Comprehensive Bibliography
This working bibliography contains works about the Westminster Assembly, its texts, and its members. The abbreviation(s) following each title indicates the sub-bibliography to which this work principally belongs. Note that this bibliography does not contain works by the Assembly or its members unless the work is about the Assembly and its texts. Nor does it contain works about the later adherents of or disputes about the Assembly’s texts texts unless those disputes contain expositions of the Assembly’s history or texts.
If you are able to able to correct or supplement this bibliography please email your corrections to the managing editor of bibliographies, Mr Billy McMillan, at .
Ackerman, A. W., Rev., D.D. Reverend John White of Dorchester, England and His Participation in Founding the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Boston Society of the Governor and Co. of Massachusetts Bay in New England, 1929. [WABios]
Adams, T. The main Principles of Christian Religion in An 107 short Articles or Aphorism, generally received, as being pro’d from Scripture…London: Gellibrand, 1675. [WSC]
Adamson, J. H., and H. F. Folland. Sir Harry Vane: his life and times 1613-1662. London: The Bodley Head, 1973. [WABios]
Adhinarta, Y. God's sovereignty, immutability, and impassibility in the Westminster Confession of Faith a critique of open theists' portrayal of classical theism. 2005. [WCF]
Alleine, J., and I. Watts. The shorter catechism agreed upon by the Reverend Assembly of Divines at Westminster. To which is added, some serious questions very proper for true Christians to ask themselves every day, by the late Reverend Mr. Joseph Allaine. : Also a Cradle hymn, by the Reverend Dr. Isaac Watts. Meeting Name: Westminster Assembly (1643-1652) New-London [Conn.], : Printed and sold by T. Green,, 1754. [WSC]
Alleyn, W. The Assembly’s Shorter Catechism Explained. Advertised by Patrickneil (c. 1700) as printed by and for him in Bridge Street, Belfast. [WSC]
Allington, J., and S. Marshall. A brief apologie for the sequestred clergie. VVherein (among other things) this case of conscience is judiciously handled: whether any minister of the Church of England may (to avoid sequestration) omit the publike use of the liturgie, and submit to the directory. In a letter from a sequestred divine, to Mr. Stephen Marshall. London, 1649. [DPW?]
Allington, J. The reform'd Samaritan: or, The worship of God by the measures of spirit and truth. Preached for a visitation-sermon at the convention of the clergy, by the Reverend Arch-Deacon of Coventry, in Coventry; April the sixth, 1676. To which is annexed, a review of a short discourse printed in 1649. about the necessity and expediency of worshipping God by set forms.
By John Allington vicar of Leamington-Hastang. London: printed by J.C. for Thomas Basset, at the George near St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street, 1678. [DPW?]
Anderson, P. J. "Sion College and the London Provincial Assembly, 1647-1660." Journal of Ecclesiastical History 37, no. 1 (1986): 68-90. [WA]
Anderson, R. D., Jr. “Of the Church: An Historical Overview of the Westminster Confession of Faith, Chapter 25.” Westminster Theological Journal 59, no. 2 (Fall) (1997): 177-199. [WCF]
Angier, S. A Short Explanation of the Shorter Catechism. Being the substance of some late Explanations of the same Catechism. With some Variations and Additions. By one that desires to promote Christian knowledge, as the way to Life Eternal. London: J. Robinson, 1689. [WSC]
Annan, R. Exposition and defense of the Westminster Assembly's Confession of faith : being the draught of an "overture" prepared by a committee of the Associate Reformed Synod in 1783.
