LSH-2353Research ReportFall 2014

Sharjah Higher Colleges of Technology

LSH-2353- Semester1– Research Report

Course Name / History of the Gulf and the Middle East / Course Code / LSH 2353
Date / December, 2014
Week 15 / Time Allowed / NA – Written Task
Percentage of Total Grade for the Semester / 20%
Student Name
Student ID / Student Section

This assessment will assess the following Learning outcomes:

•CLO 2- Compare the rise of Islamic civilization with the formation of later empires from 622 - 1922 CE

•CLO 3- Analyze the modern history of the Gulf and the UAE in the Middle East and world economy from the 16th century to the beginning of the 21st century

•CLO 4- Develop research skills in modern Gulf history and its relation to Arab and world history through the use of local libraries, museums, archives and online databases and resources

•CLO 5- Compose written papers and multimedia presentations with proper citations and use of sources

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For Examiner’s Use Only

Criterion No. / TOTAL
Marks Allocated
Marks Obtained

Approved Date

History of the Gulf and the Middle East - LSH-2353- Research report (20%)

Reports: Each student researches and prepares a written paperon Arab history or the social and economic history of the Gulf. Oral history interviews with elders or elder relatives are especially encouraged and may be used as one or more of the sources. At least one of the sources listed should be from a scholarly book, article or journal article, either from an HCT library database or internet based archive or similar.

Suggested Topics:

  1. A study of Arab history during the 20th century:

Possible Topics: World War I and the Ottoman Empire; The Mandate System – British and French Mandates; the 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 Wars; the First or Second Gulf War (1991, 2003); The Iran-Iraq War (1980-89); Arabian, Gulf or UAE history in the 20th Century; Social and economic history of the Gulf; Arab intellectual achievements in the arts and literature

  1. Other topics in Arab history to be discussed with your instructor. See the One-Note for suggested resources and topics

A final paper is due in Week 13. (1,000 to 1,200 words is recommended, double spaced with source citations in APA Style), or 3-4 pages double spaced with APA source citation (at least 2 citations)

Final Paper Grading Rubric (Due Week 13)20%

Introduction of Main Idea or Argument / Research and Background / Analysis / Conclusion / Clarity of Writing and Use of Citations or Safe Assign / Total Marks Possible
1 - 5 marks / 1 – 10 marks / 1-10 marks / 1-5 marks / 1-10 / 40 marks or 20% total


  • Before you submit the report you will have to run it through Safe Assign and receive the report that Safe Assign generates. Submit to your teacher:
  • A printout of your report is to be submitted to the instructor and a soft copy placed in the J: drive Dropbox for this course.

LSH-2353Research ReportFall 2014

F Grade
0-1 Marks / D Grade
2 Marks / C Grade
3 Marks / B Grade
4 Marks / A Grade
5 Marks / Totals / Comment
Introduction to Topic
Why is this topic of historical significance / Little or no discussion of the purpose of the paper’s topic and its historical importance / Minimal discussion or introduction to the paper’s topic and its historical importance / Adequate discussion or introduction to the paper’s topic and its historical importance / Good discussion or introduction to the paper’s topic and its historical importance / Excellent discussion or introduction to the paper’s topic and its historical importance
0-4 Marks / 5 marks / 6-7 Marks / 8 Marks / 9-10 Marks / Totals /
Research and Background / Little or no use of sources or evidence and examples / Minimal use of sources or evidence and examples; some parts may be missing / Adequate use of sources or evidence and examples. Missing some supporting evidence or discussion / Good use of sources, evidence and examples. A few areas may need to be expanded but overall a good attempt. / Excellent use of sources, evidence, and examples. Comprehensive with evidence of research
Analysis / No analysis or missing altogether / Minimal attempt at analysis and critical reflection on topic / Adequate attempt at analysis and critical stance. May be missing some important links or ideas / Good analysis is shown with some originality or evidence of reflection on the historical problem / Shows originality and deep reflection and analysis of historical problem
0-1 Marks / 2 Marks / 3 Marks / 4 Marks / 5 Marks / Totals /
Conclusion / Absent or missing any critical reflection / Some attempt at a conclusion, but missing or mostly incomplete / Satisfactory but not fully developed conclusion. Forgets to summarize or draw some of the lessons learned / Good summary of the problem and lessons learned. Some connections or areas may be developed more. / Conclusion references main themes and lessons drawn from paper. Refers to the original problem presented
0-4 Marks / 5 marks / 6-7 Marks / 8 Marks / 9-10 Marks / Totals /
Clarity of Writing and Use of Sources / Writing is unclear throughout. No sources or almost entirely missing. / Writing is mostly unclear; some parts missing. Some sources may be lacking or missing or too reliant on quotes / Writing is satisfactory but needs some major revisions. Minimal or acceptable use of sources and citations / Mostly clear writing. Sources are mostly cited and used in acceptable form / Very clear writing style. Sources are well documented and in good form.
Instructor Remarks / Total Marks: