WeldEye® User guide.
Personnel. Version 54
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Table of content
4 Personnel
4.1 Personnel
4.1.1Add personnel
4.2.1Search for personnel
4.2.2Personnel Survey
4.2.3Set Personnel to Active or Inactive
4 Personnel
In this part of WeldEye, you can add personnel in to the database and search for the added personnel. Data inserted in the personnel module are linked to welders test certificates and NDE personnel’s certificates.
When using WeldEye to administrate personnel’s test certificates, you are required to register the personnel before adding the welders test certificates.
This part, Personnel, is divided in two:
4.1 Personnel
4.1.1Add personnel
- Click on Personnel in the left side menu.
- Click on New.
The following will appear on your screen (Personnel Record):
You are now able to add personnel into the database.Fields marked (*) is required information before you can Save.
Please note that the following fields are mandatory (must be filled in):
-First name:
-Last name:
-Date of birth:
-Place of birth:
The data in the mandatory fields are linked to data in welders certificates.
You will not be allowed to save unless the mandatory fields are filled in. If you forget to fill in a mandatory field, and try to save, you will get an error message.
Explanation to the fields:
- Business title:Possibility to insert if this is a welder, NDE operator, etc.
- First name: Insert the person’s first name.
- Last name:Insert the person’s last name.
- Id:Insert the persons internal ID, for example welders ID.
- Personal code:Insert the person’s personal code.
- Date of birth:Insert the person’s date of birth.
- Place of birth:Insert the person place of birth.
- Address:Insert the person’s private address.
- Postal code:Insert the person’s private postal code.
- Telephone number:Insert the person’s telephone number
- City:Insert the city belonging to the person’s private postal code.
- State:Insert the state where your company is located.
- Name:Insert the name of the company where this person is employed. If your Company employs the person, insert your Company’s name. This value will alsoshow up in the welder certificates
- Address:Insert the employer’s address.
- Telephone:Insert the employer’s telephone number.
- Department:Insert the department this person belongs to.
- Account:Insert the account / cost center this person belongs to.
- Company:If the person is hired in to your company, insert the name of the contact company here.
- VAT no.:
- Person:Insert the name of the contact person in the contact company here.
- Telephone:Insert the telephone number to the contact company or contact person here.
- Leave date:Insert the date this person finished her/his employment.
- Active:Choose this person to be active or inactive. Inactive is default. Remember to make the person active if she/he still is an employee. You make the person active by click in the empty field. A tag shall then appear in the field. To make a person inactive, click in the field. The tag disappears. Click the Save button, and the user is inactive. When a person is set to inactive, all certificates are set to inactive as well.
When you have inserted all data regarding a person, you need to click the Save button to save the inserted information. WeldEye will then create a unique reference number for this person. This reference number will not be created before you click on the Save button.
This number will show as “Index:” followed by the unique number in the screen down left corner..
Explanation to the icons:
:If clicking the Saveicon, the data that you added to the Personnel Record will be saved.
If you edit a person at any point, remember to save the changes.
If you don’t save, changes will be lost.
Save ASicon. Used to copy information from one person to another.
Back icon. Take you one step back (back to the “previous” page).
Field marked (*) is required information before you can Save.
In the”Upload field”, it is possible to upload a picture of a person, or qualifications for this person.This could for example be the persons CV, courses, site tests etc.
Upload photo:
To upload a digital photo, do the following:
a)Select Photo from the drop down menu (1) below.
b)Select the file you want to upload and click on the Browse button (2) below.
c)When you have found the photo file, press the “Save” button.
The picture of the person will show up in the Photo field.
Upload Qualification:
To upload a qualification, do the following:
a)Select Qualification from the drop down menu (1) below.
b)Select the file you want to upload by click on the Browse button (2) below.
c)Insert the preferred text in the field” Qualificationdescription:”. The text in the field”Qualificationdescriptions” will be linkedto the uploaded file. As shown below.
d)When you have found the file, press the” Save” button.
Qualification for this person will show up under the “Additional qualification:” field.
4.2.1Search for personnel
When you have added the wanted personnel in the Personnel Record, you can use the Search function to search for personnel.
- Click on Personnel in the left side menu. (If not already open)
- Click on Search
The following will appear on your screen: (Search for Personnel)
In the fields and drop-down menus, you can insert your criteria’s for the search you want to perform.
Explanation to the fields:
Business title:Possibility to search for different categories of personnel. Business title field can be used to categorize persons in to welder, NDE operator, etc. This field is connected to a Pop-up table. Hold in Control key and click left mouse button (Ctrl+LMB) on the little arrow (1 above) to open the table where you can add values. Values added in the Pop-up table will be visible in the drop-down menu.
ReferenceWhen adding a person in to the Personnel Record, WeldEye
will create a unique reference number (Index:)
- You can specify the Index number in the reference field.
- Click on the Search button. A new window will open (Personnel Survey). In this window the person belonging to the Index number will appear. This name is a hyperlink.
- Click on the name. Personnel Record will open. You are no able to see all the data regarding this person. You can also change the inserted data if you want. If you do any changes, remember to save to keep the changes
Person’s IdWhen a person is registered in the Personnel Record in WeldEye, one of the data input is Id.
Example: Let’s say that you have registered a welder in the Personnel Record with 1002 as Id.