Cincinnati : Moore, Wilstach, Keys, & Co., 1855. [WCF]
Annan, R. A draught of an overture, prepared and published by a committee of the Associate Reformed Synod for the purpose of illustrating and defending the doctrines of the Westminster Confession of faith, according to an appointment of said synod. Philadelphia : Printed by Zachariah Poulson, Junr. on the west side of Fourth-Street, between Market and Arch-Streets., 1787. [WCF]
Anonymous. An Abridgement Of the Late Reverend Assemblies Shorter Catechism, Fitted for the use of the weakest Capacities and Memories. [WSC]
Anonymous. The Agreement of divers Ministers of Christ in the County of Worcester….III. The Profession of Faith and Catechism which we desire them first to learn. London: R. W. for Simmons, 1656. [WSC]
Anonymous. The Assembly’s Catechism, abridged for the use of Children, particularly those of the Sunday Schools. London: Button, 1791. [WSC]
Anonymous. The Assembly’s Shorter Catechism Illustrated. London, 1708. [WSC]
Anonymous. The Beginner’s Catechism; to prepare the ignorant to learn with better understanding The Assemblies (Excellent) Catechism; with a Conclusion thereto. The Second Edition. London: Printed for J. Clark at the Bible in the Old Change, 1708. [WSC]
Anonymous. Catechetical Assistant for the use of Parents and Sabbath School Teachers. Philadelphia: Presb. Bd. Pub. [WSC]
Anonymous. A Catechism for Youth, containing the principles of practical religion, agreeable to the doctrines of the Holy Scriptures, exhibited in the Westminster Confession of Faith, and the larger and shorter Catechisms. Philadelphia: Printed by Robert Aitkin, three doors above the Coffee-House, in Market Street. M.DCC. LXXXIII. [WSC]
Anonymous. Catechism made Practical. The Christian Instructed. I. In the Principles of Christian Religion; positively, in the Shorter Catechism. II. In What he is to refuse, and what to hold fast, in the greatest Points of Controversie: And how to confute Errors, and defend the Truth. III. In the Practice of several Duties; viz. (I) The Practical Improvement of the Holy Trinity. (2) Baptism. (3) Prayer. And (4) Preparation for the Lord’s Supper. London: Robinson, 1688. [WSC]
Anonymous. A confession of faith, put forth by the elders and brethren of many congregations of Christians (baptized upon profession of their faith) in London and the country. 1677. [?]
Anonymous. Conversations on the Shorter Catechism, with the Scripture Proofs. For the Use of Children. By a Lady, Author of the “Child’s Manual” and “Scripture Lessons for Children”. Edinburgh: Anderson, 1824. [WSC]
Anonymous. A directory of church government anciently contended for and, as far as the times would suffer, practised by the non-conformists in the days of Queen Elizabeth. Found in the study of ... T. Cartwright, after his decease, &c. 1644. [DCG]
Anonymous. Edinburgh Sunday School Teachers’ Union. Notes for Teachers…on the Shorter Catechism….First series of three years. Edinburgh: Gall, 1851. [WSC]
Anonymous. An Explicatory Catechism: or, An Explanation of the Assemblies Shorter Catechism. Wherein Those Principles are enlarged upon especially, which obviate the great and growing Errors of Popery; useful for those Families that desire to hold fast the Form of sound words. London: Mortlock, 1675. [WSC]
Anonymous. The godly man's legacy to the saints upon earth. 1680. [WABios]
Anonymous. A history of the Westminster Assembly of divines embracing an account of its principal transactions and biographical sketches of its most conspicuous members…Philadelphia, 1841. [WA]
Anonymous. The infamous history of Sir Simon Synod, and his sonne Sir John Presbyter. Describing the acts of their youth, autumne, and old age. With the nature and desperatenesse of the disease, whereof they both lye now sick. With the desires of Sir Iohn Presbyter. Written with his owne hand, and dedicated to his deare brethren, likely to survive him. London, 1647. [WA]
