Texas Crime Prevention Association

Board Minutes

November 17, 2006

The Texas Crime Prevention Association Board met on Friday, November 17, 2006, 9:24 a.m. at the YO Ranch Hotel, 2033 Sidney Baker, Kerrville, TX 78028.

Board Members Present:

President – Jon Matherne

1st VP – Nancy Gresham

2nd VP – Dennis Porter

Secretary – Lita Snellgrove

3rd VP – April Layton

Membership – Martha Mabrey

Sgt. at Arms – Scott Rhodes

Civilian at Large – “Kat” Tobias

The meeting was opened by Jon Matherne.

Minutes from the meeting July 21, 2006 were passed out to members present and they were accepted into the minutes.

1st VP Report – No Report

2nd VP Report – Dennis Porter is working on the conference training.

Membership Report – Martha Mabrey reported that membership is down. There are 569 members.

Treasurer’s Report – No Report-Army Gamboa was not present.

Scott Rhodes showed an example of a polo shirt he has purchased. He has spent $396.00 and would like to buy some white shirts. Dennis Porter made a motion that $1000.00 be designated to buy more promotional items to be sold at the conferences. Nancy Gresham seconded. The motion carried. It was decided that the TCPA shirts will to be sold at cost. Scott will check into buying portfolios with the TCPA logo.

Jon Matherne presented information on the Crime Prevention Coalition of America and stated he would like for TCPA to be a member. The cost per year is $100. Martha Mabrey made a motion that TCPA join and renew the membership each year. The motion was seconded by Dennis Porter. The motion carried.

There was discussion about regions hosting the winter conference to receive the 60/40 split. The region will receive 60 percent of the profits and TCPA will receive 40 percent. Nancy Gresham made a motion to allow hosting regions of the winter conference to receive 60 percent of the profits. The motion was seconded by Martha Mabrey. The motion carried.

Old Business:

There was discussion about the $1000 scholarship with $500 given per semester. The scholarship will stay the same at this time.

Billy Rudd with Texas Chisholm Trail was sent the resolution and letter by Jon Matherne.

Glenn Connors and Louise Bocock guidelines will be added to the Policy and Procedures.

There was a recess at 10:00 a.m. to work on the Policy and Procedures.

The meeting reconvened at 10:40 a.m..

Tony Risner would like to see TCPA have an appointed position of Chaplin. Board members don’t see a need at this time. There could be issues of finding someone that could attend all conferences. Currently we use a member that is present to lead us in prayer.

Martha will write a By-Law proposal increasing membership dues to $30 per year.

There have not been any recent issues concerning dual membership. Dual memberships do not exist per the By-Laws.

New Business:

TCPA will give two free registrations per region for the summer conference. The local region will decide how to give them to their members. Martha Mabrey will create a free registration certificate to give to the regions to give away. All board members were in favor of the free registrations.

Martha Mabrey will send an email to all regions to get updates on newly elected board members.

Martha Mabrey inquired if we have a copy of by-laws from each region. Jon Matherne advised that we do not from every region. This should be included in by-laws that regions give a copy to the state.

April Layton gave a handout about Michael George with the Anti Piracy Unit of the Recording Industry Association of America. She met him in Boston and this would be a new topic to use at a conference for crime prevention. This is a free course and it would be a four or eight hour class. April will get more details about where he is teaching so Dennis Porter can attend one of his classes.

April Layton gave out information about an auto theft victim. She would like to send information to the regions to see if they would like to make a donation or for TCPA to make a donation. This would be a good public relations opportunity. It was decided that the local regions would have more of an interest in making a donation. April will contact the local regions and give them the information. Texas Chisholm Trail is already working on donations.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 am.

Submitted by

Lita J. Snellgrove

TCPA Secretary