A Corporation Not-for-Profit


May 15, 2008

A REGUALR MEETING of the Board of Directors was scheduled for 5:30 P.M. at the First Baptist Church of Osprey.

The meeting was called to order by the President, Ed Schonegg at 5:35

Notice of the meeting was posted on the property prior to the meeting in accordance with the Bylaws of the Association and the requirements of the Florida Statues.

The following Directors were present:

Ed Schonegg Ken Asakura George Dellos

Brian Gorden Ken Lindberg

A quorum was determined to be present.

MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING, a motion was made by Mr. Lindberg and seconded by Mr. Dellos,

MOTION 08-65: To approve the minutes of the Board of Directors Special meeting of April 7, 2008 as amended. Motion passed.

A motion was made by Mr. Dellos and seconded by Mr. Gorden,

MOTION 08-66: To approve the minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting of April 17, 2008 as amended. Motion passed.

A motion was made by Mr. Dellos and seconded by Mr. Asakura,

MOTION 08-67: To approve the minutes of the Board of Directors Special Meeting of April 30, 2008 as amended. Motion passed.

REPORT OF OFFICERS, The President, Mr. Schonegg reported the board has been diligently working on the progress of the various enhancement projects in the community. There has been discussion among the board as to what procedures will be followed for the enhancement to the homes without sidewalks in the front yard. The Secretary, Mr. Lindberg, drafted a letter, which was sent to the membership, requesting any homeowner who feels their streetscapes present a unique concern to contact Management with a detailed explanation in writing prior to May fourteenth. Mr. Schonegg reported over a dozen have replied with a majority asking that their yard remain as it currently is. The matter was opened for discussion among the members and board members in attendance. Mr. Schonegg concluded the matter will be further discussed and a time will be determined to schedule appointments to meet with owners who submitted their concerns in writing.

Mr. Schonegg reported the nursery for the streetscape plantings will require additional holding areas than what was originally designated. The board agreed to coordinate with Sun State Landscaping to determine the best location to store the plants.

Vice President, no report.

Secretary, No report.

Treasurer, Mr. Asakura gave a report, (see attachment 1). Mr. Asakura reported the audit for 2007 has been completed. Mr. Asakura quoted an article from the New York Times to the members in attendance related to foreclosures. The article explained the banks will not pay for association assessment fees. The service agents are responsible and banks are trustees only. Mr. Asakura agreed with a previous suggestion from a homeowner to research the possibilities of Verizon and Comcast crediting the community for the homes in foreclosure in Willowbend.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS, Mr. Schonegg reported a meeting will be scheduled with Wilhelm and two board members next Wednesday to discuss unfinished service items and payment terms.

A correspondence has been sent from the association’s attorney to Mr. Grasel’s attorney to avoid mediation.

NEW BUSINESS, Mr. Schonegg reported the current Facililities Support and Infrastructure Committee have formally resigned from the committee. Mr. Schonegg thanked Dutch Leonard and Stu Lambert for their work and commitment over the years to the FSI Committee (formerly GLIC). There was discussion of various alternatives to a committee overseeing the Landscaping Company. The board agreed to consider alternatives and establish a cohesive plan in accordance with the approval of the new landscaping contract.

MANAGER’S REPORT: Ms. Merrill gave a report, (see attachment 2).


Architectural Review Committee, Mr. Lindberg made a motion and Mr. Asakura seconded,

MOTION 08-68: To approve the following architectural review applications as recommended by the report dated May 5, 2008. (see attachment 3).

§  672 CPW Klein Repaint Home

§  1327 Thornapple Weis Pressure Wash Roof

§  1327 Thornapple Weis Repaint house

§  515 Latitude Lane Zick Clear Hurricane Shutters

§  627 CPW Geer Lighting in front with the limitation of two lights per tree.

§  643 CPW Rainey Remove screening from lanai knee wall, install glass sliders.

§  618 CPW Conway Low Voltage lighting without walkway lights.

§  514 Luminary Rivlin Low voltage lighting

Motion passed.

There was discussion regarding the limit on the amount of lighting in each yard. The board directed the committee to initiate a standard lighting policy to refer to for future lighting applications. Some items to consider for the policy will include the size of the lots and the color of the fixture.

Mr. Lindberg reported the Architectural Review Committee will be meeting on May 5th, 2008.

Facilities Support and Infrastructure, Mr. Schonegg read the committee’s report (see attachment 4). Mr. Lindberg made a motion and Mr. Asakura seconded,

MOTION 08-69: To approve landscaping architectural review applications as recommended by the report dated May 12, 2008. Motion passed.

Mr. Dellos expressed his concerns of approving an excessive amount of palms within the community. The palms are a cost to the association; they takeaway nutrients from the soil and can become hazardous during a hurricane.

Social, no report.

Recreation Facilities, Mr. Lindberg reported the committee has contributed to several improvements at the recreation center and commended their efforts. There was discussion of installation of dead bolt locks on the rest room doors at the recreation center. The board felt the locks could violate security measures and fire codes and any dead bolt locks currently there should be removed and future requests to have them installed will be denied. Mr. Lindberg reported Management had obtained a bid for re-mulching in the pool area beds. The board agreed to table the matter until the landscaping was refigured with consultation of the new landscaping company.

Security, Mr. Lindberg reported the amounts of volunteers for the citizen’s patrol are rapidly decreasing.

