16444 Cone Rd
Milan, MI. 48160
Board Meeting
September 11, 2014 Minutes
Members present: Superviser Heath, Clerk Rock, Treasurer Early, Trustee Dopkowski & Trustee Mancik. Dave Friend and Deputy Clerk Heath was also present. Assessor Lieb absent.
The meeting was called to order at 7:01pm.
The pledge of allegiance was recited.
Public Comment: None
Agenda additions or changes: Remove 3 special requests, Add looking into giving our Inspectors an increase in pay to cover the higher gas prices.
Consent Agenda: Clerk Rockmade a motion to accept, 2nd byTreasurer Early
Motion Carried
Minutes: (Aug 14, 2014)Supervisor Heath made a motionto accept. 2nd by Trustee Mancik
Motion Carried
Dispursements: Clerk Rock read the disbursements. Payroll: $6,348.46
Report on file Bills: $2,091.78
Total: $8,440.24
Clerk Rock made a motion to pay bills. 2nd by Trustee Dopkowski Motion Carried
Fund Balances: Treasurer Early reported that there was 4 cd’s that come due in October. Supervisor Heath asked what happened to the cd with the due date of 2/14/2014? It says transferred To MBT building fund. It should be taken off report as it was transferred in Feb. Report on file
Supervisor Heath made a motion to accept, 2nd by Clerk Rock Motion Carried
Building Report: Trustee Mancikread the building report. Reporton file
There were 6 permits issued in the month of August totaling $1,161.00. Dave Friend worked 8 hours at the hall and made 6 inspections, Reviewed 1 house plan and 1 house site plan. No Mechanical, Plumbing or Electrical inspections. Clerk Rock worked 20 hours at the hall. The total expenses for August were $629.33. Clerk Rock noted that All of Dave’s hours were not at the hall. Some were working on blite issues.
Supervisor Heath made amotion to accept. 2nd by Treasurer Early.
Motion Carried
Assessors Report: Report on file
Clerk Rock read the report. Field work: She inspected 8 properties. Completed L-4029 form to be turned into County Clerk & Equalization. Sales study period ends Sept. 30th. Continuing to verify sales data. She will not be in the office on Sept. 29th, 2014.
Clerk Rock made a motion to accept report, 2nd by Trustee Dopkowski Motion Carried
Milan Fire Dept. Report:
Supervisor Heathsaid there was no Report
Old Buisiness:
Farmland agreement: Supervisor Heath has a copy of an agreement that the Lawyer drew up. He said that the Twp. Did not have to put it out for bids but Supervisor Heath said to be fair that they will. Other Farmers had asked to be able to bid on it. Clerk Rock will put ad in the Monroe Evening news and a copy of the contract will be in Lobby and on the Township website. Please read the terms of the lease before submitting bids. All bids must be sealed and turned in before the October 9th meeting. Bids will be opened at meeting with no changes after submitted.
New Buisiness:
David Arthur Consultants:
FEMA requires all Townships to have a resolution to abide by FEMA’s new guidelines. All new homes will have to meet certain guidelines. The Building inspectors will have to work with homeowners wanting to build to make sure it is not in a floodplain. A resolution would protect the township and homeowners. Dave can help the township make a resolution that works with FEMA. Township needs to get an ordinance # and post in the paper by Oct. 2nd.
Supervisor Heath made a motion to accept ordinance, 2nd by Trustee Dopkowski
Motion Carried
Treasurer Early wanted to know if the Township wants to pursue trying to buy an additional 5 or 10 acres next to the existing cemetery on Dennison Rd. Everyone agreed to have Treasurer Early ask if Sweets would be willing to sell the Township the additional acreage and if so how much per acre? Currently all the Township plots are sold.
Ordinance change that were recommended by Planning Commission:
Clerk Rock pointed out that the Township did not receive recommendations from the Monroe County Planning Commission.(MCPC) She feels that the Township should not act on this until getting input from MCPC.
Trustee Mancik made a motion to accept changes made by Milan Township Planning Commission, Pending approval from MCPC. 2nd by Supervisor Heath
Motion Carried Clerk Rock, Nay
Rezoning request from Matt Rogers for his property on Sanford Rd: Dave Friend has looked it over and approved.
Supervisor Heath made a motion to approve (Class C), 2nd by Treasurer Early
Motion Carried
Supervisor Heath made a motion to accept his class B dealer license, 2nd by Trustee Dopkowski
Motion Carried
Issues from Board members or Officials:
Dave Friend: Did the board ever vote to change zoning for Matt Rogers? NO
Supervisor Heath made a motion to change zoning from C1 to C2. 2nd by Trustee Dopkowski.
Motion Carried
Clerk Rock: Twp. has had Blight complaints. Next step would be to send to Marty. Dave needs board approval to send to lawyer. Supervisor Heath has two properties that belong to him. He agrees that Twp. Needs to act. Citizen asked why only select these properties? There is a form residents can fill out. Once a formal complaint has been made the Twp. Needs to act on them.
Clerk Rock made a motion to have Dave take the next step to deal with the complaints. 2nd by Treasurer Early. Supervisor Heath abstained.
Motion Carried
Treasurer Early: What is going on with the Milan Youth League? (MYL) They are waiting on Twp.
Trustee Mancik: Has Gas line maps from NEXUS Gas Transmission. Just informing Twp. of them doing studies and researching easements to install new lines. Map on file
Has read that Representative Zorn has contacted his counter Rep from LenaweeCounty to work on getting CountyLine road repaired. (Keep in mind an election is coming up)
Remind people that Trash day is Oct 4th 8am-2pm.
Trustee Dopkowski: Hoping Wabash road turns out nice.
DeputyClerk Heath: Went to a recount for Britton Schools. Very interesting experience. Outcome stayed the same. State requires that we have more voting booths per # of Twp. voters. Other Townships use a table with dividers if needed. I feel that we can do the same and save cost.
Supervisor Heath: Correspondence from Marty (TWP Lawyer) about the contract with Fleis & Vanderbrink. (F&V) They have agreed with most of Marty’s changes. Heath sent a copy of the revised contract to all board members and if they can agree on the last couple of changes he would like to sign and get grants going due to the time sensitivity. Heath will email final contract for board approval if ok.
Supervisor Heath made a motion to approve agreement pending Marty’s approval. 2nd by Trustee Dopkowski.
Motion Carried
He noted that MCRC will be completed with Wabash in the next few days. They will stripe it then will be closing it to replace the Bridge. It will be closed for approximately 2 months. It was asked why Wabash is not getting new asphalt like Rep Zorn told us? Regrind is a new process that saves money. It was noted that Samaria Rd got new asphalt as Zorn said but Wabash did not. Zorn has told Heath that this is what we get. The Township is not getting what Rep Zorn told us. On Tape
Public comment:
Citizen 1: Is the Road commission going to scrape roads again? Yes, have already started in Twp.
Adjournment:8:50pm Treasurer Early made a motion to adjourn. 2ndby Supervisor Heath
Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted by: Kevin Heath-Deputy Clerk per/ Margaret Rock-Clerk