Chapter 11: Behind the Scenes: Databases and Information Systems

Chapter 11:
Behind the scenes: databaseS and information systems

Multiple Choice:

1.Which of the following is a reason for creating a list instead of creating a database?

  1. to prevent data inconsistency
  2. to prevent data redundancy
  3. to make it easier to share data in a central location
  4. to organize data for simple tasks

Answer: DReference: Life Without DatabasesDifficulty:Easy

2.Which of the following is NOT an effect of data redundancy in a database?

  1. increased loss of data
  2. wasted time entering data
  3. increased likelihood of a mistake
  4. inconsistent data

Answer: AReference: Life Without DatabasesDifficulty:Moderate

3.When data changes in multiple lists and all lists are not updated, this causes:

  1. data redundancy.
  2. information overload.
  3. duplicate data.
  4. data inconsistency.

Answer: DReference: Life Without DatabasesDifficulty: Challenging

4.______means that the data contained in a database is accurate and reliable.

  1. Data redundancy
  2. Data integrity
  3. Data reliability
  4. Data consistency

Answer: BReference: Advantages of Using DatabasesDifficulty: Moderate

5.All of the following are advantages of using a database, EXCEPT:

  1. data redundancy.
  2. data integrity.
  3. flexible use of data.
  4. information sharing.

Answer: AReference: Advantages of Using DatabasesDifficulty: Easy

6.In a database, a field is a:

  1. label.
  2. table of information.
  3. group of related records.
  4. category of information.

Answer: DReference: FieldsDifficulty:Moderate

7.Each field in a database is identified by a:

  1. field name.
  2. key name.
  3. field type.
  4. field code.

Answer: AReference: FieldsDifficulty: Easy

8.In a database, ______fields store numbers used to perform calculations.

  1. next
  2. numeric
  3. key
  4. alphanumeric

Answer: BReference: FieldsDifficulty: Easy

9.A telephone number would be stored in a______field in a database.

  1. text
  2. memo
  3. computed
  4. date

Answer: AReference: Bits And Bytes: When a Number Isn’t Really a NumberDifficulty: Moderate

10.A picture would be stored in a(n)______field in a database.

  1. text
  2. memo
  3. object
  4. hyperlink

Answer: CReference: FieldsDifficulty: Moderate

11.To record a person’s last name, use a(n) ______field in a database.

  1. memo
  2. object
  3. name
  4. text

Answer: DReference: FieldsDifficulty: Easy

12.To store text data that may be very long, use a ______field in a database.

  1. memo
  2. text
  3. data
  4. long

Answer: AReference: FieldsDifficulty: Easy

13.A group of related fields in a database is called a(n):

  1. record.
  2. object.
  3. memo.
  4. table.

Answer: AReference: Records and TablesDifficulty: Easy

14.A group of related records in a database is called a(n):

  1. column.
  2. object.
  3. key.
  4. table.

Answer: DReference: Records and TablesDifficulty: Easy

15.The purpose of the primary key in a database is to:

  1. unlock the database.
  2. uniquely identify a record.
  3. provide a map of the data.
  4. establish constraints on database operations.

Answer: BReference: Primary KeysDifficulty: Moderate

16.A good candidate for a primary key in a database would be a(n):

  1. last name.
  2. birthdate.
  3. employee position title.
  4. student identification number.

Answer: DReference: Primary KeysDifficulty: Moderate

17.All of the following are types of databases, EXCEPT:

  1. relational.
  2. relation-oriented.
  3. object-oriented.
  4. multidimensional.

Answer: BReference: Database TypesDifficulty: Challenging

18.A relational database organizes data by logically grouping similar data into ______, or tables that contain related data.

  1. keys
  2. relations
  3. fields
  4. records

Answer: BReference: Relational DatabasesDifficulty: Moderate

19.In a relational database,tables are logically linked to each other by a:

  1. key.
  2. hyperlink.
  3. field type.
  4. fieldsize.

Answer: AReference: Relational DatabasesDifficulty: Moderate

20.A(n) ______database stores data in objects, not in tables.

  1. object-oriented
  2. relational
  3. multidimensional
  4. object-relational

Answer: AReference: Object-Oriented DatabasesDifficulty: Challenging

21.Which of the following statements concerning object-oriented databases is FALSE?

  1. Objects in an object-oriented database contain not only data but also methods for processing the data.
  2. Object-oriented databases store computational instructions in the same place as the data.
  3. Object-oriented databases are more adept at handling structured (analytical) data than relational databases.
  4. Object-oriented databases store more types of data than relational databases and access that data faster.

Answer: CReference: Object-Oriented DatabasesDifficulty: Challenging

22.Which of the following would NOT ordinarily be considered unstructured data?

