Geometry Course Syllabus – 2012-2013 – Lake Zurich High School
Course InformationMr. Hanson – LakeZurichHigh School
Course Name – Geometry (847) – 540 – 4013
Room –
Course Materials
1] Pencils
2] Red Pens
3] Your Homework Notebook
4] Your Notes Packet
5] Your Calculator – (TI 83, TI83+, TI84, TI84+)
6] Your Textbook- Geometry for Enjoyment and Challenge by Rhoad, Milauskas, and Whipple (1 per pair)
Extra Help
***I highly encourage you to seek out extra help whenever you have any questions. My free periods are before school, 3rd period, 5th period (Lunch), 6th period (Resource Center, Study Hall), and 9th period. The Math Resource Center, located in C117, is also a great resource available.
Final grades will be based on the following point allocations:
*Homework – app. 2 pts per assignment
Homework is the absolute best way to excel in my class. You can expect homework every night. Complete your homework in your homework notebook. In order to receive full credit on homework, the following Standards must be met:
A.All problems are attempted to the best of your ability using a pencil
B.All work is neatly shown for each problem
C.All diagrams are neatly shown for each problem
D.All solutions are checked and corrected in class using a red pen
E.All incorrect work is corrected in class using a red pen
You will have opportunities to ask questions in class prior to turning in assignments. My website is also a great resource for homework help, where you will find worked out problems.
*Quizzes – app.20-30 pts each
You can expect at least 1 quiz each chapter. Some quizzes will be open-notes. Sometimes quizzes will be open-homework. Some quizzes will be done in groups and some quizzes will be done on your own. Sometimes, you will have opportunities to retake quizzes with no penalty, granted you have completed all your homework.
*Tests – 100 pts each
You will take a test at the end of each chapter. Tests will always be completed alone without notes.
A major part of our class will involve YOU DOING PROBLEMS. You can expect an opener waiting for you each day as you come in. These openers will be essential to your success. Some will challenge you and some will fool you, but understand that you will always have the necessary tools to solve each of them.
This course is focused on preparing you to score as well on the ACT as possible.