Master Trainer& Arizona Living Well Institute Agreement

Healthy Living: Self-Management of Chronic Conditions Programs

Date: ______, 20______

RE: Master Trainer Agreement with Arizona Living Well Institute (AZLWI)

Healthy Living is an evidence-based chronic disease self-management program (CDSMP) developed and licensed by StanfordUniversity.

Each Healthy LivingWorkshop consists of six 2.5 hour sessions. These workshops meet one time per week for six consecutive weeks. Each workshop is facilitated by two trained leaders (Master Trainer or Lay Leader), one or both of whom have a chronic condition.

Each Healthy LivingLeader Trainingconsists of four 7.5 hour days (including a 1 hour lunch break). These trainings must be completed within two consecutive weeks (e.g. Monday-Thursday or Monday and Tuesday for two consecutive weeks). Each training is facilitated by two certified trainers (T-Trainers or Master Trainers), one or both of whom have a chronic condition.

Healthy Living Master Trainers are individuals certified by Stanford University to train new Leaders and provide support, technical assistance and oversight to ensure program fidelity. Master Trainers should also deliver the Healthy Living workshops to participants. Master Trainees are not certified until they have completed a 4 ½ day training, facilitated 2 workshops, and received their signed certification letter from Stanford.

Master Trainees may be employees or volunteers of an agency licensed to provide the Healthy Living program. Volunteers understand they are not employed by the Arizona Living Well Institute (AZLWI) northe Sponsoring Agency.

In consideration for the training that has been provided by the, theMaster Trainee agrees to the following:

Ideal Abilities/ Values of a Master Trainer:

  • Believes in and understands the benefit of the program
  • Possesses good listening skills, is non-judgmental
  • Feels comfortable in front of a group
  • Able to read and follow a script
  • Understands the importance and purpose of fidelity (following the curriculum)
  • Posses good communication and interpersonal skills
  • Exhibits enthusiasm
  • Is dependable and consistent
  • Is willing to facilitate a small group
  • Has interest in working with older adults
  • Possesses life experience resulting in empathy to the needs and abilities of older adults
  • Participation in a Healthy Living Workshop or Lay Leader Training prior to Master Training preferred

Functions of a Master Trainer:

  • Train workshop leaders by facilitating at least one Leaders’ Training per year to maintain certification
  • May partner with the AZLWI or other organizations to train Leaders
  • Co-facilitate workshops as needed beyond certification
  • Two for certification within one year of training and one per year after certification
  • Support and monitor Leaders trained by the Master Trainee through fidelity coaching to include technical assistance and support
  • Perform fidelity coaching sessions with new Leaders
  • Schedule and coordinate workshops in his/her area. This includes marketing and recruitment of participants, scheduling workshop locations, and forwarding data materials to the AZLWI
  • Collaborate with other Master Trainers and coordinators as well as AZLWI when providing workshops and/or Leader trainings in the community. This includes:
  • Notifying partners and the AZLWI of upcoming workshops
  • Coordinating workshop and training dates with local partners
  • Participate in regional calls (as available)
  • Work together with partners to ensure that all trained lay leaders are able to stay active
  • Coordinate workshops and training dates with AZLWI through online registration
  • Report any concerns or issues regarding Healthy Living to the Lead mentor.

Responsibilities when Delivering a Healthy LivingWorkshop:


  • Electronically complete the Workshop Information Form to AZLWI 6 weeks prior to workshop date
  • Prepare for each workshop by reviewing Leaders’ Manual and materials
  • Organize the workshop meeting space with supplies and refreshments


  • Present the workshops according to the directions, training and materials provided
  • Encourage interactive discussion about the concepts and skills presented
  • Monitor and connect with each participant
  • Promote socialization and a solution-oriented environment among the participants
  • Strive to ensure that workshops follow the proven model by:
  • Co-facilitating workshops with another trained facilitator (Leader &/or Master Trainer)
  • Presenting the workshops based on the training and manual provided
  • Serving as a facilitator rather than a lecturer. Facilitators focus on process – helping create a sense of connection between group members and Leaders to create a safe and optimum environment of mutual learning and support.
  • Not altering the number of workshops (6) or duration of workshops (2.5 hours)
  • Enrolling no less than ten (12) but no more than twenty (20) participants in each workshop
  • Offering the workshops over six (6) consecutive weeks (e.g., not scheduling a workshop if a holiday or other event interrupts the 6-week sequence)
  • Not altering workshop content (e.g., adding guest speakers or modifying program curriculum to offer additional information to that provided in the manual)
  • Disallowing any form of promotional content for another program or service


  • Ensure that participants complete the required evaluation materials
  • Ensure that evaluation materials are sent to AZLWI within 2 weeks of workshop completion.

