Name ______Period______

What is Seventh Grade Science Science?

It is a year long course that teaches us about natural process and human activities that shapes Earths’ web of life.

Including but not limited to the following topics:


organism interactions, natural resources, food molecules, energy flow through biotic & abiotic factors


organic elements, chemical reactions, conservation of mass, creation of new substances, synthetic materials


design, solution evaluation, data analysis, scientific method

Human Activities and Impacts

How do humans shape Earth’s Resources and ecosystems and how can their actions help sustain biodiversity

What do I need to bring to class?

Ø  School Binder, with paper: this three-ring binder can be shared with other classes. It needs to be organized with dividers, with a section for science only (you may opt for an accordion folder)

Ø  One notebook, spiral or composition, at least 70 pages (to remain in class)

Ø  A student planner provided by Greenfield (which is to be used at home daily), and a pencil pencils, pens, and highlighters

Ø  At home you should also have access to colored pens, pencils or crayons, scissors and glue for projects.

What do I do when I am absent?

Homework, notes, quizzes, tests and in –class worksheets that are missed due to an illness or other excused absence must be made up within the amount of time you were absent. Missed in-class activities and labs are excused, but students are responsible to review the missed material.

On your first day back be sure to check the homework board and the missed work folders for handouts and assignments. If you have questions about the material ask Ms. Najera after class. I suggest that you get the name and number of two “Study Buddies” in the class that you can talk to for clarification.

How will I be graded?

Classwork: 25%

Labs: 15 %

Tests/Quizzes: 25%

Projects: 25%

Homework and Effort: 10%

How can Parents/Guardians keep track of their students?

Look at the planner! Homework is not accepted late! Students write their week’s worth of homework into their school appointed planner every Monday. This makes planning ahead very easy. Grades are updated and reviewed every two weeks, students write in their planners the day they will receive work back.

Online Classroom Updates:

What are the classroom rules?

Ø  Respect each other and our classroom environment, clean up after yourself, no food or drink (water only).

Ø  Be careful with classroom materials and equipment. Do not lean back in chairs. Unsafe behavior during labs will result in an “F” on that lab assignment, exclusion from future lab activities and possible detention or suspension.

Ø  Be on time for class, and be prepared to work, to learn, and to participate. You must be in your seat when the bell rings or you will be marked tardy.

Ø  Raise your hand if you wish to ask or answer a question.

Ø  Hats and hoods must be removed before entering the classroom

Ø  Cell phones and other hand held electronics (other than calculators) must be turned off and tucked away in your backpack or purse.

Ø  Gum chewing as well as any airborne objects may result in an immediate detention!

Ms. Najera –

Classroom Communication:

Please sign below to indicate that you have read and understand the rules and grading policies and bring this whole paper to class by: ______

Print Student name ______

Parent/Guardian signature______

Parent/Guardian print ______

Best Parent Contact cell or email: ______