Anonymous. A Key to Catechisms: or, an easie and familiar Help for the true and right understanding of the principal substance of all Catechisms whatsoever. Suited to the meanest Capacities and the weakest Memories. London. Printed for Richard Chiswell and are to be sold by Robert Eveleigh, Bookseller in Exon, 1682. [WSC]
Anonymous. Lives of Alexander Henderson and James Guthrie. With Specimens of their Writings. Edinburgh: John Greig, 1846. [WABios]
Anonymous. The Master and Scholar attending Catechising: or, An Attempt to imitate Timothy’s Catechism: who from a child knew the Holy Scriptures, that were able to make him Wise to Salvation, through the Faith which is in Christ Jesus. 2d. Tim. Iii. 15. Being an attention to two Questions arising from what the Scriptures principally teach, viz., Ist. What is Man to believe concerning God? 2d. What doth God require of Man? Introduced by the first four Questions and Answers of the Assemblies Catechism. Boston: Printed by B. Edes and Son, No. 42, Cornhill, MDCCLXXXVII. [WSC]
Anonymous. Memorial volume of the Westminster Assembly 1647-1897 containing eleven addresses delivered before the general assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, at Charlotte, N.C., in May, 1897. Richmond, Va.: Presbyterian Committee of Publication, 1897. [WA]
Anonymous. The new proof Catechism. Stating separately and proving the doctrines taught in the Shorter Catechism. Edinburgh: Gall and Inglis, 20 Bernard Terrace, and London. [WSC]
Anonymous. The Patron’s A.B.C. or the Shorter Catechism attempted after a new Plan….Glasgow, 1771. [WSC]
Anonymous. “Predestination and Freewill and the Wesyminster Confession of Faith.” Methodist Review 61 (Ap) (1879): 394. [WCF]
Anonymous. Principles of the Doctrine of Christ, delivered in the Assemblies Shorter Catechism, Made plainer to Babes in Knowledge. London: Janeway, 1701. [WSC]
Anonymous. The Proof Catechism with Paraphrase and Notes. Edinburgh: Gall and Inglis, 20 Bernard Terrace, and London. [WSC]
Anonymous. Questions and answers on the necessary truths and duties of religion. Glasgow, 1832. [WSC]
Anonymous. The School Catechism, Issued by a Conference of Members of the Reformed Churches in Scotland. Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1907. [WSC]
Anonymous. The Scripture Catechism, illustrated by various Extracts from the most approved Authors. Carefully selected and arranged in the order of the Catechism, with Scriptural References to each Question. Edinburgh: Waugh & Innes. [WSC]
Anonymous. A Series of Popular Notes (with Illustrative Anecdotes) on the Shorter Catechism, expressly adapted for the Teachers of Elementary Day-Schools. Glasgow: Bryce, 1875. [WSC]
Anonymous. A Short Catechism. London: Underhill, 1659. [WSC]
Anonymous. A Short Catechism, containing the Principles of Religion. Very Profitable for all sorts of People. The Fifty-one Impression. London: Wright, 1671. [WSC]
Anonymous. A Short and Easie Catechism, wherein the more difficult terms in the Assemblies Shorter Catechism are opened and explained. For the Benefit of Children and such as are of Weaker Capacity….By a Minister of the Gospel. Glasgow: Saunders, 1719. [WSC]
Anonymous. A Short View of the Assembly’s Catechism. London, 1700. ? [WSC]
Anonymous. The Shorter Catechism enlarged by Explanatory Questions, and without the Proofs. [WSC]
Anonymous. The Shorter Catechism Explained, and made intelligible to Children; with a Directory for composing prayer in the language of Scriptures. Admirably adapted to assist Children in their Devotions, and the Pious in their Meditations. Leith: Allardice, 1827. [WSC]
Anonymous. The Shorter Catechism explained, by way of Question and Answer. By several Ministers of the Gospel. Philadelphia, Presbyterian Board of Publication. [WSC]