Cathy Stewart, BS, CHES

Program Manager

Arizona Living Well Institute

2066 W. Apache Trail, Suite 116

Apache Junction, AZ 85120

, (480) 982-3118 or (877) 982-3118

Responsibilities when Coordinating a Healthy LivingWorkshop:


  • Electronically complete the Workshop Information Form to AZLWI 6 weeks prior to workshop date
  • Ensure scheduled Leaders are prepared for workshop
  • Organize the workshop meeting space with supplies and refreshments


  • Monitor and connect with Leaders
  • Complete fidelity coaching session with newly trained Leaders and continue coaching sessions on an annual basis.


  • Collect and send Survey Packets to AZLWI within 2 weeks of workshop completion.

Cathy Stewart, BS, CHES

Program Manager

Arizona Living Well Institute

2066 W. Apache Trail, Suite 116

Apache Junction, AZ 85120

, (480) 982-3118 or (877) 982-3118

Responsibilities when Delivering Leaders Training or Update Training for Leaders


  • Refer to Leader Training Planning Documents
  • Policy Document
  • Implementing a Leader’s Training
  • Notify the AZLWI within 6 weeks of training start date
  • 4 Day Leader Training:
  • 1 Day Update Training:
  • Identify a second Master Trainer to co-facilitate
  • Prepare by reviewing Master Trainers’ Manual and materials
  • Organize the training meeting space with supplies and refreshments
  • Register no less than 12Leader trainees, and no more than 18 trainees
  • Ensure that all trainees are working with a licensed agency. Licenses are placed in the front of all Leaders’ Manuals
  • It is strongly encouraged to schedule workshops for trainees prior to training


  • Present training according to the Master Trainers Manual and materials provided
  • Model the Stanford process
  • Training is four days long and may be offered in four consecutive days or in four days spread over two consecutive weeks (two days one week, two the next). Training may not be shortened or lengthened.
  • Lead practice teaching sessions and provide constructive feedback. Master trainers are responsible for identifying potential problems with lay Leaders during training.


  • Provide successful trainees with certificate of completion of training
  • Send complete roster, signed Leaders’ agreements, and contact information (name, organization, address, phone, and email) for all Lay Leaders to the AZLWI within two weeks of training
  • Make sure all trainees have a point of contact, preferably a Master Trainer, to answer questions and address concerns
  • Follow up with each Leader within one month’s time
  • Perform fidelity checks on all Lay Leaders facilitating for the first time

Master Trainer Expectations:

  • Complete the Healthy Living Master Training Certification Process
  • Complete the Master Training event
  • Co-facilitate 2 Healthy Living Workshops within the first year of being trained
  • Submit letter of Authorization and Agreement to Stanford within 1 year of being trained
  • The date on the signed and return Authorization and Agreement letter from Stanford is your certification date.
  • Submit your signed letter of Authorization and Agreement to AZLWI for record keeping
  • Continued expectations:
  • Ability to facilitate 1 or more 6-week workshops per year
  • Ability to facilitate 1 Leader training per year. First must be completed within 12 months (1 year) of being certified
  • Maintain organization/agency licensure to offer the Healthy Living (CDSMP) workshops and leader trainings.
  • A copy of your organization’s license must be on file with the AZLWI for you to attend the Master Training event and to remain as an active Master Trainer in Arizona.
  • Maintain contact with assigned Lead Mentor on a bi-monthly basis
  • First contact should occur within 2 months (60 days) of being trained
  • Regional bi-monthly conference calls are coordinated by your Lead Mentor. You will receive notification upon completion of training.
  • Continued interaction and coordination with the AZLWI on a monthly basis
  • Webinars and/or continuing education will be a required component of partnership with the AZLWI

I have read the above information, and I agree to abide to the best of my ability to the Master Trainer values, functions, and procedures, as well as the workshop andleader training responsibilities outlined.

Signature: ______Date: ______

Printed Name: ______Title: ______

Name of Sponsoring Agency/ Organization: ______

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2066 West Apache Trail, Suite 116 Apache Junction, AZ 85120 (480) 982-3118 or (877) 982-3118