  1. text
  2. video
  3. audio clips
  4. MP3 files

Answer: AReference: Object-Oriented DatabasesDifficulty: Challenging

23.Oracle 10g is an example of a(n):

  1. relational database.
  2. object-oriented database.
  3. multidimensional database.
  4. Web-based database.

Answer: CReference: Multidimensional DatabasesDifficulty: Moderate

24.Which of the following is NOT one of the four main functionsof a database management system (DBMS)?

  1. creating databases and entering data
  2. viewing and indexing data
  3. querying data
  4. programming data

Answer: DReference: Database Management Systems: Basic OperationsDifficulty: Moderate

25.The ______contains data descriptions and defines the name, data type, and length of each field in the database.

  1. data dictionary
  2. data table
  3. data record
  4. data field

Answer: AReference: Creating Databases and Entering DataDifficulty: Moderate

26.Another name for the data dictionary in a database is the:

  1. validation data.
  2. relational data.
  3. database management system.
  4. database schema.

Answer: DReference: Creating Databases and Entering DataDifficulty: Challenging

27.Field attributes (such as data type and field size) in a database are also known as:

  1. metadata.
  2. default values.
  3. field names.
  4. primary keys.

Answer: AReference: Creating Databases and Entering DataDifficulty: Moderate

28.When entering data, violations of ______usually result in error messages.

  1. data entry
  2. validation rules
  3. arithmetic operators
  4. computation

Answer: BReference: Data ValidationDifficulty: Moderate

29.______are the values the database will automatically use for the field unless the user enters another value.

  1. Data types
  2. Default values
  3. Validated data
  4. Metadata

Answer: BReference: Creating Databases and Entering DataDifficulty: Moderate

30.Common types of validation checks include all of the following, EXCEPT:

  1. range.
  2. completeness.
  3. redundancy.
  4. consistency.

Answer: AReference: Data ValidationDifficulty:Challenging

31.Range checks ensure that the data entered falls within theset ______, which are properties that must be satisfied for an entry to be accepted into a field.

  1. field constraints
  2. default values
  3. validations
  4. descriptions

Answer: BReference: Data ValidationDifficulty: Challenging

32.In addition tokeying data directly into the database, data entry can be done from a(n):

  1. input form.
  2. table.
  3. field.
  4. data dictionary.

Answer: AReference: Input FormsDifficulty: Easy

33.______is the process within the database design of ensuring that data entered into a database meets validation rules.

  1. Proofreading
  2. Authorization
  3. Validation
  4. Computation

Answer: CReference: Data Validation Difficulty: Moderate

34.The phrase “>5.50 And <20” is an example of a(n) ______check to validate data in a database.

  1. requirements
  2. completeness
  3. range
  4. insurance

Answer: CReference: Data Validation Difficulty:Moderate

35.A(n) ______check confirms that only text characters are entered in a field.

  1. alphabetic
  2. numeric
  3. completeness
  4. range

Answer: AReference: Data Validation Difficulty:Easy

36.A(n) ______check ensures that all fields in a database defined as “required” have data entered into them.

  1. requirements
  2. completeness
  3. consistency
  4. alphabetic and numeric

Answer: BReference: Data Validation Difficulty: Moderate

37.A ______check compares the values of data in two or more fields to see if these values are reasonable.

  1. constraint
  2. completeness
  3. consistency
  4. range

Answer: CReference: Data Validation Difficulty: Moderate

38.Making a field ______means that it cannot be left blank.

  1. numeric
  2. required
  3. calculated
  4. validated

Answer: BReference: Data Validation Difficulty: Easy

39.______organizesa database into the order you need.

  1. Browsing
  2. Scrolling
  3. Sorting
  4. Querying

Answer: CReference: Viewing and Sorting DataDifficulty: Easy

40.SQL is based on a branch of mathematics called:

  1. structured algebra.
  2. data-driven calculus.
  3. artificial intelligence.
  4. relational algebra.

Answer: DReference: Dig Deeper: Structured Query Language (SQL)Difficulty:Challenging

41.A(n) ______query displays a subset of data from one table based on specified criteria.

  1. select
  2. variable
  3. operational
  4. join

Answer: AReference: Dig Deeper: Structured Query Language (SQL)Difficulty: Moderate

42.A ______query displays a subset of data from two or more tables using a common field.

  1. select
  2. complex
  3. table
  4. join

Answer: DReference: Dig Deeper: Structured Query Language (SQL)Difficulty: Moderate

43.A(n) ______enables users to have the database select and display records that match a certain criteria.

  1. query
  2. sort
  3. operation
  4. join

Answer: AReference: Extracting or Querying DataDifficulty: Moderate

44.The process of reducing redundancy in a database is called:

  1. a consistency check.
  2. normalization.
  3. metadata.
  4. schema.

Answer: BReference: Normalization of DataDifficulty: Moderate

45.The primary key must be a(n) ______field.