Anonymous. The Shorter Catechism of the Reverend Assembly of Divines; with Questions and Explanations to illustrate the text, and a few forms of prayers and graces for the benefit of the young. Edinburgh: W. Whyte & Co., 1849. [WSC]
Anonymous. The Shorter Catechism of the Westminster Assembly. Analytically arranged. Philadelphia: Allen, Lane, & Scott. [WSC]
Anonymous. The Shorter Catechism of the Westminster Assembly. With Proofs from the Scriptures, and Explanatory Notes. Philadelphia: Presb. Bd. [WSC]
Anonymous. “Tercentenary Issue Commemorating the Westminster Assembly of Divines.” Journal of the Presbyterian Historical Society 21, no. 2-3 (1943): 69-161. [WA]
Anonymous. The Westminster Assembly’s Shorter Catechism Explained. Ayr, 1797. [WSC]
Anonymous. Westminster Colledge: or, Englands complaint against those that sit in the chamber cald Ierusalem, alias, Henry the Seventh Chapell: being a discourse in meeter, in behalfe of Saint Peter, concerning the power of the keyes. London, 1647. [WA]
Anonymous. “Westminster Confession of Faith and the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England.” Methodist Review 88 (Mr) (1906): 330-332. [WCF]
Anonymous. What we are to Believe. Philadelphia: Presb. Bd. Of Pubns. [WCS]
Arthur, M. Exposition, critical, doctrinal, and practical, of the Assembly’s Shorter Catechism. Delivered in a Series of Sabbath-evening Lectures. 2 vols. Edinburgh: Darling, 1788. [WSC]
Ashe, S. Gray hayres crowned with grace: a sermon preached at Redrith near London, Aug. 1, 1654 at the funerall of that Reverend, eminently learned and faithfull minister of Jesus Christ, Mr. Thomas Gataker. London: A.M., 1655. [WABios]
Assheton, W. Toleration disapprov'd and condemn'd : by a letter of the Presbyterian ministers in the city of London, presented the first of January 1645, to the reverend Assembly of Divines, sitting at Westminster by authority of Parliament ; and by twenty eminent divines, most (if not all) of them members of the Westminster Assembly, in their sermons before the two Houses of Parliament on solemn occasions, between the years 1641 and 1648. London: J. Stagg, 1736. [WA]
B., W. The Short Catechism. Proposed New Version of the Shorter Catechism, for use in Schools and for Children. 2nd Edition s.a. Glasgow: Maclaren. [WSC]
Baillie, R. The Letters and Journals of Robert Baillie, A.M., Principal of the University of Glasgow, MDCXXXVII-MDCLXII. Edited by David Laing. 3 vols. Edinburgh: Robert Ogle, 1841. [WA]
Bain, W. The Family Instructor, being an Attempt to illustrate the Principles of Christianity, as they are contained in the Assembly’s Shorter Catechism…Glasgow: Niven, 1778. [WSC]
Baker, A. R. The Catechism tested by the Bible. A Question Book on the Topics in the Assembly’s Shorter Catechism, for Families, Sabbath Schools, Bible Classes, and Churches. Boston: Jewett, 1850. [WSC]
Ball, J. H., and P. B. Rollinson. The Westminster confession of faith : a modern study edition.
Signal Mountain, Tenn.: Summertown Texts, 1991. [WCF]
Bankhead, J. A Catechism wherein the questions in the Shorter Catechism composed by the Westminster Divines are answered in Scripture Words. Belfast, 1786. [WSC]
Bannerman, D. D. The Shorter Catechism of 1647 and the Free Church Catechism of 1898. A Sketch and an Appreciation. Edin.: Oliphant &c., 1899. [WSC]
Barbour, R. John Selden: measures of the holy commonwealth in seventeenth-century England. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003. [WABios]
Barker, W. S. "The Rediscovery of the Gospel: The Reformation, the Westminster Divines, and Missions." Presbyterion 24, no. 1 (1998): 38-45. [WA]
Barker, W. S. Puritan profiles : 54 influential Puritans at the time when the Westminster
Confession of Faith was written. Fearn, Ross-shire, Scotland : Mentor, 1999. [WABios]