your objective?

When completing “Section 2” All sources of loan, financial awards or other bursaries must be declared on the bursary application form.

What have you achieved so far as a result of the studies that you have undertaken so far?

7.In “Section 3” you must provide detailed financial information, if this information is incomplete your application will not be considered. Trustees will look at the affordability of your course, can you afford this course (see note 1)?

It is very important that applicants are honest about this financial information. Leaving out or omitting financialdetails is suspicious andas we are a Charity, it is important that you provide us with up to date and honest information about your finances.

8.It is important when completing your personal statement “Section 3” that you evidence how your studies so far (if applicable) have transferred into employed work or how you have utilised your skills / learning to date and how a further course of study will translate into enhancing your skills / learning and how that will impact on your employability.

What have you achieved so far as a result of the studies that you have undertaken so far?

9.In “Section 3” please state your clearly defined objective of taking this course of study. What are your resultantobjectives upon completion of your proposed studies?

10.If a bursary is granted, what amount of financial support are you looking for? Please state this in “Section 3”

Please refer to note 1; the MPA Educational Trust does not pay full course fees.

11.How would this financial support be spent? For example do you require an award to purchase books, if so, why? Can you access hard copy of electronic copy already? Would the purchase of purchasean on-line subscription assist your studies?

12.As a registered charity, we must apply due diligence to each application, so please complete each section fully, particularly relating to your financial circumstances.

If you do not do this, this will delay your application.

13.All income information must be completed in full. Failure to provide sufficient financial detail in “Section 3” will delay the review of your application.

This is very important; please do not submit an application that is calculated or short of detail.

14.Please do not send your personal statement “Section 3” as a separate document.

15.In order to submit an application it is necessary that the applicant obtains the Course or Programme Leader’s approval in writing on this application form.

This means completing “Section 4”, application forms where this has not been completed will not be considered.

16.Trustees reserve the right to ask the Course Leader for a report on the applicant’s academic progress to date, and for any other information they may require in fulfilling their assessment, in respect of the awarding any bursary.

If you are completing an on line course, please check with the course provider that they have a mechanism for providing evidence of continued participation. As this information will be required, please ask the course leader to provide this information when they complete “Section 4”.

17.Whilst it is important that your course leader completes “Section 4”,whilst this must be completed in detail, providing a justification for the bursary. The application must be be submitted by you as an individual and not from the educational establishment.

18.You must provide a current and up to date copy of your CV with the Bursary Application Form. Applications without this document will not be considered.

19.Funding is not available to foreign students who require a Tier 4 (General) Study Visa to study in the UK.

Please be aware that in completing and submitting this application form, you are requestingconsideration for a monetary bursary from a registered charity.

Therefore, in completing this Bursary Application, please ensure that you have you been completely honestin answering ALL of thequestionsasked in this form.Particularly notes 7 and 10.

Applications will not be considered unless all sections in this form are completed.

Incomplete forms with missing information and details will not be considered.

Mpa ET Detailed Application Guidance Notes, Oct 2015

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