  1. numeric
  2. object
  3. unique
  4. related

Answer: CReference: Normalization of DataDifficulty: Easy

46.A ______is a large-scale electronic repository of data that is time-variant.

  1. data warehouse
  2. data mine
  3. knowledge-based system
  4. decision support system

Answer: AReference: Data WarehousesDifficulty: Moderate

47.The premise behind a relational database is that ______are established among the tables.

  1. relationships
  2. schema
  3. consistencies
  4. normalizations

Answer: AReference: Normalization of DataDifficulty: Moderate

48.______is the term used for extracting data from source databases, transforming or reformatting the data, and storing it in the data warehouse.

  1. Data staging
  2. Validation
  3. Normalization
  4. Clickstream data

Answer: AReference: Data StagingDifficulty: Challenging

49.All of the following are types of reports generated by a management information system, EXCEPT:

  1. summary
  2. detail
  3. exception
  4. validation

Answer: DReference: Management Information SystemsDifficulty: Easy

50.Which of the following items is NOT a major component of a decision support system (DSS)?

  1. internal and external data sources
  2. data warehousing
  3. model management systems
  4. knowledge-based systems

Answer: BReference: Decision Support SystemsDifficulty:Challenging

Fill in the Blank:

51.In a database, a category of information is stored in a(n) ______.

Answer: fieldReference: FieldsDifficulty: Moderate

52.In a database, ______fields are numeric fields that store the contents of a calculation.

Answer: computational (or computed)Reference: FieldsDifficulty: Challenging

53.In a database, field ______include text, numeric, date, memo, object, and hyperlink.

Answer: typesReference: FieldsDifficulty: Easy

54.______are electronic collections of related data that can be easily stored, sorted, organized, and queried.

Answer: DatabasesReference: Life Without DatabasesDifficulty: Easy

55.Each record in a database should have one field that has a value unique to that record, and this is called a(n) ______.

Answer: primary keyReference: Primary KeysDifficulty:Moderate

56.A(n)______stores data in multiple dimensions as opposed to relational databases, which store data in two-dimensional tables.

Answer: multidimensional databaseReference: Multidimensional DatabasesDifficulty:Moderate

57.A group of related records in a database is called a file or a(n) ______.

Answer: tableReference: Records and TablesDifficulty: Easy

58.In ______databases, tables are logically linked to each other by including their primary keys in other tables with related information.

Answer: relationalReference: Relational DatabasesDifficulty: Easy

59.All modern ______contain a query language that the software uses to retrieve and display records.

Answer: database management systems (DBMS) Reference: Extracting or Querying Data Difficulty: Easy

60.______databases are more adept at handling unstructured data such as audio clips, video clips, and pictures.

Answer: Object-orientedReference: Object-Oriented DatabasesDifficulty: Moderate

61.SQL is based on relational algebra, which, like algebraic equations, uses ______and ______.

Answer: variables, operations Reference: Dig Deeper: Structured Query Language (SQL) Difficulty:Moderate

62.Because they store the instructions for doing computations in the same place as the data, ______databases can usually process requests for information faster than relational databases.

Answer: object-orientedReference: Object-Oriented DatabasesDifficulty: Challenging

63.Small slices of a data warehouse are known as ______.

Answer: data martsReference: Data MartsDifficulty: Easy

64.The data dictionary is also known as the ______.

Answer: database schemaReference: Creating Databases and Entering DataDifficulty: Moderate

65.Data describing other data in a database is called ______.

Answer: metadataReference: Creating Databases and Entering DataDifficulty: Challenging

66.Besides using data entry forms or keying data directly into the database, users can ______data electronically from other application files.

Answer: importReference: Input FormsDifficulty: Moderate

67.A(n) ______check is used to restrict fields in a database to numbers only.

Answer: numericReference: Data Validation Difficulty: Moderate

68.Another name for sorting is ______.

Answer: indexingReference: Viewing and Sorting DataDifficulty:Easy

69.The predominant query language for modern-day databases is ______.

Answer: SQL (structured query language) Reference: Extracting or Querying DataDifficulty:Easy

70.A(n) ______query displays a subset of data from a table based on the criteria you specify.

Answer: selectReference: Dig Deeper: Structured Query Language (SQL) Difficulty: Challenging

71.When creating a query, the ______include directions such as select, from, and where.

Answer: operationsReference: Dig Deeper: Structured Query Language (SQL) Difficulty: Challenging

72.The two most common queries used to extract data are select queries and ______queries.

Answer: joinReference: Dig Deeper: Structured Query Language (SQL) Difficulty: Moderate

73.A(n) ______is a question or inquiry you ask the database so that it provides you with records you wish to view.

Answer: query Reference: Extracting or Querying DataDifficulty: Easy

74.The process of outputtingthe contents of a database in a file format recognizable by other applications is called______.