- You can then write 1002 in the Person’s Id field (as a search criteria)
- Click on search. Then a new window will open. (Personnel Survey) In the Personnel Survey window the person’s name will show up. This name is a hyperlink.
- Click on the name. Personnel Record will open. You are no able to see all the data regarding this person. You can also change the inserted data if you want. If you do any changes, remember to save to keep the changes.
Name (Last)Search for the personnel with the inserted last name. This field is case sensitive. You can also type the first letter in a person’s last name. When you click on the Search button, all personnel with last name starting with this letter will appear in the Personnel Survey window.
EmployerIf you want to search for personnel belonging to a certain employer,
you insert the name of the employer in this field. You can also
type the first letter in the employer’s name. When you click on the Search button, all personnel belonging to employers starting with this letter will appear in the Personnel Survey window.
DepartmentIf you want to search for personnel belonging to a specific department,
you insert the department in this field.
AccountIf you want to search for personnel belonging to a specific account / cost center, you insert the account / cost center in this field.
ActiveThis is a drop-down menu where you can choose to search for active or
inactive personnel. You can also search for both active and inactive personnel.
- If the drop-down is set to Active (Default), all active personnel will show up in the Personnel Survey.
- If the drop-down is set to Inactive, all inactive personnel will show up in the Personnel Survey.
- If the drop-down is set to blank, all active and inactive personnel will show up in the Personnel Survey.
There are several reasons to make personnel inactive:
- The person has left your company
- The person got a new function in your Company
In those cases it can be wise to set the person as inactive. An inactive person is not deleted from WeldEye.
Order byThis is a drop-down menu. You can choose how the Personnel Survey
shall sort the information you searched for.
You can sort/order by
- Last name. The search result will be sorted by last name in alphabetical order.
- Identification. The search result will be sorted by ID, increasing.
- Department name
- Account name.
You can also use the sorting function in Personnel Survey (which is the result of the search).
Explanation to the icons
Save icon. A click on this button saves the current content in the search screen. Used to “remember” the search criteria’s.
Search icon. Click on the search icon when the wanted search criteria’s are filled in.
Count icon. When you have inserted your wanted search criteria’s, you can click onthe Count icon. WeldEye will then count how many hits you got on this search. This button is available in all the Search pictures in WeldEye.
Max lines in survey:Possibility to set how many lines (hits) you want to be displayed in the Survey (search result). Default is 200. If value is 200 when you search and number of hits are more than 200, a message is shown. (The survey will not be showed).
4.2.2Personnel Survey
After you have searched for personnel the result will be showed in the Personnel Survey. The example of Personnel Survey below is a result for searching after all personnel which is Active:
Explanation to the icons/fields:
Search icon: 1 below. A click on the icon will create the Certificate Survey for the checked (marked) personnel.
PDF icon: 2 below. A click on this icon will create a PDF file of the Personnel Survey.
3 above: Free text area to insert a header text in the survey. Value entered in this field will be included in the PDF file.
Explanation to the Columns
1 above: Check all check-box. A click in this check-box will check (mark) all personnel in the survey.If you want to create a Certificate Survey for the persons checked, please click on the Search icon after persons are checked / marked. The Certificate Survey is described in chapter Qualifications.
2 above: Check-boxes to check (mark) person by person. If you want to create a Certificate Survey for the person(s) checked, please click on the Search icon after person(s) are checked / marked. The Certificate Survey is described in chapter Qualifications.
NAME:Name of the personnel is showed in this column. The names are displayed as blue. This means that the names are hyperlinks. A click on a person’s name, for example Will Scott, will open Personnel Record for Will Scott. A click on NAME will order / sort the survey by name in alphabetical order. Increasing or decreasing depending of how many times you click on NAME
ID.:ID of the personnel is showed in this column. A click on ID will order / sort the survey by ID. Increasing or decreasing depending of how many times you click on ID.
COMPANY:The Company the personnel belong to is showed in this column. A click on COMPANY will order / sort the survey by COMPANY. Increasing or decreasing depending of how many times you click on COMPANY.
EMPLOYER:The Employer the personnel belong to is showed in this column. A click on EMPLOYER will order / sort the survey by EMPLOYER. Increasing or decreasing depending of how many times you click on DEPLOYER
The difference between COMPANY and EMPLOYER are:
- COMPANY value: Company you are logged in as using the WeldEye login screen.
- EMPLOYER value: Value is fetched from Employer Name in Personnel Record.
4.2.3Set Personnel to Active or Inactive
To set a person to active or inactive can be done from the:
- Personnel Record screen
- Personnel Survey screen
From Personnel Record screen:
- Open the Personnel Record screen for the person you want to set to Active or Inactive using Personnel Search. In this example Ace Ventura:
- Remove the tick in the Active check-box. (1 above)
- Click the Save icon. (2 above) The person is now set to Inactive. To set a person to Active, follow the same steps, except tick (mark) the check-box before Save.
From Personnel Survey screen:
- Search for the Personnel you want to set to Inactive using Personnel Search.
- In the Personnel Survey check (mark the person(s) you want to set to Inactive one by one or using the check all check-box (1 above)
- Click on the Make inactive button (2 above) to set the checked personnel Inactive.
The personnel you set to Inactive will be showed in the updated Personnel Survey.
To set Personnel to Active, follow the same steps except click on the Make active button (3 above) instead of Make inactive button.
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