2017 Negotiation Seminar


Family Law Lawyers

May 5-6, 2017

The Sheraton Commander Hotel

Cambridge, Massachusetts

led by:

Professor Robert C. Bordone

Thaddeus R. Beal Clinical Professor of Law

Director, Harvard Negotiation and Mediation Clinic

Co-Sponsored by the

The Harvard Project on Negotiation

and the

American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers

The course is designed for EXPERTS in family law. Even the most seasoned family law attorney will benefit from this program taught by the leading expert in the field of negotiation. To maximize the benefit of this seminar, attendance is limited to 48.

Family Law Lawyers and Negotiation

Negotiation, one of the most crucial lawyering skills, can be learned. Most experienced family law lawyers have only learned to negotiate by the school of hard knocks. Learning to negotiate solely from experience has limitations.

Do you ever wonder why a negotiation failed? What you could have done better? Is there a way to deal with that personality disordered opposing party or intransigent, untrustworthy opposing counsel? Are you dissatisfied when your client has spent their life savings in protracted litigation that decimates both parties financially? Could there have been a way to negotiate custody to bring a more positive, trusting relationship between the parents going forward and yet not compromise the best interests of the children?

Most lawyers think that we bring value to our clients in our negotiations. While this is true when only one side is represented, some studies indicate that if two lawyers are in a negotiation, the lawyers actually destroy value and leave positive outcomes on the table, more so than two pro se litigants.

For those who want to explore why negotiations fail and how to find solutions, this is the seminar for you. There are proven theories of negotiation. Even experienced family law lawyers can improve their negotiation skills. In the small group setting, you will explore and expand your negotiating skills.

This highly focused program, offered only every other year and rarely available to all family law lawyers. is designed to help experienced and skilled family law lawyers develop strategies for improving both their negotiations and outcomes for their clients. The goal of the seminar is to help family law lawyers expand their skills by learning to:

Recognize the possibilities for mutual gain in negotiations

Measure success in negotiation in a systematic way

Increase your self-awareness as a negotiator

Broaden your repertoire of negotiating skills

Diagnosis negotiation difficulties and responding to them more effectively

Increase your proficiency in dealing with difficult tactics used by difficult people;

Manage your strengths and neutralize your weaknesses;

Evaluate how different conflict styles can impact a negotiation

Build successful relationships in adversarial situations.

Led by: Professor Robert C. Bordone, Director, Harvard negotiation and Mediation Clinic

Robert C. Bordone is the Thaddeus R. Beal Clinical Professor of Law at Harvard Law School and the Founding Director of the Harvard Negotiation & Mediation Clinical Program. He teaches several courses at Harvard Law School including the school’s flagship Negotiation Workshop. Bob also teaches in the Harvard Negotiation Institute and the Harvard Program on Negotiation’s Senior Executive Education seminars. He has won many awards for teaching excellence. His research interests include the design and implementation of dispute resolution systems, the development of a problem-solving curriculum in law schools, and ADR ethics. Professor Bordone has applied his interdisciplinary approach to negotiation and conflict resolution to a remarkable range of problems; both public and private. A renowned teacher and lecturer, Professor Bordone has taught numerous workshops for corporations, governmental agencies and law firms throughout the world and trained many executives and professionals in negotiation and mediation skills. Professor Bordone has co-authored two books and published many articles in various print and broadcast media outlets.


2017 Negotiation Seminar

May 5-6, 2017

Cambridge Massachusetts






Cell Phone: ______

Tuition Costs: (The cost of the room is not included in the Tuition cost.)

AAML Fellows $1,495.00

Family Law Lawyers $1,795.00

Make check payable to: AAML, 150 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1420, Chicago, IL 60601. For reservation by credit card: contact Angela Dillingham at (312) 263-6477 or email at:



A waiting list of 10 will be maintained.

Any cancellation prior to March 1, 2017 will receive full refund, less $150.00. No refund for cancellation on or after March 1, 2017.

Hotel Reservations

A block of rooms have been reserved at The Sheraton Commander, located at 16 Garden Street, Cambridge MA. Reservations may be made by calling the Sheraton Commander reservations line at 888-627-7121. For the preferred rates ($279/night plus tax for single), please identify your affiliation with the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) group block.

NOTE: Rooms cancelled after the hotel contract cutoff date of April 3, 2017, will require payment by the registrant.

Schedule of Events

Friday May 5, 2017

11:00 am - 12:00 pm Optional Tour of The Harvard Law School.

Meet at Pound Hall-- 1563 Massachusetts Ave

Very short walk from The Sheraton Commander

Tour Ends at The Harvard Law School Cafeteria

(Lunch is on your own--so this is nice place to grab a quick bite)

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Registration Opens at The Sheraton Commander

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Seminar

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Cocktail Reception (included in registration)

Location: Harvard Law School

7:00 pm Dine Arounds (optional)

Please note that there will be homework in the evening

Dinner at your own costs

Saturday, May 6, 2017

8:00 am - 9:00 am Breakfast (included in registration)

9:00 am - 12:00 pm Seminar

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch (included in registration)

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Seminar