Answer: exporting Reference: Outputting DataDifficulty:Easy

75.The ______of data is the process of achieving the goal of reducing data redundancy by recording data only once.

Answer: normalizationReference: Normalization of DataDifficulty: Moderate

True and False:

76.Referential integrity means that for each value in the foreign key of one table, there is a corresponding value in the primary key of the related table.

Answer: TrueReference: Normalization of DataDifficulty: Challenging

77.A data warehouse includes data that pertains to one period in time.

Answer: FalseReference: Data WarehousesDifficulty: Moderate

78.Real-time processing means that transactions are accumulated, then a number of transactions are processed at once.

Answer: False (Batch)Reference: Transaction Processing SystemsDifficulty: Easy

79.The most pressing problems of lists are the inability of the data to be shared and data redundancy.

Answer: TrueReference: Life Without DatabasesDifficulty: Moderate

80.Online transaction processing (OLTP) works with real-time processing to ensure that the data is as up to date as possible.

Answer: TrueReference: Transaction Processing SystemsDifficulty: Easy

81.A join query displays a subset of data from a table based on the criteria you specify.

Answer: False (select)Reference: Dig Deeper: Structured Query Language (SQL)Difficulty: Moderate

82.Management information systems (MIS) help managers develop solutions for specific problems.

Answer: False (decision support systems-DDS)Reference: Decision Support Systems Difficulty: Challenging

83.External data sources include any source not owned by the company that owns the DDS, such as demographic data purchased from third parties, mailing lists, and statistics compiled by the federal government.

Answer: TrueReference: Internal and External Data SourcesDifficulty: Easy

84.A portal is a Web site where many types of data services or applications can be accessed at one time.

Answer: TrueReference: Trends in IT: Emerging Technologies: Web Portal…Difficulty: Easy

85.Data warehousing is the process by which great amounts of data are analyzed and investigated with the purpose of spotting significant patterns or trends.

Answer: False (Data mining)Reference: Data MiningDifficulty: Moderate

86.Knowledge-based systems support normal logic thatenables the interjection of experiential learning into the equation by considering possibilities.

Answer: False (fuzzy logic)Reference: Knowledge-Based SystemsDifficulty: Challenging

87.Reducing data redundancy by recording data only once is called normalization of data.

Answer: TrueReference: Normalization of Data Difficulty: Moderate

88.In a relational database, when two tables have a common field, the link between the tables is known as a relationship.

Answer: TrueReference: Relational Database OperationsDifficulty: Easy

89.Sorting a database in alphabetical order means you are sorting in descending order.

Answer: False (ascending)Reference: Viewing and Sorting Data Difficulty: Easy

90.Summary reports provide a consolidated picture of detailed data.

Answer: TrueReference: Management Information SystemsDifficulty: Moderate


91.Match the following terms to their functions:

I.normalizationA. alerts managers of need for immediate attention

II.exception reportB. contains historical data warehouseC. reduces data redundancy in a database dictionaryD. enforces match of primary to foreign keys

V.referential integrityE. contains metadata describing database structure

Answer: C, A, B, E, D Reference: Multiple locations in chapterDifficulty: Challenging

92.Match the following acronyms to their descriptions:

I.OQLA. processes everyday business transactions

II.SQLB. query language similar to SQL

III.OLAPC. uses databases and models for assisting complex decision processes

IV.TPSD. assists users with analyzing and finding trends in data warehouses

V.DSSE. consists of commands and syntax for querying relational databases

Answer: B, E, D, A, CReference: Multiple locations in chapterDifficulty: Moderate

93.Match the following SQL terms to their meanings:

I.joinA. another term for directions

II.selectB. a query that uses keywordsto specify fields to display from a table

III.variablesC. table names, field names, or selection criteria, from, whereD. a query that displays related data from multiple tables

V.operationsE. examples of operations

Answer: D, B, C, E, AReference: DIG DEEPER: Structured Query Language (SQL)Difficulty: Moderate

94.Match the following terms to their meanings:

I.object-oriented databaseA. SQL is based on this form of mathematics

II.knowledge-based systemB. combines data and methods for processing martC. smaller-scale version of a data warehouse

IV.memo fieldD. can include artificial intelligence anduses fuzzy logic

V.relational algebraE. contains variable-length text data

Answer: B, D, C, E, AReference: Multiple locations in chapterDifficulty: Moderate

95.Match the following terms to their meanings: miningA. finding patterns and trends in a data warehouse

II.multidimensional databaseB. updating transactions all at one time

III.batch processingC. loading data into a database from external sources

IV.real-time processingD. stores data in multiple dimensions

V.importingE. updating the database as a transaction occurs

Answer: A, D, B, E, CReference: Multiple locations in chapterDifficulty: Easy

96.Match the following acronyms to their definitions: