Dear fellow Spartans:

“Think Beyond the Possible.”Our school’s motto is not only a guiding principle, but it is a call to action—a call to a better future for each and every single one of us. Right out of the gates, we have been given the ultimate freedom to choose our respective academic journeys, find our lifelong friends, connect with faculty and staff, and most importantly, make a giant, everlasting impact on this campus. My name is Jay Sangani and I am running for the position of Undergraduate Student Government First-Year Representative for the Class of 2021. As a First-Year USG Representative I want to ensure you that your first year experience exceeds the possible in every way possible.

However, in order for that to happen,effective leadershipis necessary. During my junior year of high school, I founded alocal Pre-Medicine Club to provide students an outlet to explore future schooling and career opportunities in the field of medicine through volunteer service, job shadowing, and networking seminars with medical professionals throughout the state of Indiana.In just one year of existence, my club expanded to 74 students, partnered with 5 different hospital services in my local area, andcreated anetwork of over 40 medical professionals ranging from dieticians to nurses to doctors.While helping others explore their pre-medicine passions, it was through this experience that I built the drive and capacity to help my community and serve others.

I am looking forward to build upon my past successes with the extensive set of resources found within the Undergraduate Student Government as well as serving my new community, Case Western Reserve University. As a First-Year Representative, I wish to improve upon university health and wellness and work towards developing a strong undergraduate mentorship program among first-year and last-year students on campus.

One of my personal heroes, Pramukh Swami Maharaj once stated, “In the joy of others, lies our own.”By ensuring an enjoyable first-year experience, I strive to find this joy while serving you, Class of 2021. Let’s work together to help Case Western Reserve University go beyond the possible!

Thank you for your consideration, and have a wonderful day!

Your friend,

Jay Sangani