Disaster Preparedness and Response, Lucy Crist requested to have an opportunity to meet with the board to provide a presentation on behalf of the Disaster Preparedness and Response Committee. The board agreed to schedule an upcoming workshop and include the presentation as an agenda item.

Finance, no report.

Documents, no report.

Website, Mr. Berkowitz reported the website contract would be reviewed and services would be available for operation within thirty to forty-five days thereafter.

Comments by Willowbend residents in attendance:

·  A homeowner commented on foreclosure process. Mr. Asakura confirmed the foreclosure procedure is followed according to time requirements.

·  A homeowner commented on the Landscape and Management contracts and felt the board should ensure the contracts are being followed. The board reported the Landscaping Contract is currently being negotiated and the Management contract is due for a renewal and has been reviewed by attorneys.

·  A homeowner reported they had received a letter requesting their roof be pressure washed and must be approved by the association to do so. The board agreed to discuss and clarify a proper procedure and communicate this to owners who received letters and the association in its entirety.

With no further business before the Board, upon a motion made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 7:57 P.M.


Kyanne Merrill, CAM

Dated this 8th day of June, 2008

Willowbend Community Association Inc.

Monthly Treasurer’s Report

Year to Date vs. Budget

May 15,2008

As of April 30,2008

Month Year to Date

INCOME: $ 76,733. $ 481,033.


Administrative $ 5,354. $ 27,427.

Grounds $ 75,310. $ 179,722.

Maintenance $ 693. $ 8,647.

Pool & Recreation $ 3,036. $ 9,400.

Utilities $ 18,839. $ 75,930.

Other $ 2,872. $ 15,720.

TOTAL EXPENSES: $ 106,103. $ 316,845.

TOTAL NET INCOME: $ (29,370.) $ 164,188.


NOTE: This is 2.81% of budgeted annual assessment fees ($849,572.)

2008 EXPENSE BUDGET: $ 75,764. $ 477,277.

Note: We currently have 18 accounts which have hit our overdue list and of these 8 accounts are in for attorney action. We have sent out intents to lien on three accounts and a late notice on one account.

Our current reserves stand at $138,659. Our total estimated 100% funded reserves are $229,830. Therefore, over time we will need to add to reserves $91,171.

In this months’ expense statement two items will be restated as they were incorrectly allocated.

* Mulch redistribution was expensed out of our regular mulch expense line and should have come out of our Enhancement Project line. This will be corrected.

* The original test project for 8 streetscapes was expensed to the Contingency Fund and will be restated under the correct expense line of Enhancement Project.

* These two changes total $31,434. and reduces our enhancement project expense budget line to $142,582.

Our auditors have completed the 2007 audit and we should have the finished report within a few days.

Ken Asakura



A Corporation Not-for-Profit

c/o Lighthouse Property Management

16 Church Street

Osprey, Florida 34229

941-966-6844 Office 941-966-7158 Fax

Manager’s Report – May 15, 2008

§  Management’s maintenance person continues to work with the Recreational Facilities Committee to complete several maintenance items within the recreation center.

§  Aqua Doc has started their contract and has attended to items requiring attention.

§  The previous Pool Company was sent a termination letter and they have returned the Rec Center Key.

§  The cleaning company has cleaned the Recreation Center Windows after the pressure washing project at a cost of $ 75.00.

§  AAA Patio has repaired two out of the three torn umbrellas; the third one is currently being repaired. All the umbrellas on the patio currently are repaired.

§  Flanagan & Mechinger CPA has completed the review for 2007.

§  A lamppost inspection was conducted on May 1st. Twenty (20) letters were sent accordingly.

§  A compliance inspection was conducted on May 12th. Fifteen (15) letters were sent for dirty roofs. The letters allowed thirty days for the homeowners to bring their roofs into compliance.

§  Sun State has started Streetscape and Lake Bank Projects in the community.

Correspondence from Management: (Roof Cleaning and Light Letters not attached)

§  Pools and Lawns Termination Letter

§  1353 Thornapple, Two Illegal Fichus Trees

§  519 Habitat, Satellite in front yard

§  519 Habitat, Tenant replied, Management responded to reply

Correspondence Received:

§  1211 Chalet, Special Assessment ( Discussed with Board 5-14)

Kyanne Merrill, CAM

Managing Agent for

Willowbend Community Association, Inc.


May 2008 FSI Report

·  Richard Ruppell 1323 THA

Remove 4 palmettos for safety reasons. Recommend approval

·  Berle Hopkins 591 CPW

Install 2 foxtail palms. Recommend approval

·  Marylin Sylvestre 676 CPW

Replace dead Mexican Petunias. Recommend Approval

·  Josephine White 1263 THA

Remove ferns and replace with with schifalers. Recommend approval

·  Charles Allen 680 CPW

Replace Mexican petunia with podocarpus. Recommend approval

·  Richard Ruppell 1323 THA

Re-do landscaping in front of dining room window. Recommend approval

·  Simon Udall 608 CPW

Plant 4 wax myrtle and 4 foxtail palms. Recommend approval- conditional- only 3 of each type of tree.

·  Gary Klein 672 CPW

Remove 2 chinese fan palms replace with 2 crotons. Recommend approval

·  Tom Mcmanus 514 Habitat

Remove various plants, replace with other approved plant list plants. Recommend approval.