10th May 2017 (12 – 1:30pm)
Attached documents:
- Minutes of the last meeting, 25 Jan 2017.
- Dates of 2017 meetings attached
12:00 / Apologies (Michael, Marilyn, Peter, Sheila, Carlie, Hazel)12:05 / Minutes of the meeting of 25 Jan 2017 - Accuracy & matters arising
12:05 / 1. Update on neighbourhoods including Adelaide led new project Having "Frailty Duty Doctor"
12:20 / 2. Open Meeting Thurs 8th June: Potential Agenda
- How General practice is changing – Feedback on Frailty duty Dr project
- Carers Project at the Adelaide
- Questions
- Invite chairs from neighbourhood PPGs?
Planning the evening
12:50 / 3. Practice News (Dave)
- Staffing (new Partner, receptionist changes)
- Carers projects, thoughts on volunteers?
- Complaints and Significant Event Audits
- Annual report – email for comments?
1:15 / 4. Matters raised by PPG members & feedback from other PPGs
- Hampstead Group Practice invites young people who want to study medicine to join the PPG. Should we do the same?
- Guardian article 22 February about GPs failing to pick up serious signs of domestic abuse. “An analysis of 24 Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) showed that in more than half the cases Drs missed vital opportunities to identify vital opportunities to identify risks and seek help”. A call is being made for domestic abuse training to be compulsory. What happens locally?
- Any news on CCG Governing Body elections and on who will be new Chair?
- Was the gap between PPG meetings too long
- Should new practice staff be invited/encouraged to observe at least one PPG and what about those GPs who have never attended?
End 1:30 / 5. AOB
Next PPG meetings
Date / PPG / Open meetingWed 10 May (NOT Wed 24 May) / 12.00 -1.30 pm
Thurs 8 June / 7.00 – 8.30 pm
Wed 26 July (clashes with Eid) / 12.00 -1.30 pm
Wed 27 Sept / 12.00 -1.30 pm
Tues 24 Oct / 7.00 – 8.30 pm
Wed 6 Dec / 12.00 -1.30 pm